Chad to incel AMA

Used to be a literal chad
domb bitch doctor

>doctor thinks i have calcium deficiency and prescibes me calcium at age 14-15
> after a few months i start to get extreme pains in the legs from just walking
>think it was growing pains and don't do anything
>legs start to bend outwards and the pain in my legs get extreme
>go to a specialist doctor, actually had way too much calcium
>my doctor had completely fucked up, and i missed out on my growth spurt
>can't walk for more than 20 minutes without incredible pain
>at the age of 20 i am still as tall as a 14yo, little sister is taller than me
>had multiple gfs in one year as 15 and lots of female attention, friends with everyone and well liked
>personality changed from charming, confident extrovert to a introverted shy loser
>try to work thru it, but can't help but think about what life could have been
I can tell you from my personal experience that the blackpill is partly true, people treat me way worse now that am less attractive. My introverted personality was a result of the huge amounts of rejection and ridicule, not the other way around.
I would love to go more into details AMA

Attached: boy-growth.jpg (380x317, 93.7K)

Who is ruder to you men or women?

Sorry, you should seek peace of mind outside of shitholes like the internet.
I've been ugly and short my whole life so I kinda know how it feels.
At least you have a nice face, no?

Same but I never had a growth spurt. I just slowly fall back in the race while losing my humanity.
Now I'm 169cm and look like a suicide bomber

Women try to hide it more and do it behind your back or thru small comments, but i remember getting ridiculed by a group of girls in HS for my odd walking (again my legs are fucked). Men just do it loudly.

Yeah planning to buy some land out in nowhere.
My face is nice i guess, but still get mistaken for a young boy all the time so it can't be that attractive to women my age.
Man i wish i could give you some advice, but i think we are in the same boat here ):

Have you ever used your pretty unique and unassailable perspective to challenge the 'just world' fallacy shite in person and if so, what's the average response?

not sure if "unique and unassailable perspective" was ment as sacastic, but i never blamed it on my own actions only my doctor. My intial response after i had processed my situation at age 16-17 was anger. The rejection and alienation i got from my peers forced me to become more selfaware and "live in my head" which resulted in a kind of acceptence. The acceptence hasn't really changed anything about how people treated me, but i've realized what truly makes man happy and somekind of inner peace without any external forces. The world is just incredibly hostile when you're unattractive, old friends that i used to get along with great won't associate themselves with me, even though i still acted the same around them. Customers often go to me to complain rather than one of the more attractive workers at work. i generally just recieve a lot of shit for no reason. There is no such thing as a just world.

I actually meant it sincerely, I just forgot for one second that this website makes you mistrust compliments haha.

And I meant other peoples' response - as in if you tried to argue the blackpill perspective they're way more likely to take you seriously than the average robot

so thy rejected you just because you were short into adult hood it only took 4 years and friends you had in your teens reject you

as grown adults

wtf dude

People I was not even friends with at school are happy to see me present day and I was introverted as fuck and an odd ball as well. I cant imagine people you were friends with in elementry school rejecting you in the future especially at 18 when you are all grown up.

I find that men do it in a more joking way. Its sucks being the butt of the joke every time but it at least takes the edge off. Women are vicious vipers.

Why did he/she think you were calcium deficient in the first place?

This is what happens when humans go their own way and eat the forbidden fruit

what a shitty analogy. going his own way would've been refusing that medication against the doctor's reccomendation and probably his parents

How tall is that? If it's anything above 5'7 you cant complain.

>The acceptence hasn't really changed anything about how people treated me, but i've realized what truly makes man happy and somekind of inner peace without any external forces.
Expand upon this please

>tfw incredibly lazy and wouldnt have followed doctor's orders just because im terrible at doing what other people tell me to do
how does it feel if you were an /outlaw/ rambunctious "don't tell me what to do" kind of nigger you would be mating pressing bitches on your own two strong feet now?
and is there any cure on that shit like getting stronger legs and stimulating like your pineal gland to grow taller or something? that'd be like my goal in order to get back to my chad life if i were you. what options do you have other than misery? is this the end of the main hero's story?

