How do you cope with a sister's sexuality?

How do you cope with a sister's sexuality?
My little sister used to be the most precious thing in the world
Pretty much the only person I ever loved or cared about
Now she's 20 and even as a pretty moral girl, I know she's probably having sex
How am I supposed to stomach the thought of men using her like that?
Of someone so sweet growing up to be used for men's pleasure?

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why do you care so much about your sisters sexuality? thats pretty fucked up OP

I just want to protect her from being used

She used to be mine, I was supposed to be her first fuck you

you wouldn't understand

I'll fuck her for you, promise I'll be real sweet to your precious little sis and gentle with her young little pussy hole

more like from being used by someone else... then use her yourself, fag, or just let people enjoy her if that's what she wants her sexuality should be none of your concern while it;s totally understandable the dissonance you get when you as an older sibling failed at your basic function (reproduction) and seing you sister do better just reminds you how miserable you are...SO for fuck's sake GET A FUCKING LIFE RETARD!

I don't want her to be an object to be enjoyed
I want her to be treated like a human being

I ignore my sisters sexuality, just like all of my relatives. Even the ones with kids, as far as I know, they were inseminated by a turkey baster. Stop being a creep op.

Because I love her, and I know she is smart enough to make her own decisions.

Even if that probably involves getting fucked by Chad, that doesnt change the fact she is a great person or my feelings for her.

I wish it was that easy

If she's getting fucked by Chad, how can you say she's smart enough to make her own decisions?

Nobody likes you shut up.

If she thinks having casual sex is the best for her, so be it.
She is smart, one of the smartest young woman I know, so I know she is not getting tricked into doing it. Its her free will.

> b-but pumped and dump
And Im a virgin shitposting in an anime forum, what the hell I can judge her for.
At least I know she is a decent human being, more than I can say for most people I know.

It's not about judging her
It's about keeping her from being hurt by something like that

that;s exactly what I was saying you kissless virgin, let her alone and get a life, you can't have opinion on someone's sexuality if you lack it yourself, retard

Then make sure she only does it with you for now on to give you some peace of mind :3

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I would suggest you just to watch for potential threats like some sick fucks that could abuse her physically or just slit her throat while she cooms or whatever, you never know

Just be trannies because it hurts to think you two were born male.

If you love and respect her, you know you cant make decisions for her, she has to pick for herself, even if you disagree with some of them.
You have to let her become the adult she wants to be, just support her and give her advice when she asks for it.

How about you go fuck yourself Justin Trudeau you waste of human life hmm?

Sure. I know I can't do anything to stop it
That's part of the problem
I just want to protect her and I know I can't

You can shut the fuck up and all.

She's just doing what she was born to do. Get pumped and eventually have baby.

find her a good man that wouldn't do anything degenerate, or you marry her yourself.

if you want to suck my dick , you could just ask for it user , no need for me to become a tranny so you could feel a bit more manly while still being a fucking dicksucking fag , cause you'll never know what's to be a man anyway

you're supposed to have sex with her retard

I understand how you feel OP.
My sister is in the process of being pumped and dumped.
I've been trying to distance myself from my family, and that includes my sister. I know she's going down a bad path, but I have no authority over her and I can do nothing to save her. And as such, It is much better to simply sever all connection to her. That's life, you gotta accept it and move on. I have no interest in caring about people who are destroying themselves. Why should I helplessly watch such a thing unfold? I prefer to simply leave.
Best of luck to you, OP. Hope you can remove the connection you have to your sister. Just don't think about her; pretend she doesn't exist.

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STFU , you, based degenerate! grown up people are having a conversation here

You literally said you were a virgin.

What are you gonna do numale? Project harder bitch.

I don't even care if my sister gets laid. I get laid. Sometimes I hear her. Sometimes she hears me.
High five.

are you Alex Jones ? cause you are pretty retarded, and seeing unreal hings too