Is this a book a good read?

I want to dwell deeper into the philosophy of the blackpill, not that I am an edgy nihilistic cunt which admittedly I am, I just need more information to back up my claims whenever I get into an argument because from what I have seen, the blackpill has changed my life though I have also overdosed on it. Every interaction I ever have or witness of someone else the only thing that comes to my mind is the pill.
>why did she smile and stare him even after he stopped making eye contact
>what made people treat me the way they did throughout life when they never cared to even know me a bit
>why was I judged so harshly when the other guy was accepted without a peep coming out of his mouth?
I just want to know more on how it is OVER.

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Don't get into that garbage. It's a death cult. None of the blackpill dudes is interested in the truth, but in validating their own feelings of despair. Read Stirner instead. Then try to make friends with women without any second intentions, but purely to get to know them. The understanding you'll get about women from that will be enough to wipe out all misogynistic ideas away from you, and you'll live a happier life.

Subhuman detected.

incels dot wiki

If you're so wise, surely you'll have better recommendations.

What does Stirner say? I came to the conclusion that men and women are the same but this incel thing seems to affect men mostly. If female incels were more common than how come nobody talks about it as much as the plight of the male incel?

>What does Stirner say?
He talks about how certain ideas and concepts are used to manipulate individuals into acting contrary to their interests. If you apply his ideas to the context of incels, the conclusion would be to reject the social expectation to get a gf or have sex, and only pursue those things if you truly would derive enjoyment from them.

>this incel thing seems to affect men mostly
It does. Women are able to get sex from men far easier than men are able to do the same. Thus, despite the gradual atomization of society, a woman can avoid inceldom by simply going out clubbing once and picking a random guy there to fuck. Her probability of success is high. A guy would need to do this multiple times to get lucky, thus there is a higher tendency for men not to do it than there is for women not to do it.

Also, the self-identified femcels don't have problems with getting sex. While the male incel's issues derive from not being able to fulfill the male societal expectation of obtaining sex from women, the femcel's issues derive from not being able to obtain an adequate amount of male sexual interest in her. A lot of femcels graduate into makeup chicks, and keep their former insecurities. Just check their subreddit, they barely talk about not being able to get sex, and constantly about how their stacy friends get way more male attention. If anything, they openly admit they can get sex, if they want, and that that's not their problem.

>try to make friends with women without any second intentions, but purely to get to know them
Why the fuck would any man do that? Also it's not possible

If you're not co-dependent on women, drugs and alcohol. Then you've improved automatically. .

Shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear you bitch about women they're really not worth getting so mad about.

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Better question. Why the fuck should they?

Nah. People like you are.

i read stirner and all it did was turn my political views into pro anything that'll get me NEETbux

A man would do that in search of understanding women. Better to know them yourself than to trust the words of PUAs and other liars who want to manipulate you into giving them your money.

You can do this by assuming as a certain truth that no woman will ever love you. That way, you cannot get attached to the girl you are talking to, because every time you start to feel it, you'll remember she would never love you back, and that, therefore, there is no point to it. Your only goal should be getting to know and understand her, like you are trying to solve a puzzle or something like that.

I consider this a success.

Black pill is fucking retarded and is the ultimate cope philosophy. It's all just "people will always be better off than me so why even try".

Why do you think they're wrong about their assertions?

>try to make friends with women without any second intentions, but purely to get to know them
I have. They're boring, vapid, and annoying as fuck. Was a massive waste of time. Still misogynistic.

Because life simply doesn't reflect half the shit they're saying.

What the fuck makes you think that a woman would want to be my friend? That shit would be even harder than trying to hook up with them.

On your terms it doesn't. Talking about cope. STOP SUGGESTING MEN HAVE TO DO THINGS FOR WHORES YOU RADFEM FUCK!

Only solution - plastic surgeries.
Money and status can help too.

I believe you, but notice that most men are the same way. You just know how to distinguish the men you can get along with, and the men you cannot. What you've done is already progress, but only if you continue to do it, and now with women who don't have interests and personalities you personally dislike. This way, your idea of women will be neither too negative nor too positive, but more complete.

If you fail at this you lose literally nothing, and even stand to gain some knowledge. The goal isn't to try to get them to like you, but to understand them. If they do end up liking you, all the better, but that's not what you're looking for. If you are, you are falling into the same mistake most incels make: seeing women as targets, or means to an end. When you try to understand a woman, this will not be interpreted as you using her as a means, but you seeing her as an end. Women tend to reject men if they detect that they are only seen as a means to an end by them (unless they are just looking to hook up. In that case it's fine).

