You will never mean as much to them as they do to you

>you will never mean as much to them as they do to you

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No shit
If most men understood this, we could finally try to make the world a better place
Unfortunately the bluepill is still the dominant mentality amongst beta males

Bullshit you did mean a lot to me and treated me like shit I was the one who ended it not you

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why aren't you talking to me anymore
please talk to me, we're both online right now, i know you can see me
i miss you

not online, deleted my discord.

you used me. you took advantage of me. you thought you could destroy everything i had and be all that was left for me... why should i forgive you?

Right, nevermind all the times you fingerblasted my aunt after I gave you shelter and food. Keep pretending you or Jason deserve any sympathy.

based, fuck power tripping discord mods who play games with you

You will never get ghosted by anyone as swiftly/easily as a 4channer. They are absolute cumbrains. I've responded to almost every thread ever, where someone is ranting that they are lonely. I just hang out and talk. All they ever want is to have their boipucci smashed or ERP. I'm willing to be their relaxed pal in every way but that. Almost every single one will eventually ghost cause they are sexually frustrated. Like 1/20 of them sticks around and tells me they're so glad they met me and I changed their life. All I do is sit around and talk. Say hi, ask them how their day was. If they're feeling well. How was work/neetdom. Talk about games/books/anime/news.

It's really taught me why everyone here is alone. Most who ghosted me were already selfish and unlikable people to begin with, but I give everyone a chance. I don't even care if they're needy as absolute fuck.

Also even worse than the trannies and incels are the bio femanons. They are literally the absolute bipolar/borderline scum of the earth in here. If these are the only chicks you guys are making contact with it can only make you worse.

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>told femoid I wouldn't care if she ghosted me
>removed her after three days of being ignored
>far beyond the point of being bothered by it
Bit of a shame because she seemed to like me, but whatever.
>tfw still no American femanon

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Try respecting her next time, alas

Add me broseph I'm straight

n-no! she only tells ME these secrets! i'm special!

you're not supposed to care about them dumb user

To be fair, sex drive in males is pretty powerful. It often translates into bad emotions and it clouds judgement. Most guys don't have to deal with this shit because they either have sex without trying or don't really care for sex all that much. It's men with high libidos who get fucked over

ok virgin


sorry op
i know that feel
so much

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Is this a common saying? I used to tell a femanon that she means more to me than I do to her. She would argue with me about it. Well now that we havent been friends for two weeks now shes completely over me and told me to move on too. Even told me not to make any more friends of this board or to post about her.

It was my fault anyway, I sabotaged it so they stopped caring about me, but then again they also made it seem like if I was worthwhile they would never have cut me off no matter what I did so I don't know, still feel worthless, I don't know how i should feel

why would she ignore you if she liked you?

>talk for a couple days
>everything seemingly going well
>account gets deleted or they just stop responding forever
i always assume i scare them off due to being clingy or something. i honestly dont know why i expect random people to be as invested as me in these things. i dont even talk to more than on person at a time because it seems pretty rude to juggle people like that

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The best part is when they tell you that you're such a good friend, they love talking to you, they think the friendship has promise etc etc....and yet you're ghosted like 1-2 weeks later. Every time. All empty words and lies.

It's just fucking tiresome. Literally can't even trust what people say anymore....

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just fucking jerk off or finger yourself/dildo if a faggot. Get the post coom clarity

You sound pretty wholesome, user. I'm sorry that has happened to you. Do you really think you were clingy?

i hate non-clingy people, clingy people are cool and nice : )

Yeah it sucks how fast people can get burned out and they never just directly mention any of that.
Tough not like they help there either usually with not caring about any topics that get brought up and they seem to not want to do anything either.

i feel the exact same way, i always seem to be the one that cares more while the other person is more or less apathetic. if you wanna try talking and being friends my discord is Shinra#8359

if im being honest yes, if i really get along with someone i like to talk just about every day and tend to respond really quick.
thanks its nice to know that someone values us
yes, a lot of the time it seems like the other person just dosnt care.

Personally, I have a habit of really out-writing people. The most recent friend of mind even told me that she struggled to respond to some of my "longer" responses. I told her not to worry about it, that I enjoyed even her shorter responses since they were high quality. I had forewarned her that I can really unload once I get rolling and she told me she was fine with it. She said she enjoyed reading my messages even if she didn't feel like she could keep up. Well, my autism really failed to read between the lines and I sent her like 10 maxed out word limit discord messages. Haven't heard from her since.

Some people say they want to talk, but the idea of conversation that they have in their mind is vastly different than my own.

Either way, it would be nice if they just sent a quick, simple message letting you know that they are moving on. How hard is that?

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Rather nice to chat daily with someone after getting along well.
Would you be open to giving talking a try or are you rather over that for now after your bad luck with people there?.

Heh if anything that sounds like my type of fun there if things can be a nice back and forth there and not just you liking to talk at length on your own.
What kind of topics have you interested usually?

>if im being honest yes, if i really get along with someone i like to talk just about every day and tend to respond really quick.
That really sucks man. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you, either. I'm sorry that you haven't found many people who appreciate your attentiveness. I hope you do.

>Would you be open to giving talking a try
sure just drop contact.

Well then lets hope for the best. heh

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