
wUmPaGrInD Edition.

Part 2.

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We've got Seethie aircraft inbound! They're heading straight for Britfeel Towers, get on the flak ye frens!

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Thanks fella. Missus has finally fallen asleep so I can stick the sopranos on made up. Time to do my 50th bong hit of the day.

You think all the couples meeting up in secret now having sex will have deformed kids as a consequences for ignoring lockdown and social distancing?

As soon as air travel restarts, I'm booking a flight to Shetland

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Unless theyre related no lad. Tbh what I wanna see most out of this lockdown is burgers shooting up with bleach and having massive fits and videoing the whole ordeal

We can only hope lad, we can only hope

think we should do a /britfeel/ wide vote for the /britfeel/ official waifu

*starts huffing glue in a corner of the thread*

Is glue coming back again lad? Might abuse some solvents meself, who has the anti freeze?

Question lads, where it says there are 6 posters here atm does it mean at this very moment 6 people are on the page or does it mean 6 people overall have posted here?

>hello user lad welcome to the party where is your gf?

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6 unique IP addresses have made a post in the thread lad.

Yeah I felt like avoiding her would be for the best. Don't mind getting the crack with her tho.

13 posts, 8 ips
Who has already made multiple posts this thread

How are you seeing the IP addresses lad? I really need my own laptop..

its you pal.

Hes just referring to number of unique posters in the thread lad, cant see individual ips

I shagged an older lass once. 7 months later I saw her in a Facebook post where she was visibly pregnant. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't mine, even showing me paperwork showing the date of estimated conception

Woke up 2 hours ago, crawled out of bed half an hour ago, now eating a sandwich for breakfast, very comfy desu.

That's my ip address, internet connection is very slow here

i live amongst the creatures of the night

Is there a reason your doing this lad? Seen you posting similar stuff the last few nights, are you going fully nocturnal or just lost control of your life?

I can't remember posting anything like that, but then again I post so much I forget what I did post half the time, I did post about having din dins at 8am a few times though. I'm actually a night worker, but I have no control over my sleeping pattern despite doing it for years.

Also do you lads call it worcester or worcestershire sauce? for me its the former.

>on a keto diet
>fucking starving

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Has SCEA been seen lately? Wonder if he's on the streets by now

What's with liberal women and race-mixing or being lesbians? This is especially noticeable in teachers.

Just got off the phone to Ryan. It's really not looking good, he was in fucking tears on the phone. That polish housemate? Knocked three of his front teeth out he did, the poor lad was lisping and bawling his eyes out to me. Says he's in a field somewhere, he's too scared to return to the streets lest the nonce hunters spot him again. Really hope Greg will come and save him but it doesn't seem likely.

Women are liberal because theres no strong men in their life.
My gf was quite liberal when I got with her but now she has disdain for this 100 gender tranny welfare state business.

Truly lad you need to ask yourself: why do you actually care what another person chooses to do with their privates?

We've gone from Pete to Ryan now have we? Enough with the larps

Must be another lad who has a fucked sleeping schedule too. Ive had a taste of night work, mostly enjoyed it, lots of silence and me time.
I call it Worcester myself, adding the shire seems unnecessary

>Coronavirus as a haircut

What did she mean by this?


Mental innit lid. To think someone is so devoid of a personality or any genuinely interesting traits that they get all uppity about what someone else does with their body

Could ask big bazza the same question

Something weird happened earlier lads, possible glitch in the matrix, a shared delusion?
Wash in the bathroom brushing my teeth and very clearly heard a harp being played but coming from another room, I just assumed my missus was watching a video or some shit. Came back through to the living room and asked her what she was watching, she says she heard it too and thought it was me in my phone. Neither one of us can figure out where the sound came from.

Only me lad, just giving you a tinkle to keep your spirits up what with all this virus business. Don't worry, I had a mask on. Hope you liked it anyway, would love if you left me some tinned ravioli and some Rizlas out, I'll come and get them when you're asleep. Sooner's better than later though, getting a bit peckish and I'm getting pins and needles.

sorry lad that was me haha

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