With your little sister at the playground

>With your little sister at the playground
>This happens
Wat do?

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this happened a few times with my STEPsister at home. Pretty sure she let it happen but I was too autistic at the time to get the hint.

Tickle her until she falls

take my pocket knife and disembowel her, then feed her innards to the wildlife

Holy shit am finally white!!!!!!!!!!!

Good god i wish i had a sister. Younger or older, wouldn't matter. It sucks not being able to self insert into siscon situations.

If you grew up with her then your brain would have developed a disassociation between her and sexuality. That's why people don't go around on the reg wanting to bone their real siblings. As a fantasy, sure, it's hot. In real life though it's just not there.

thx for making this thread spicy m8

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fine then i wish i had a long lost sister who i reunite with and FUCK HER BRAINS OUT



>she falls and lands on her head
>you hear a loud snap as she crumples into a disheveled pile on the floor
>you have just caused your small, young sister to break her neck and now she is unresponsive
>she may be paralyzed, she may be dead

If it was my little sister then I would be checking the weight limit of those monkey bars real quick.

Also I already seen my sisters saggy tits enough times to know I don't want to see them no more. She don't look at all like op's picture I tell you that much.

no. it happend on accident are you did the right thing to not act on your degenerate thoughts. acting on them would only create chaos and awkwardness in the family. trust me dude, i have a goth thicc gf now

>wat do?
immediately this

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This is why I assume every man who likes small tits is a pedo.

I don't think you know what pedo means.
Just because a guy like something other then fat chicks doesn't mean he should be shamed for having healthy and normal sexual interest in a sexually mature adult.
Fuck off with your bullshit.

All men are either pedo's or liars, young female features (petite, big eyes, soft skin, anime girls IRL basically) are generically attractive

Dunno but my gf does little sister big brother roleplay :3

idk i find them physically attractive but not sexually

>sexual fantasy about your little sister
>woman in picture could easily be underage
>face is hidden on purpose so you can view it that way

Okay projecting pedofag.

Whatever fatass hag.
We all know you are just jelly of actually good looking girls.

Neither of those things but its clear you are a pedo by calling anyone who is over age 10 or 70lbs unattractive.

Lol nope, but you *are* adopted.

>implying you could ever get a good looking girl


Seems like someone is projecting because that was never implied in the post.
You slipping up are revealing a bit too much about yourself while trying to push it off on others.

Same for the most part but that's the case for adults too, except when I'm horny, then I would suck BBC so I'm pretty sure I'd go for pedocest with my little blond cousin
>tfw when she jumps on me and hangs off me and calls me her boyfriend

Lmao this, of any age. Let alone 14 year olds who would scream creep at him and run away giggling hysterically. The robots on here need to remember to stay humble, seeing as they are the most undesirable members of society.

Ew stop replying to me you subhuman pedo

>picture is of someone who is at the very least 18.
>Looks about 100-110 pounds

Yeah, you are a fat bitter hag who has to resort to bullshitting to shame people for not finding your gross hambeast pancake ass attractive.

You are a grown man.
Stop acting like a teenage girl faggot.

Keep coping pedofag. Hope your mother gets raped by a nigger.

Well, you should always make the best of a bad situation.

>implying anyone would care about or want your attention in the first place


>Hope your mother gets raped by a nigger.
Showing how ugly you are both on the inside and out all just because there are dudes who prefer women who aren't fat and ugly like you.

You are projecting again.
That was never implied, just something you cooked up yourself.

I weight less than that girl in pic related, I just find it hilarious how you call other people bitter when your own post is so full of misplaced anger and bitterness. You are clearly a bitter unhappy person and you deserve to be unhappy.