Hey,femanon would you date someone that looked like this

hey,femanon would you date someone that looked like this

Attached: tea.jpg (572x553, 76.27K)

He looks like a happy cute twink, lots of woman love those.

why do you ask this///strange question?

he's a little on the skinny side, but sure, why not?

cause i have a hard time finding people that find me attractive

Attached: coke.jpg (3024x4032, 1.57M)

might be because you're underage and they don't want to go to prison

so this is pictures of you then?
i don't believe that.
but r9k is not the real world, finding love is more of a mysterious things, normies with their dating apps will never understand real love and they get divorces.

Not a femanon, but you don't look too bad user-kun.
You still shouldn't post pics of yourself.

I'm 18 i just look very young and short

I'll answer you. But first answer this question: What are your interests?

you look fine king. take better care of your hair and try to regularly go to the gym

working out
things of the sort

thank you and most of the time i stick by that rule just its been a weird time of getting rejected so im asking strangers

>lots of woman love those.
That's just hopium.
>lots of women love chubby guys
>lots of women love bald guys
>lots of women love hairy guys
>lots of women love skinny guys
>lots of women love pale guys
The number of those women directly correlates with the number of women who have given up.

The way it is I realized, even if femanons don't like him, he's probably the best kind of choice as far as the truth is concerned.

No sorry, I would never consider a guy if he wasn't same race as me (white)

>working out
by lifting twigs?

Good. What do you read?

OP this is a really low test thread you just made

i try to stay lean for sports

I like scott card

So, SF fiction?
Well, you don't seem bad but I don't date. Where exactly which "people" did you ask so far? I mean normies might not like you because they will see a slightly quirky but overall plain guy so have you tried looking in hobby/nerd circles?

oh i got friend circles and school people its just i never found someone that i had that connection with. boy or girl

i will ONLY date someone who looks like this
but white

oh shit this is my local Waterstones
why havent i already encountered this lovely gentleman

From my experience people that I had that connection with tend to be very fucking far away so unless you settle for someone who doesn't share your interests it's either that or LDRs or idk. What games do you like?

what you know that place

Different kinds of women like different kinds of men.

you can find someone, user, but they sure as fuck won't be on Zig Forums.

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if he was over 25, sure. he has a pleasant smile

nah desu i wish i were a twink

yeah, i made it a ritual to treat myself there every friday. before all this lockdown malarkey

honestly that sounds healthy for the soul