Ate only 700 calories today

>ate only 700 calories today

Feels good

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Fuck i need to lose weight. Tell me your secret.

He just posted his secret.

what did you have? any way you helped with the starvation? cant seem to go under 2000 and platued

>halfway through a giant chipotle burrito bowl
>tum tum is nice and full
diet has been out the window for the last 4 days.

Based. I barely eat anything now, I'm down to 160 pounds from 257 pounds 8 months ago.

I don't feel the need to eat, only get hungry after 5-6 hours but otherwise i don't crave anything and i associate eating with bad behavior, the less i eat the happier i am

I'm looking to not eat much i'm trying to get under 500 calories, i'm still living with my parents so its hard throwing up food of the window/toilet but its working. I can already see my ribcage/side bones but its not enough

please remember not to take this too far, user

have good day/night

would you say the less you eat the less you crave food? Kind of like a snowballing effect

appetite shrinks big time. used to eat over 2000 calories a day, dessert every night and extra helpings at every meal
now i eat one meal a day with maybe a snack
zero calorie monster and coffee

Been eating 1200 calories a day for a few weeks now. Good shit OP, and good luck

guys im a fking twig, how do I gain 50 kilograms?

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>Be me
>Literally starve myself
>Be hungry everyday, every second
>Go to sleep, still craving food
>Look at myself in the mirror
>Still fat
What the fuck, I literally haven't eaten in weeks why is my body like this

you working out too? if you're very sedentary you aren't needing many calories at all

Keep starving sweaty

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you eat. and then you keep eating. and then you eat some more.

Haven't eat a proper meal in 3 weeks, i have been eating rice only with tomato sauce its the only thing i have here im waiting to get money in 3 days God i fucking hate starving, im used to it but i fucking hate

Monitoring this thread to get some inspiration to starve myself. What's your secret you anorexic nitwits? I think I have the bing eeating shit since I can't seem to be able to go more than a week or two without a binge that obliterates any progress I've made.

In a few months maybe i will look skinny, just need to reduce calories imo 700 calorie is already too high i need to go for 500 calorie (i'm not hungry anyway)

Eating bad

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i was always the fat kid because my parents were dysfunctional and neurotic and raised me with an unhealthy view of food
my sister called me fat last year and i've starved myself since
basically find personal motivation
relish in the fact that you're killing yourself to look less shitty
embrace it

I just want to pump and dump women and use better looks for societal benefits. I gotta hypnotize my brain for this shit.

Been doing 900-1000 a day for 3 weeks on keto now, only eat between 11am and 7pm as well since that apparently might be linked to minimizing loose skin. Been feeling completely fine, but I'm almost entirely sedentary aside from leisurely walking the very elderly dog every other day. Can't wait to feel like an actual human again, 15 pounds down, 79 to go.

Kek everyone itt is pathetic

-12000 calories and counting here.


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eat less, exercise more faggot

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Stay a twig, I lost my skinnyness by eating more

MyFitnessPal app

Mentally ill tranny, white male failure

Ate a whole fucking pizza on my own today.
Feels great.

Dr Oetker pizzas are only 800cal

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it's not that hard but you have to commit to it. your body will grow used to fasting as long as you stick to it and you hunger will become less

>ate only 30 calories today

Don't starve yourself, stupid. Your body will think it's an emergency or something and start using things other than stored fat as fuel.
Don't starve, eat responsibly and excersise

BMI and calories are worthless metrics
Just work out you lazy fucks

thats it? you're still a slave to hunger.

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Nah, the one I ate was around 1200 cal.