Just a casual reminder

casual reminder that vegans are morally superior

casual reminder there is no justification to how we treat animals in farms

casual reminder that you are a animal abusing hypocrite if you aren't a vegan

casual reminder that we dont need to eat meat to be healthy

casual reminder that a vegan diet is healthier for you

casual reminder than a vegan diet is cheaper

casual reminder that you cant prove me wrong

Attached: incel robot hypocrites.jpg (1104x1095, 303K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I think eating humans should be legal

>Fuck all whyte people they eat all the meat
>Me and my niggas straight vegan and we still mogg crackas

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I really don't care enough to argue.

I have no morality unless it only concerns my own safety and wellbeing.

>that pic.
You're so out of touch with your audience it's hilarious.

cool, so you admit to being a hypocritical whiny fgt who cries like a girl when someone abuses them, yet abuses others when you can

ladies and gentlemen; robtos in 2020

im right tho

most of the fgts in this board are whiny crybabies who cant stop complaining about how immoral it is when others abuse them. and then they turn around and abuse animals 100 times worse

endless hypocrisy!

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but what about the poor planterinos?
you are literally killing and eating them including their progeny
they are living organisms too
how could you be so cruel?

Oh no random person on the internet thinks I'm a hypocrite
How ever am I gonna cope?

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I hate people who drink or eat anything that contains water. They are just destroying the homes of fish. To be a true vegan you need to drink bleach.

>another carbon copy bait thread

plants dont have conciousness and sentience! please post proof that animals are sentient or shut ur ass up!
claims without evidence can be reasonably dismissed without evidence!

heres evidence that animals are actually sentient!

not to mention when you go vegan, a dramatically smaller amount of plants die, also pic related

your move, carnist

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>the guardian

I know this is bait but really?

i do wonder sometimes if the vegan shill is one or multiple people.
"ohoho you don't want to be like the redditors or normies fellow kids wink wink" - pathetic, tedious shilling.

>fell for the plant cruelty bait

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>heh i wasnt being serious the whole time! gotcha!

pathetic, ur a intellectual joke

>nitpicking souces you dont like while casually ignoring the other ones
how facetious can you get

like adhoms and character attacks
i like how you ignored all of my points

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Sure, buying meat is immoral. So is purchasing electronics devices and clothes manufacturered in sweatshops, or pasta, soap, biscuits and the myriad of other products containung palm oil. But I buy those too. If you live in a first world country, you have blood on your hands.

>pathetic, ur a intellectual joke

I'm not the one who made the post about plant cruelty though

>If its manufactured then it has to come from a building
>People make it and they come from buildings
>Those buildings have to inhabit space that was habitation of other animals
>Things will only get worse as the population blooms

Aren't you coping the same way meat eaters are? They say something along `its okay to kill animals, because if you do it painlessly they wont feel a thing`. You say `its okay to kill plants, because they don't have brain and wont feel a thing`.
My point is, life is life. You shouldn't resort to some kind of "is it conscious" question.
On related note. Is eating bugs (aside from the squick factor) ethical for you?

Neat. I don't eat red meat. Only chicken, turkey, fish and shellfish. Mediterranean diet is based.

casual reminder that I close my eyes and seize it

casual reminder that I clench my fists and beat it

casual reminder that I light my torch and burn it

casual reminder that I am the beast I worship

Listen I get it you have an autistic fascination with veganism and animal cruelty, but you're kind of a faggot. I mean, what kind of point are you trying to make by saying a person is a hypocrite for feeling bullied most of their childhood yet doesn't feel remorse for consuming meat products that are manufactured from slaughtered animals? Like how the fuck does that relate to anything? Sure I've seen you on other threads before and read your autistic rants. But even then, when you're trying to make a point that it's hypocritical to not care that you're eating meat that was used from the carcass of an animal that was killed, to a person who feels bad for seeing a kitten get murdered. Are you saying that if you don't care if any kind of animal gets murdered be it a cat, dog or a fucking pig somehow makes you a person whose morally better than a hypocrite?
Please fucking explain because I have a hard time following what you're trying to say.

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your efforts are pointless, he will never give you a reasonable, down to earth explanation. He's literally just putting himself on a moral pedestal.

>I mean, what kind of point are you trying to make by saying a person is a hypocrite for feeling bullied most of their childhood yet doesn't feel remorse for consuming meat products that are manufactured from slaughtered animals?

my point is that animals are sentient and concious. they feel all the emotions you feel. they feel pain, fear, love, hunger, envy, pride, grief, boredom and lust. they dont enjoy being forced into an existence of lifelong virginity, enslavement in confined feeding operations and being killed for your tasty bacon

its IMMORAL to do so. its hypocritical to abuse these animals, if you wouldnt be okay to be abused in the same way, which nobody here obviously wouldnt. my point is that everyone on this board ENDLESSLY complains about how its wrong that females, normies, chads and society abuses them, yet they turn around and abuse animals themselves. im just pointing out the hypocrisy

>Like how the fuck does that relate to anything?
they relate because animals are just as sentient as you are. they dont want to be abused just as much as you are, yet you cry when you are abused, but turn around and pay for animals to be killed for your amusement. for your taste pleasure, when you can be just fine on a vegan diet

>Are you saying that if you don't care if any kind of animal gets murdered be it a cat, dog or a fucking pig somehow makes you a person whose morally better than a hypocrite?
if you dont care about animal suffering, yet care for human suffering, you have a double standard for humans and animals

im just trying to show "robots" here who pay for animals to suffer that they are being massive immoral hypocrites


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>`its okay to kill animals, because if you do it painlessly they wont feel a thing`

but this is objectively wrong. animals do feel a lot of pain and stress when they are castrated, enslaved, forcibly impregnated and sent to the slaughterhouse. they arent THAT stupid, they understand that they are going to be killed, slaughterhouses smell like death

cows cry for their newly born baby for days when they are taken away, and all male cows are killed on their first 3 days of life, because male cows arent financially profitable


plants CANT SUFFER, where as animals can

>life is life
sure, but there is a moral difference between sentient and non-sentient life

are you saying that killing bacteria for fun, and torturing and killing a child for fun are morally the same thing?

>On related note. Is eating bugs (aside from the squick factor) ethical for you?
personally, i dont eat bugs, and i find them disgusting. arguably its immoral, because they have a brain and can maybe? suffer, but insects are the least of my concern

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Is a pig gonna contribute to society?
Thought so.
It may feel pain, but that's not our problem.

A vegan diet while trying to build muscle isn't cheaper unless you wish to eat a few disgusting foods to the extreme. I don't care about morality, I eat to gain strength.

>Is a pig gonna contribute to society?
mentally retarded people cant contribute to society either, does that make it okay to forcibly breed them into existence so we can kill them for fun?

a lot of NEETs dont participate in society either, does that make it moral to enslave and kill them?

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It's virtually impossible to live an ethical lifestyle in the modern world. Join me in my crusade for ecofacism. I want a world with 2 billion people living like we did before the industrial revolution.

>A vegan diet while trying to build muscle isn't cheaper unless you wish to eat a few disgusting foods to the extrem

wrong! tons of vegan foods have enough protein to build muscle. lentils, beans, green split peas, chickpeas, tofu, vegan protein powders, and various isolates, like TVP, are all high in protein, and taste just fine

also vegan imitation meat has decent amounts of protein and it tastes like meat

heres a lifter who lifts anything more than what you can lift, who's vegan


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First of all, it should be morally acceptable to abort a child which is known to have such disabilities.
Second, neets and vegetables can indirectly contribute to society since they still take money to be kept alive, meaning that someone is profiting from them.