oh sorry i misunderstood your question. I mostly try to keep to myself on those subjects because people don't actually believe me or are just too ignorant. I remember the cave analogy by Platon, it's just too uncomfortable for people to realize that the world isn't fair and a huge part of your life is predetermined by looks. I told my parents about the blackpill and was told that i just had a shitty attitude and people don't want to talk to a negative person ect. They didn't accept it, but my good friend who always has been an outsider totally agreed with me and noticed this kind of behaviour/mistreatment too. Hope i answered your question (:

no it's more of a subtle rejection, not getting invited to the gatherings of old friends after the first one and ending conversations premarturely, slight teasing. Remember one time i send my text coversation with a girl from tinder to a friend and him sending it to all my other friends to make fun of it. Just slowly they became more hostile and rejecting untill no contact

that pic looks like ayyyy to bigger ayyyy

tfw have a friend who is like 5'4" and the guy gets by all right, well-liked, no problems with stacies. he got hit by scoliosis, do not envy him that. your legs still hurt in adulthood, or are you even shorter than 5'?

i passed out after football practice and had to take some blood tests i guess she looked at it one time and misread something.
External happiness is not true happiness, it is temporary, the only true hapiness is the inner peace you find within yourself. Being forced out of the social sphere ment that the only hapiness i could achieve was inner. I could never be truly happy if i didn't find inner peace even if people treated me the same way as before. Knowing the disgusting behaviour of people, i realized that man can only be happy in some kind of isolation in nature. Here the only struggle is between you and nature and not some kind of syntheized reletionship between other humans.

I barely even care about the being an incel part anymore, just kind of tired of getting shit from people all the time. The worst thing is the pain that hinders me from being a human. i barely feel like a fucking physical being. I think you could get some kind of Forrest Gump metal support thing. Don't know i'll look into it...

>External happiness is not true happiness, it is temporary, the only true hapiness is the inner peace you find within yourself.
This sounds like buddhism, have you read into it?

Lmao really? No actually haven't but it was just something i've realized myself, glad i'm not the only one who got to that conclusion

The truths of buddhism are extremely intuitive to anyone paying attention.

Yeh, Buddhism teaches that attatchment to external things is the root of all suffering because the world constantly changes. Internal peace is the only way through the world

I guess normies just never get the chance to be as selfaware and get the opportunity to experience how real humans behave. They just get the same nice treatment everytime when just being themselves and expect others to recieve the same. When they are faced with people like us they probably conclude that we are doing something wrong/diffrent than them, and therefore our fault. Sometimes i think that those we call robots are more human than normies. Normies kinda operate like robots, with the same fake compliments, same conversations and pleasentries. They are barely even aware in other aspects than the social parts. Not that we are better than them, but i think those we call robots are more aware and therefore more miserable. I guess just a thought

No I didn't mean the kid, I meant Adam and humanity running science experiments on itself. Sorry


The truth of Buddhism being a cope is extremely intuitive to anyone paying attention.

Suffering won't truly be eliminated until the world is repaired

There is a difference between Eden and Hell, don't let any psychotic zen cult convince you otherwise.

struggle and suffering is a part of being human, without it life would be bland. It's like when you've defeated the last boss in (insert name of game her) and gotten all the best weapons you the game suddenly becomes boring as fuck.

I agree with happiness being internal but I disagree with it being unrelated to other humans, we all share the world and are interconnected, and are social creatures. That's why you're posting and sharing

Unfortunately that disagrees with my cosmogony, because I must believe heaven was heaven before 1/3 of the angels rebelled. I want to forget pain, not remember it

That's a great point, maybe you're right, but i think maybe if you are truly happy you don't need other people maybe. Hmmm actually really fucking good point i will need to think about this...

Im like opposite you. In my teens I did nothing in my time but play vidya. easily 7 thousand hours through middle hs and college. now in my 20s I have worked out lost weight and I have made myself attractive.

Women clearly pay attention to me more, but I feel so fucking retarded inside. I had no social normie experiences in my teens and whenever I am in a social situation Im like a deer in headlights.

I dont really know how to improve this part of me because its not like exercise. Exercise and counting calories and wearing nice cloths and cutting hair are easy, aspie friendly things.

But when im talking to people and they are clearly cringing at every word I say I just feel sick with myself and want to hide.