How do I kill myself without a firearm, a noose, or prescription drugs

How do I kill myself without a firearm, a noose, or prescription drugs

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Car into tree at over 150km/h should do it if it's an older car, 200km/h to be safe in a newer one.

Off, off with your head
Dance, dance 'til you're dead (dead)
Heads will roll
Heads will roll
Heads will roll
On the floor

Looking glass
Take the past
Shut your eyes
Mirror lies

Looking glass
Take the past
Shut your eyes
Mirror lies

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build a guillotine and ask someone to cut the rope

Kill yourself by steadily improving yourself until you die of old age

what's wrong with a noose?
so many plus sides
it's cheap
it's clean

if he had the rope for it he would just tie a noose retard


Why can't you buy some rope?? It's not hard to get hold of.

I don't have a place to hang it

Find a tree, probably I'll have to do as I have same problem with nowhere in my house to do it.

If you're having issues imagining how to kill yourself you'll probably fuck up whatever method you pick and be stuck worse off than before wishing you actually succeeded.

Idk, cigarettes?

Do any anons know about water poisoning? Is it a reliable method?

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This. If you can't do something as easy as hang yourself, you won't be able to do anything successful enough to kill yourself.

Also just don't kill yourself, bro. Just be happy you idiot.

Buy some wood and build yourself a nice little hanging house. Then come to the realization that building stuff is fun and decide not to kill yourself.

A helium tank, some tubing, and a heavy duty plastic bag will do the trick.

>Heavy duty plastic bag
>To contain a gas at slightly above atmospheric pressure

My reasoning is that you don't want to accidentally tear a hole in it. Anything higher quality than an old grocery bag would suffice.

if you are down to die do something cool like ride a great white shark or even fuck the shark on facebook live

You are already dying, why you want to rush the inevitable?
You're still alive. If your life has no meaning, just live. Maybe one day you will find it, until then just ride and try to enjoy it.

You buy a mask made to administer gases into the human body you goof.

>How do I kill myself without a firearm
Cherry stones have cyanide in them eating enough will do it

you'd have to eat about 30 to 50 and ingesting cyanide is one of the worst imaginable ways to die but sure
this would work, technically

maybe he is scared of hanging

How easy is it to die from starvation? Can people legally force you to eat in the US?

>Shall I tell thee how to kill thyself?
>Thou art so worthless and so desperate.
>To do the world a favor, let me count the ways,
>to bless your soul and end your fate.
>Splattering pavement from high can end your time.
>Or perhaps the police, if your complexion is dimmed.
>A fair ride in China, a swift decline
>Or by chance, a river, if you are unable to swim
>A fiery crash, if your brakes are delayed
>The steel of a train would sure hurt the most
>An insane ex-girlfriend might makeup with blade
>And a kindled abode may cause you to roast
> And if you don't record and post, for all to see
> You are a faggot; to them and to me

Literally impossible to commit suicide this way. Would be too painful

>how I kill myself without killing myself

Go to sleep with a plastic bag wrapped around your head.

I'm somewhat of a well researched individual. Im thinking gas (co or helium), or just traintracks bruv