Tfw you take the blackpill

tfw you take the blackpill

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I feel like you guys ruined the blackpill with your emo bullshit.

Literally no one is doing this bro. We're in the middle of a pandemic lockdown. Yeah, I'm sure couples are fucking plenty but most people are just locked up in their rooms and maybe get to hang out with close friends.
Like you posted videos of them at bars and frat houses and KFC. All that shit is closed nigger.

That's not the blackpill, it has much more to do than mindless bullshit that surrounds fucking. You incel niggers are god awful stupid.

i forgot most of you r9kers are autistic and cant even comprehend normie life

notice how every guy on the right is good looking
really makes you wonder

You have such incomprehensible autism that it would take twenty threads to fully explain it to you.

which side is the bad one?

Smoking, fucking, being in a 2 week relationship and frat parties. WOOOOOOOOOH YEAH!

i really dont want to insult you but your are wrong. please explain your point of view though im curious

I don't know pal,I'd like to experience that once in a lifetime, wouldn't you? :(

>born into the world fundamentally incompatible with its social system
It's not fair I just want a chance to be liked for who I am by someone

When you get past 25 you will understand

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do you frequent /wiz/

>People actually want that lifestyle
Ill take a hard pass and enjoy my boat on a lake that I wouldve wasted on a useless partner

Yes but it's been a while since i went there was frequent for a few years tho

This is hilarious. At college I actively tried to be cool by forcing myself into the situations on the right. The truth is somewhere in between fren

If you tried to force yourself, you're already 10000x better than the majority of the losers on this subreddit

because they're fucking tumblr stock photos

normies don't upload that kinda shit

guys just go outside, make friends, b yourself

>frat houses


The incel in that photo has a sweet lamp though

This. Blackpill is rebellion and revolutionary mentality, not depressed bullshit

>If you tried to force yourself, you're already 10000x better than the majority of the losers on this subreddit
Yeah and my friend Norman bullied and laughed at me
>hahaha remember when you aggressively tried to be cool?
Fucking Normans

What site is wiz on?

blackpillers have autism. they are happy just playing computer games. they have no understanding of what loneliness means. literally none of them want a real relationship, just sex sometimes.

Nah they're bickering and trowing each other off balconies because of coronachan shutdown seeth.

wizchan r u serious lad lmao

Being myself is gaining pleasure from your self destruction. It would give me sanity to feel you squirm.

This. I would exchange everything on the right for that sweet ass lamp.

An enemy writing history hmm?

this is a meaningless picture. why would i want a girl with a nosering or a retarded druggie social circle? i'd either have a wholesome life or blackpill, anything else is suicide tier

How is that obvious you low IQ copelet?

>Oh user I feel so awful you can't possibly understand what it's like to be alone and locked away for two months, I miss people, I miss going outside but I have nowhere to go and no one to meet
This is the same people who chastise me and tell me to get over myself if I bring up how the last ten years of my life have been like

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>why would i want a girl with a nosering or a retarded druggie social circle?
I met the girl of my dreams in a druggie circle situation, she had quit weed by the time I met her though but you shouldn't write off all drug users, it's less fundamentally degenerate than BBC and tranny porn which 99% of robots use so really who is winning? My "drug summer" was a good normie memory and I will probably age happier and less regretful with it in the bank.

Considering ordering some mdma and shrooms with bitcoin soon, and maybe microdosing LSD while learning about Chainlink

None of that degenerate shit on the right looks appealing to me