Same exact guy, same exact expression...

Same exact guy, same exact expression, same exact body language but we only say the one on the right "looks confident" meanwhile the guy on the left looks like a creep, pedophile, rapist, kidnapper, stalker, child molester, serial killer, school shooter, , desperate, bitter, entitled, insecure. What's up with that?

Attached: hair is everything2.jpg (700x875, 78.88K)

this is literally not true at all and either one of them could be regarded as a creep based on their behavior/posture/insecurities/social ability

if you can't see it going either way you need to get out more

Hair is cope.

Attached: tom-cruise-bald.jpg (300x299, 10.49K)

You're a dumbass. Neither one looks "confident". The one on the right is more attractive because, shockingly, people like hair. He absolutely does not look suddenly confident though.

Thats not true, the bald one looks normal. He just looks a bit young to be that bald.

if women like hair so much then how come evolution favored baldness?

bruhh they both look fine you fucking retard

Because back then bald men kidnapped and raped women. That's harder to do thanks to advancements in policing and law enforcement.

OP is fuck an insecure little faggot who thinks women care more about your hairstyle than your personality.

Attached: bald badasss.jpg (650x650, 55.63K)

If you think any woman would choose a metrosexual twink over a real man you're delusional, no wonder you're still a virgin.

Attached: bald badass.jpg (195x259, 8.72K)

left looks just as confident, looks more masculine and smarter if you wish to address some positives but people will think he's not as attractive due to being bald. he doesnt have that "creepy pedo stalker w/e" look. you have to be ugly, or the autism must show in your face for you to give off those "weird" vibes regardless if you have hair or not.

That guy looks like he tries too hard

t. Guy who tries too hard

I think male well-being/mental health would vastly improve if height surgery and hair replacement were subsidized.

t. self hating bald man
Both look fine

These guys can only get away with it because they have highly masculine bone structure/facial features. Even with that in mind, they would still look much better with a full head of hair.

Imagine getting expensive cosmetic surgery in your 20s to please some hole LMAO

Attached: france.jpg (750x748, 48.61K)

Stop being a faggot, hair means nothing if you're over 16.

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Yeah you just posted another good example. Give this guy hair and he looks way better.

Worst thing is, you always keep balding and HT never looks natural, especially in wind, sunlight, rain or after wearing any type of headware.

Attached: Villain-Goatee.jpg (480x480, 30.26K)

Meh, he looks about the same to me. Being bald suits some people.

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not in regards to attractiveness, but whenever i see the bald version they look more productive to me, like they just do more shit compared to the hair guy. maybe its cause the hair guy with a beard just makes me think of like a stoner art student or some shit and the bald guy makes me think of a nigga that chops wood and shit

It didn't. Countries where it's genetically prevalent produced America's most privileged immigrants like Spaghetti niggers.
Women would rather fuck a hot guy but they wouldn't rather starve.

It's scientifically proven bald men inspire leadership, confidence and competence.
Op is just a dumb faggot who thinks he'd be a 3/10 instead of a 2 if he still had hair.

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Just shave the guys head clean so he doesn't look like my middle aged uncle you fucking moron

If you're talking about the evolution of baldness its improtant to remember that most bald guys dont bald until their late 20's or 30's. Most people through history would have kids by their early 20's.

>Just shave your head completely bald bro

Attached: justliftbro.jpg (2358x4192, 1.99M)

yeah this is the real problem.

Shave it all off son, don't be a pussy.

Attached: 18e7805292b7632a9f421f5b747224be.jpg (1034x1034, 113.47K)

Its him! The leader of the Paradisers!

Attached: ParadiserGroup.png (1167x650, 1.01M)

Holy hell this dude was dropped or somethin ay

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this guy looks fucking awful


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