Does anyone else like to pretend that they are egirls?

I was pretending to be kasper at a carnival. I would of woken up at 7am (quite early for me) in order to get ready for my boyfriend to pick me up. (we'd be 17 and in hs).I would use my special irish spring soap on my face,using my pink facial brush which i got with my dad while shopping at this japanese dollar store in the city. id use a foofa brush for the rest of my body, making sure not to push down too hard as those things can be a bit make sure the backside of my mouse ears were nice and clean. (id only use the irishspring soap for my face, and then the rest of my body and such i'd use my mom's dove soap which she lets me use. after drying off id spend a bit of time picking out an outfit, id call a friend on discord and even video chat with her while I was nude, but since she was my girlfriend (in a non sexual way,in the way girls call their besties their girlfriends) both of us would be used to seeing each other nude. shed help me pick an outfit, id eventually settle on a jean jacket over a one of those pretty thick shirts with a slight v neck and face buttons, which would just be thin enough that if you looked close enough, you could just see my white bra. my bra wouldnt be embrodered,just a normal nice one, for this nice day out. id wear slavic adias long pants, and either doc martens or canvass, probably canvass because wearing black heavy shoes would not work with my lighter more lofi look, plus id want to make my boyfriend feel superior in a sense to me, so a pair of doc martens might do him in;in the same way you let boys win in tik tak toe, even though you could beat them, you do it for their egos; make them feel good about themselves. my boyfriend would show up around 8:15 to pick me up, he'd have to drive extra cause i live a bit out in the boonies, on the family farm (my bf isnt related to me btw) -i would only have 1 package of cinimin oatmeal for breakfast,rather than 2, because id want to eat alot at the carnival that he'd be taking me to

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Lurkers and zoomers, take note. Is this the kind of poster you want to be? Is this a kind of discussion you would like to see more of? Do you think e-celebs or e-thots are healthy, or topical? Being repulsed by this kind of thing comes naturally but it would be as foolish to respond to an e-celeb or e-thot thread as it would be to encourage it (both of which being essentially the same thing). This is a public service announcement.

no, i am a man of taste. i like to pretend i am marc lindon.

>Lurkers and zoomers, take note. Is this the kind of poster you want to be? Is this a kind of discussion you would like to see more of?
honestly, yes to both. I know OP is probably a mentally ill simp, but its fucking hilarious.

he'd only drive with one hand because we'd want to hold hands while he drived. id also sometimes rub his thigh for fun. it would be a sunny day, but the music we'd listen to would be from my playlist, stuff like "freddie dredd - meta vita" and "netherrealm (ft shy)" by shinigami; some dark edgy load music to rock our heads to and drown out us shouting the n word while we drove a little bit too fast. id get him to slow down on curves though, as im not completely stupid. on our way to the carnival we'd stop the car on the side of the road (which would have no traffice on it, a very private and seculed farm-type road, not some main motor way right, but the road would be required to ride on in order for us to get to the carnival, and we'd kiss and stuff - nothing sexual though; he wouldnt even try it, for he'd know if he acted out of line that would mean no kisses as well. we'd see a little girl selling lemonade by her house and wed go get 2 glasses and id put the little girl on my shoulders and let her pretend to be an airplane while i "flew" her around.

God your autism is so fucking entertaining please never change

>he'd only drive with one hand because we'd want to hold hands while he drived
He'd lean in to kiss you and he'd accidentally swerve into oncoming traffic gruesomely killing you both. The responding police officer goes home and uses his service revolver to kill himself because he legitimately can't take it anymore.

imagine having to suppress your violent urge to cuddle her while you attempt to keep this big machine on the road and keep both of you safe

More plz

I larp as a fembot here just too then ghost or harass robots stupid inoff to believe Im actually a femoid.

my boyfriend (whos name would be micheal) (one of my favourite songs to listen to would be "me an micheal" by MGMT, it would make me think of him. id listen to it while touching myself to the thought of him late at night, or under the small ceder trees in the lower feild of the farm - while jerking off to him id probably imagine us going on a hobbit-type journey in the lord of the rings world, i like what kissing is; what it represents, what it is - so id flick the old hienz' to me and him kissing, and me making him a big hobbit breakfest while he smoked the smoke next to the river. we wouldnt actually be hobits though, as hobbits are gross) - but micheal would ask me about some of the girls at school (hed be really out of the loop, its a suprise he is even dating me - a pretty popular girl, when all he knows are guys). hed have a friend called patrick who'd need a date. so hed be asking me who patrick should try to ask out, and if i could "pull a him possible" and do him a solid. id respond, in a slightly bitchy way, with the chipper of my voice raised, that if he wants a date maybe he should first "get a fucking name change" because patrick is about as ugly of a name as gavin, kieth, or exaveier. my boyfriend would ask if this girl called "tahlia" would be a good one for him to ask out - id bring both my hands to my face to stop all the lemonade from shotting out my mouth; i couldnt contain myself, spewing out my lemondate like your dad would his coffee if he found out i was pregnate - "DATE HER!?>!?!@?" - "pass the pipe, eh?" - EVERYone, and i mean EVERYGIRL at school hates her id explain, that bitch is only second to sunny; unless gavin or whatever your friend is called wants his dick cut off, and the cops knocking on his door due to assosication of suicide, he might want to reconsider his options. He wouldnt even know the catholic sterotype;you'd think this boy was living under a rock, everybody knows that catholic girls are whores, I think Kant even wrote that

