Anyone else feel sorry for Megan?

Anyone else feel sorry for Megan?

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No. She voluntarily humored him so he would buy her shit.

This is one of my favorite cwc images. Megan looks like she wants to die. I feel bad but she was kind of a bitch at points.

I unironically added her on my facebook account and talked to her for a week. She has a pretty shitty life now due to chris desu

She makes weird dolls for a living

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i bet CWC has gotten farther with girls than half of Zig Forums

She seems cool, would watch Sailor Moon with.
He had sex with a prostitute. That's more than I've gotten.

Why doesn't she just leave him? I'm kinda new to cwc

yeah you didn't need to add in that last part when you're asking this question

she cut of him off 12 years ago and he still continually tries to contact her and show up to her house to this day

I live in the UK so any time I search up Meghan all i see is the royals

not particularly no tbdesu

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Why would Megan having guns be a problem if you were just going to stop by and visit? What was he really planning on doing?

She played with crazy. Don't play with crazy.

Oh. I feel bad for her.
i didn't want people to think i'm dumb or something or whatever idkl

How? Does the Cwcki appearing in search results hurt her job prospects?

If true, she could get a restraining order and easily land his ass in prison.

not really, but the megan sage was peak chris chan imo

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saga* dammit

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megan is a whore that secretly wants cwc's dick.
just look at her shirt, she is clearly hinting she wants cwc to kiss her.

Considering she was using Chris to buy Nazi memorabilia; not really

No, she was using him as a paypig before that was even a widespread word. She cut him off using the pretext of his r34 but it was probably actually because she found out he was being cyberbullied by internet kool kids (read: retards). Also, imagine how much worse things would be for her if she had banged him. Finally, from what i gathered she is now a closet neo nazi or WN

>Nazi memorabilia
>she is now a closet neo nazi or WN
Based, I would make her my wife.

nah, she's probably more like a shitty ironic wehraboo from watching animes.

>nah, she's probably more like a shitty ironic wehraboo from watching animes.
Better than nothing.

i bet she fucks those dogs

The R34 of her was the fuse. The bomb was when Chris said he didn't know what he would do to her if he couldn't let his sexual frustrations out.

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That lil wiener dog is so cute. He looks all fat and hungry.

Kinda odd for a friend of a mentally retarded person to be into Nazis.

No she was pretty dumb and autistic herself. Aside from being cute in that picture she didnt seem to have any redeeming qualities

This. She is a huge bitch for continuing to hold a grudge 12 years later.

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>sick fuck stalks you for over a decade despite breaking off contact
>not holding a grudge

He could just use his electric hedgehog powers lmao