What are you doing right now

Currently taking a break from reading on ecology and botany.

Making some egg sandwiches, Old South tea and tequila in the veins while parents watches detective series in the living room downstairs. Think it was called Columbo or something.

Living in the woods and 2 lakes, no worries about neighbours or any others during the pandemic. Having a deal with the grocery store in the nearest village that when we honk, he just carry our stuff outside to avoid contact, thanks to paying online.

Still don't feel any satisfaction in the current state. Less about being isolated from the world and more of just joining in on some waiting game. Won't get to work until 1 June at the brewery and studies may be kept online next year as well if this continues. And the moment you're not in constant activity and just slow down for a moment, you start thinking. Then remember past choices, mistakes, embarrassments, regrets and just bad people you can't get rid of from the mind.

Maybe the tequila will take care of this after a while, or it'll backfire and just escalate.

Anyway, what are you up to at this moment, robots and fembots?

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I live out in the country on a lake just got back in from kayaking and fishing waiting to put the dock in for my lontoon, drinking water right now waiting to cook dinner and watching the rain clouds blow over, also haven't been to town in 4 months going tomorrow because apoointments might get a sloppy fast food pizza for fun

Browsing Grindr looking for a trap or twink who wants to get TOPPED. I literally just finished the new Rick and Morty episode and had a bag of Xtra hot cheetos.

Trying to figure out what to have for dinner as I bask in my incoming grades as summer begins. Due to the COVID stuff I'm on unemployment so I actually get to spend a summer not working for the first time in years.

Show us your mom OP, and currently watching Asian hooker porn on the computer and watching Scooby-Doo on the fucking tele

You might be able to lose your cusping virginity as well faggot

>masturbated to Bailey Jay
>cum still on my bellybutton

This is my life guys not making anything up

>What are you doing right now

Just wondering which one of you recommended THIS sHit flavor to me. I know it was a robot. And now I have a whole case to finish. Thanks bro

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How is the HRT going do you have a fem penis yet?

>Buying an entire case

Are you a fucking tard? Lmao meet up with this faggot and get TOPPED

You sound poor. Are you poor, user?

No where near poor, not dumb enough to buy a case of shit I have not tried, if its that bad and you have money buy a new case sperg

You sound like you spend your money like a good little consumer pig

Oh I will. Gay

Oh man, I tried that last month and it was fucking gross.

i made a nice thread where i was talking to myself and some other people came to talk but the janny pruned it
now i would never violate rule 8 and complain about the moderation of Zig Forums in fact i dont know why im mentioning this rule at all
the janny is doing such a great job keeping all the racebait and penis threads up right now its truly impressive

maybe ill sleep

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I'll protect it with my life, ree!

>Thinking I'm on HRT
What crack you smoking?

Drinking beer, listening to music and feeling pretty awful desu

I'm just thinking about some shit

Honestly I'm steadily coming to an understanding why so many hates on the jannies. If this thread doesn't get pruned or archived, feel free to just chat in here for as long it's active.

Kindly don't look out the window though, the bombs may blind your eyes or someone might cough on you even.

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Sounds like a treat, excluding the part about feeling like shit. But honestly, everyone here seems to feel like awful so it' fine.

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I'm very much tired. I live in a poor family and am the only one who is doing higher education. Being confined with them is hard because they dont understand how much work this is and I almost always pick verbal fights with them each day, sometimes it goes severe. I'm tired.

It wouldn't have been good to stay back to my
four square meters apartment as i'm unable to do laundry there, have both toilets and kitchen in common, etc... life sucks rn. I just need money and a place to study.

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your mom nigga


Probably going to go to bed soon even though it's only barely 4 pm here, I've been up for more then 24 hours and my sleep schedule is so fucked that I actually wasn't awake at all yesterday and was out cold for the day, df is wrong with me.

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Drinking beer and listening to music is pretty fun, until you realize all you've done the past decade is drink beer and listen to music and then your only method of being able to deal with such a realization is, you guessed it, drink some beer and listen to music.

Some of us were never meant to make it.

You sound like a hard worker, user. You'll make it through these tough times. I wish I had your discipline.

Though worker but far from being efficient. I'm kind of disorderly and right now i haven't found any place that was suitable for studying/work due to physical constraint, noise. So I'm doing the best I can.

Done the same. Magic trick to drinking beer and music is to not do it solo. And then we're in the first major obstacle, finding someone or more to socialize with, to then genuinely enjoy their company.

You'll make it, we'll all make it.

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Hope so, brother. I'm gonna dedicate this next beer to you and everyone else on Zig Forums in similar predicaments.

haha i dont want to shit up this thread
i doubt you went into mine because i really was talking to myself quite extensively, even if i was also talking to a few other people
hard work is the most important thing i think
most uni students are really lazy (besides chinese ones) so just doing the work will elevate you
although your circumstances may be different to how mine were

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Can share at very least what I hope for. I'd like you to consider getting your own cheap enough apartment or finding someone in need of a roommate the moment such an opportunity arises. Had my time of conflict with my parents related to education, which escalated into that of an intellectual power struggle. Don't do that. The moment I lived in a corridor and just gained some independence, it suddenly changes where you'll either be respected for trying OR steadily freeing yourself from a leeching family that's doing nothing but harm to your mind. I got lucky, bandaging the relation by keeping a slight distance and avoiding certain topics.

Don't be like a plate of steel laying at the bottom of a pond, it'll make you rust and break down quicker than you expect.

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You should go out and join your parents, user. Not only would they probably appreciate you hanging out with them, Colombo is max comfy.

Nothing wrong at all. A lot more than you believe, even fucking normies, sometimes end up staying up over 24 hours. Or in swedish slang, "Dygna". Had to ask a couple why the fuck they'd do it. Turns out there's no such thing as a "normie" or functional human being. At some point, everyone has walked around after midnight in a catatonic state and starts thinking too much.

Drink some warm milk and don't look at a glowing screen for about 30 minutes, you'll pass out in a while.

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yeah, i'm doing my best at least
thanks for the advice, i do already have my cheap apartment though, its just not enough reliable for studying in good conditions.

Like I said, taking a slight break from ecology and botany online studies. Went binging with them last night which actually was a blast. Ended up with us 3 drinking something called Xante, think it was some kind of Cognac & Pear Liqueur combination.

It made my eyes burn from the inside after every sip, it was an amazing experience. Don't overdo it, take them in schnaps-sized glasses.

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