Name ONE (1) thing that isn't reddit or trannycore

Name ONE (1) thing that isn't reddit or trannycore

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the smiths. morrisseys political opinions make normies seethe

>the most normiecore "alternative" band in the world isnt reddit

I don't know who you're talking about, so they must be reddit. Since I don't browse reddit I just have to make these assumptions

so why does everyone hate morrissey?

Because hes shit

Actually talking about movie and not just memeing them.

Kino is german so yes
>having civil discussion
Extremely reddit

he manages to make everyone hate him by being a militant vegetarian who bashes the contemporary left and is a nationalist

>civil discussion is reddit
Depends on what board you use. If you go into a thread meant for discussion and start shitting all over it, you ruined a thread.
It's still fucking funny if you do it the right way.

Watching cute slice of life anime with yuri aspects

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agreed and based
never met a redditor who liked sol they all like shounenshit

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Anime is all trannyshit though, at least that's what I heard from a fellow user

As long as it has a good waifu or five I'm good with it
No Game No Life was pretty fun too thanks to Shiro and Jibril and I guess Dolly or whatever
The sol elements are always the best parts of a show anyways though. Characters make the show enjoyable
The trannies I've met like shounen trash that lost popularity years ago. Conversely, even biological females that ive met on here like yuri sol shows but never a tranny

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a fellow user also told me to submit to bbc and get topped on grinder
i dont put much stock in their opinion

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>at least that's what I heard from a fellow user
That user was a homosexual and a retard.

>whole fat milk
>fantasy football
>compound lifts
>reading news articles further than the headline
>libertarian ideals
>abstaining from arguments
I wanted to name more than one hope that's ok with you

Redundant originaly(sosomes)

Well bros we discovered something that's still ours now let's share our favorites with each other mainly cause I dont know that many
>New Game
>Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
>Lucky Star
I cant think of others off the top of my head

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It's ok I guess, your choices aren't that bad either

the family unit
hard work
self responsibility
small towns

the topic is reddit things, not Zig Forums wet dream things

you're a fucking idiot. read the op again.

both are good I would like to add slut shaming and positive masculinity

hidamari sketch is fantastic
azumanga daioh is a classic but its not my favourite. You should watch it though because its important as a show
machikado mazoku was one of the best shows to come out for a while in my opinion
there is also yuru yuri, gabdrop, yuyushiki, kinmoza and more

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So out of all the countless lifestyles humans have ever lived, only one is acceptable? Why?

Because everything else is "degenerate"

>Realizing depression is mainly circumstance based and not a "chemical imbalance in your brain" that needs medication to fix
>Disgust for repetitive memes
>Being a conservative Christian and open about it
>Being a conservative Muslim and open about it
>Not caring about women
>Any emotion other than virtue signaling or dopamine hit.

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>not caring about women
Think about the advertisers user!

Every time I've been to Zig Forums there's been 20 threads about niggers and jews ruining films. Actually talking about movies seems to be reddit.

Nichijou is peak Reddit, they literally never stop posting about it on r/anime.