That is how i see women you're right about that. But how the fuck could i not?

An incel befriending a girl is not necessarily going to get the real truth from her. Women will change their narrative slightly depending on how acceptable the truth really is. I tend to have honest, candid conversations with women, because they know I'm not judgemental and they know I'm sex positive (because they assume I fuck). The virgin is probably going to be weird about any sexual/romantic topic so she will feel compelled to sugarcoat so she doesn't get judged negatively.

You are so dumb. You probably think what you posted was smart don't you? Just fuck off dickhead.

Initially, you have to do it through completely cutting out all notion that you can ever get a girlfriend, or that any woman would ever love you. You have to be very thorough about it, and be at peace with it (that's what reading Stirner is for). If it helps, you can imagine relationships and sex as things that only normies have, and that don't exist in your life, because you are not like them on a fundamental level. That way, you'll never become interested in a girl. There would simply be no point.

After a while of doing the exercise of talking to women just to get to know and understand them, you'll eventually start meeting women you actually like talking to. This will give you standards, and will allow you to no longer see all women as targets, even if you let go of the notion that you'll never get a girlfriend.

At least that's how it worked for me. It's possible that it might be different for others, but I would still advise you to try it, or to adapt this into something that works for you.

>women who don't have interests and personalities you personally dislike
These don't exist. They all have basically the same weak and annoying personality, and none of them have interests between vapid normalfag nonsense.

Observe how the blackpiller lashes out in anger when presented with real world experience. He has none to refute it with so he just yells incoherently.

Possibly, but she doesn't need to be truthful about everything in order for user to understand her. After a while, he will be able to tell when she's acting strange, and will know when she's lying or sugarcoating.

Factually, you are wrong, but I understand the frustration. Women do rarely leave the mainstream, and when they do it's because a trusted male figure brought them there. You don't have to find women who share your exact super niche interests. You just have to find women who share similar interests, or the closest normie thing them. Then you can introduce her to some of your stuff. If they are, indeed, complete normies, you should ideally avoid them after establishing this. Getting to know them will probably not be a positive experience, and you can save time.

>It's a death cult. None of the blackpill dudes is interested in the truth, but in validating their own feelings of despair.
This is an interesting point. Has anyone actually attained a better happier life from taking the blackpill?

confirmation bias is real. every blackpill myth is proven wrong by basic statistics. unless you accept that 80% of the male population is attractive, then blackpill is just a meme.

I dont think incels are created purely from social expectations, they believe it's what they want and maybe they are right?
>western women claim they are oppressed in any way
lmao, i wonder what caused this behaviour

the point of blackpill is to make your life worse, retard. this is the philosophy that blackpillers have:

>if i suffer more by being alone and lazy then i will be denying society what they want from me

you think models and actors/actresses don't realize they are attractive? they know, they just tell happy little fictions to avoid the reality

>the point of blackpill is to make your life worse, retard
calm down user, it was a rhetorical question.

Men generally have more sexual partners than women their age. Female virginity rates are lower usually but only 1-2%

Masculine men have no trouble finding sex, and men actually can buy sex much easier.

Cognitive dissonance is rotting your brain.

>Possibly, but she doesn't need to be truthful about everything in order for user to understand her. After a while, he will be able to tell when she's acting strange, and will know when she's lying or sugarcoating.

We're talking about sexual strategy here. She's going to be lying about he fundamental thing we're discussing most of the time. He doesn't have the intuition to know an obvious lie and she is extremely experienced in making herself look better than she is. It would have to be a real friend who is willing to educate the incel for his sake and isn't too much of a pussy to be honest. That's a hard thing to come by. I could be wrong though. Maybe if the incel is really good at pretending he isn't judgemental (most of them are) and is cool about sex she may open up to him honestly.

most actors are fairly average looking. reality favors anyone with talent.

if you think the typical actor is average looking you are mentally retarded

You don't even like blackpill retard

Stop talking out of your ass.

I have a lot of dissonances. You have to be specific here.

im pretty sure everyone in these blackpill threads arguing against it are women

not an argument. you've been brainwashed to consume.

yes, the typical actor is average looking. in fact most of the guy actors are manlets. it's an interesting trend.

are you the guy who thinks all white males are 10/10?