Robots what is your dream job?

Robots what is your dream job?

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I don't have one
nothing makes me happy, especially not work

You never had a childhood dream of being a police officer or firefighter?

Being a composer. I already live my dream job but there's no money involved in it. I hold onto faith that I am doing the right thing though.

I did, I wanted to be a farmer
that dream died a long time ago though, and I'd never want to do that now

Something simple, like putting stickers on packaged chicken containers or something.

aww what happen?

Literally anything where I'm left alone. Dealing with strangers makes everything 10x more stressful than it needs to be.
There's guys that their only duty is to live in big motels and repair any machinery when it fails (ice machines, coffee makers, vending machines, pool pumps) otherwise they just chill at the fancy hotel. I'd do that.

nothing specific happened. I just didn't really understand what work really was when I a child and when I grew up I realized that I wouldn't enjoy being a farmer at all. I thought being a farmer just meant I got to drive tractors around wherever I wanted because I was a stupid kid. I was like 7 years old when I realized I didn't want to do that, and I haven't had dream job since

Hardware engineer GPU-related. My fantasy (now impossible) job would have been an engineer working for a company like SGI when mass-production 3d graphics were just being fleshed out. Those guys were part of something great.

I wanted to make music growing up but the life of a wagecuck sort of drained me of it. I can't be fucked to even make words rhyme anymore. I still have years, literal years, all the way back to 2005, worth of songs I've written all on different devices and notebooks.

Industrial Design
This also seems pretty nice

Any job becomes a drag eventually, because you are obliged to do it. I never had a "dream job" as a kid and I certainly don't now.

Probably something like monster slayer.

More realistically somehow get payed as a martial artist, probably as a instructor/trainer.

lexi NO! shes absorbing too much melanin

Some sort of academic mathematician.

I dont have one.
Im happy with my job, and I dont aspire for much more than what I do (even if I would love to earn more of course, but who doesnt?).

Being a artist that made stuff like graphic novals or a jet setting writer that worked around the world, only needing a laptop and a internet connection to do his work.

But as far as actually doing it I don't enjoy writing or the process of making art at all. So it is something I would never do even if I was able, which I am not, making it in a sense a dream job. Because it is one that I sometimes daydream about.

Pretty much already have it, I'm basically a sex therapist.

wtf bro, being a farmer is cool af. You get to do some physical work, but not that much.

As far as easily attainable jobs go, I have the only one I'd want. I work as a bartender at a relatively successful pub where I get to slang beers I genuinely like and want to support, talk to people and tourists, and I enjoy all of my co-workers and we usually hang out aside of work. I feel lucky.

As for dream job that's not as easily attainable, I'd like to just write for a sitcom. I don't even care if it sucks and they rarely use my jokes, just to have the ability to be able to work in a writers room where the finished product is actually watched by people.

I wanted to be a game dev but I have 0 artistic or programming talent

Senator. It's not the power that interests me either, I'm just a boring person who enjoys reading legislation and is fascinated by public policy. My more realistic job though is doctor though I haven't had the chance to take the MCAT yet.

Damn Lady Gaga got a tan.

If I had the strength I would be a professional mma fighter or something like that. I'd just dump my rage on my opponents every time.

Something in academia, tenured and acquiring more knowledge or just financially secure and no job so I can dedicate myself to that.

She's absorbing the melanin through osmosis.

Writer or Detective. I like analyzing and putting my analysis of something down on paper then coming to my own conclusions about a situation. Both of these jobs fit the role.

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Profession creampie cleanup boi for BLACKED

Unironically I want to be like Joe Rogan, total bro mma blackbelt comedian all your friends are funny and you hangout and interview people on a podcast. If I could just do that but also he like a DJ too that would be the best job, if I couldn't be me (which is fucking awesome l) I would want to be JRE. Or I want to be a master composer like Mozart

>be manga artist
>have cute and bubbly editor with a hidden sadistic side
>if too close to deadline she'll come over and literally whip me until i work
>the punishment for missing a deadline could be anything from getting kicked in the balls really hard to being made to lay on sandpaper and masturbate with a garden glove while she kicks and stomps on me
>a reward might be something like 30 minutes of cuddling, a home-cooked meal, maybe a gloved reach-around handjob and a kiss on the cheek if she's in a good mood


>"Okay he made the deadline let's see what he's got..."
i hate that you got trips lol you faggot

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>"Nani kore? This looks like shit..."

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I want to farm, but it will never happen because land is prohibitively expensive and not terribly profitable to do unless you've got machinery which is also extremely expensive.

Being a very wealthy person's child seems like a great job. You can just get $10,000,000 and have a hedge fund manager multiply your money for you.

>"Ah user-sensei? Hi, yes. I need you to come to the office immediately to discuss the manuscript you just gave me."
>"Yes, hayaku."

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>one 10-minute train ride and a 4-minute walk later

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I want to live off NEETbux tbqh ngl