id explain to micheal, "FOR. THE. LAST. TIME." that this tahlia girl is just a bunch of nonsense, and if exavier wants a good gf, there is this absolutely cutie paatootie called audrey (also known as audrey the aubby, the aubwey, or audrey) (BAA) that is single and ready too mingle; but gavin better know a thing or two about panzers and know how to spell messerschmitt without looking it up, or else he'll be up shit's chreak with no paddle. micheal would try to continue talking but i'd exclaim "FOXTROT" and he'd stop. we'd get to the waterpark (cause screw the carnival, carnivals are a bit too "trad" and we'd be slightly horny, thus, getting "naked" in our swimming suits would be more approriate. hed wear the nice pair of blue swim trunks with white seashell type jellyfish: very spongebob-sex, with those "sea flowers" which lowkey look like figet spinners - i bought him that pair a while ago so id be happy to see him wearing it, for id know when he put that pair on he was thinking of me; id rap my arms around him and kiss him on the cheek, one of those "b IG'G OL'I GRAN'MA' KISS'ES", BUTTTT, he'd enjoy it cause im not his grandmother, im his girlfriend! so he'd like it. while i was wraping my arms around him and stuff he'd pick me up and id wrap my legs around him. after kissing me on the lips and giving me an eskimo kiss he'd sling me over his back like a bag of chicken feed, slap my butt, once, and then carry me to the water park entrence. hed be feeling confident after the affection i just showed him, so he'd have the mojo to not even put me down, and go see the ticket person with me still over his shoulder; only putting me down when we were actually in the water park. when he'd order my ticket it would be like him ordering a meal for me at mcdonalds or at any resturant; he wouldn't even have to ask me what i wanted, or when the waiter would ask he'd answer for me, very dom and thus, very good. good boy. good boy micheal. (GBM). alpha micheal (AM).

youd have to pull over and fuck her.

very wholesome thread for a wholesome whore like kasper

OP you are mentally ill please seek help, this is the same as being a tranny

bro I like the e-whore drama threads, I must respond to them
I don't orbit the harlots at all though, and love to laugh at simps. Crazy fucks like the OP make the board more interesting to me

>I don't orbit the harlots at all though,
so you only orbit audrey then?

kasper is very cute! shame what happened, ja

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bitch has some amazing thighs

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Tahlia isnt a harlot...

HNNNGGG i want to fuck her thighs and creampie them. i want them all to myself holy moley she is a cute.

Tahlia is a harlot like the others lol

How? No:
>sex partners
>past bfs

that she is user, that she is. having sex in that room of hers would be alot of fun, doesnt look like the bed would squeek either. just rawdog cum in her then kiss her a bunch. just spend 10 minutes grooping the hell out of her, then cum in her hot chocolate and have her drink it

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I remembered that "then she titted downstairs" meme from reading this crap.

She has had plenty of past e-bfs
Also she's a complete bitch in heat, I remember seeing tweets of hers floating around (from before she was with the current guy) where she claimed she wanted to get fucked by two fat dudes at the same time (must be a fetish or smth). And she had posts on obsessing with sex (not to mention, she was banned from the forum for BBC spamming)
Also, she probably has nudes, since her e-bf saw her hymen and was talking about it online. When they break up he'll leak them most likely kek

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Show the Tweets then asshole

oh my god imagine how much that room smells like pure estrogen

i want to hold her face into that pillow and cum fucking her thighs and then secretly rub my cum all over her laptop and headset so she touches me in essence every day when im not there i just want to be with her forever omg

Hey bro don't call me an asshole, that's mean
Stop simping for e-girls
And I clearly saw the tweet, someone even took a screenshot and posted it to Zig Forums. But that was on an older account of hers, probably is deleted by now. Believe what you want, I guess. Maybe some user still has a screenshot and can post it here
If I wanted to create lies I could just say she isn't a virgin, has been fucked by lots of guys, etc., but I don't like lying

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>And she had posts on obsessing with sex (not to mention, she was banned from the forum for BBC spamming)
She did that under the malign influence of her Svengali-esque "husband". Such a good influence he's been.

she has very girlie rooms. she looks like she likes her men to wear axe

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Are her parents divorced or something? Thats two different rooms

she also has this room as well, which is her "main" room i think. i did hear her parents were divorced, but maybe one is her sisters room or something.

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I dont do this but back when there were all those "rate Discord user" threads my friend used to post about me and make me out to be an egirl
For the record I'm a straight male and dont generally add people from here much, so there was no truth to it, but it was funny every time I'd see the posts

i wish i was that dreamcatcher so i could watch her get dressed dance around her room to stupid music and occasionally get on all fours and pretend to have a black boyfriend who had a mickey mouse fetish

>no screenshots
Disregarded as slander lol

the tweets don't exist, she started her twitter while she was with brendio as well

I wish she really was, then I wouldn't be so depressed about her situation.

Tahlia is an antisemetic bitch