what is your motivation
What is your motivation
Other urls found in this thread:
I just want a gf
I just want to be big and strong
I go to the gym because it's fun
I have body dysmorphia
I want to fight my girlfriends dad
Like one user said before, I want to reject alot of hoes. And make my ex regret. Its not just being fit, but being good at life too, so I can reject alot of fucking hoes
we will show these hoes user. we'll make them suffer
i thought its getting into chairforce
I started lifting to improve my life, and I still lift for that. But when I see my muscles in the mirror while I'm lifting.. fuck I could watch myself lift all day
1. Hate
2. Getting a GF
3. Moving forward with my life
My hatred of Evil is my main motivator. There are those out there that take advantage of others for their own ends or to just make people suffer. My goal is to make myself strong enough so that I can defend myself and others against this evil.
i want to be strong
>The most precious thing you have in the world is your own people!
>And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight!
puss and vagene
" I dont want to be the guy carrying the shoes ".
I dont have the pic, if someone has it, can you please post it. Thanks.
It looks like the world is going to get tougher. So I want to be ready physically and mentally to help my family and friends. I want to be able to carry my wife and my kid.
I want to find based boomer and murder him
I want to wrestle a bear
if he keeps his 'tism up he'll beat you to it tbf
I literally go on tinder dates over and over just to ghost women. I'm MGTOW but get bored and plan dates on sunny days just for something to do lmao
So that I can be psychologically and spiritually strong enough to live a morally righteous life. Unironically.
checked based
sieg heil brother
certainly not suicide like op
>14 replies to 88
Daisy Ridley
Are you German? if youre not, hes not talking about you.
I am, so he was speaking of me.
Furthermore, I believe that it's the responsibility of anyone, of any race or creed, to think like that about their own kind. I am fueled from love for my own, not hatred of others. I fight and struggle to lift myself and my own up, not to push anyone else down (unless the situation demands it, which it of course sometimes does).
Thats great, thats why i had so much fun listening to my grand dads stories about his bombing runs over your god forsaken shithole of a country
unironically based
i want to see if getting stronger will help with my pain
Get bigger and stronger.