How do you imagine your life would be different if you had been born the opposite sex?

How do you imagine your life would be different if you had been born the opposite sex?

I think my life would be slightly better if I were a girl. I'd still be overweight and plain looking, but my personality (shy, passive, unassertive, people-pleasing) and interests (vidya, old music) would be far more appealing to the opposite sex. I probably wouldn't be a virgin because guys are expected to take initiative and I have a hard time saying no. Tough to say whether or not I'd have a boyfriend, maybe an online one. I might have more friends because people make more of an effort to make sure girls feel included. I'd probably still have the same dead-end customer service job.

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Probably would have ended up a whore and pregnant before 20 like most of the other poor girls in my hometown

Being an uggo at least forced me to try and improve myself.

Everything in my life would have been different, but I don't know if it would have been better or not. Most of my problems come from not being able to get work and things might have been bad if I were a girl.

Probably way easier. I'm naturally quite feminine anyway, I like bright and pretty things and I like being expressive. I feel shame being into any of these things as a male and when I try to go the other way and be masculine or assertive it just feels wrong and cringey. I do feel however that as a male I have more chance to be taken seriously and live a more self-guided life, and it is as a male that I have become who I am. As a female who knows what I would be like- probably a shallow whore

Way fucking better. My mom is pretty and I take more genes from her than my dad. I would have 5 ex-boyfriends and yes, I would only chase Chad-tier men and not average looking guys like the current me

How did it force you to try?

t. uggo nearing wizardhood

i'd be shorter, weaker, and less prone to radical thinking. i'd kill myself if i knew how could it could be on the other side

It would be different but I prefer my life as a male even if in may ways it would have been easier as a female.

I don't think I would have developed as much as a person without all the hardships and struggle I faced.

i would kill myself if i actually enjoyed getting fucked fuck that

Also curious how you all score on this

I'm OP, I got 0% masculine and 53% feminine (yet I'm terrified to talk to women, go figure)

>tfw man who has never really faced hardships or struggle, or if I did I immediately backed down from them


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This is exactly it. I've said this many times before, but my sister is more overweight than me, uglier than me, dumber than me, really annoying, and has no sense of money either. She's been in 4 relationships as an 18 year old and even told me about the time she had to buy plan B after repaying a guy with sex for some favor he did. She was 16 at the time.

Women have life on easy mode.

Very interesting. I got the same label but with 50% masculine and 58% feminine. This was me btw Honestly I agree. I basically have multiple personality disorder at this point and switch from being masculine to feminine and back frequently, moreso when unhappy or stressed.

So according to faith, gender and political tests, I am a pantheistic, androgynous centrist. Great. What the FUCK am I supposed to do with that shit? I would call bullshit on it but I feel those labels all describe me perfectly

>How do you imagine your life would be different if you had been born the opposite sex?

instead of complaining that women are dumb I would be complaining that men are dumb

I am
Results said I am "Typically Masculine", whatever that means.

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You're one of the ones I was most curious about

You're a man suited to being one, you're lucky

I would've much rather been a woman, my dream is to be a house husband or some type of home maker anyways, being a woman would have made this way easier. I am already fairly attractive and got the best my parents genes compared to my siblings at least physically. I probably would be less right wing than now, which is disappointing and I hope that in any future life I may be a woman in, I remember who I am now. Also I would probably have tried to marry a successful 30 or so years old man by now, I'm 20.

I'd play with my willy all day

lt's not as fun as it seems like it would be

>be woman
>would probably be less challenging on myself meaning I pursue an easy degree
>fail much less often in life
>would still be a 6/10 or 7/10 so would have zero problem getting dates
>would probably have an easier time getting friends and socializing

Other than that life wouldnt be too different. I think I would be happier than I am now, where i'm a failure college drop out stuck in thousands dollars of debt.

This. Any guy knows, if you go more than like 3 times in a day, you start to get sores and stuff or friction burns.

Different, probably worse.
I was spoiled because I was the only boy in my family in a whole generation. I'd miss out on that if I were a girl.
Also, I have girly interests and boyish ones already, and always have, so probably little would change there. Hair would be the same ponytail. Same baseball cap. Clothes would be the same. Personal effects and toiletries identical.
Being an autistic girl might be harder or easier than as a dude. No clue. Girls can be brutal.

Magnitudes worse
Financial situation worse
Even more awkward, possibly scarred after a rapist episode
Little to no opportunity to improve life without losing a lot of control
Would have to do a lot more domestic crap because "it's expected of me"
and so on.
So yeah, worse in virtually every area

My life would have been so different that I would never be able to guess how it would turn out. a girl born in my place would not be me. She would be a completely different person.

I forgot about that part. I'm a tiny guy, so I'd be much more likely to get raped or molested if I were this size and female and with female strength. No more /nightwalk/ if I were a girl.
We dudes sorta take the implicit ability to kill another human being with our bare hands for granted.

It is hard to say. One thing that really fucked my life up was the adoption of my cousin. I don't think my parents would have brought a kid like that into the house if I was a girl. On the other hand I wouldn't have met some of the cool people who instilled positive values in me.

Assuming that the major life events were the same I'd probably be a fat roastie getting a degree in a memeworthy STEM field like Earth Science, on the fast track to marrying some loser getting a business degree. I think I might be more ignorant to the goings on of the world, but I would probably be unhappy still.

Overall I think if I could rewind time and make myself a girl as in switch out my dad's x chromosome with his y chromosome (Of course not remembering this choice or anything else), I wouldn't do it.

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honestly expected, I've never felt very much of either

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Always felt more like a girl when I was a child but feels like it slowly died so this makes sense I guess

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Ehhhhhh my life would probably be better socially. But I'd probably still have my mental health stunted by my upbringing.


Some of the questions are annoying.
>How assertive are you?
>How forceful are you?

It really all depends on the context. My social toolbox consists of a feather and a poleaxe. I'm a push over until I'm not, and when I've had enough it literally wouldn't bother me to fucking murder someone. Normally I just avoid them before it gets to that point though. If forensic science and the surveillance state didn't exist, I would undoubtedly have killed several people by now just for pragmatic reasons.
If i were a woman, I probably would have been molested during childhood. My family is shit, and they associate with shitty people. Having said that, I would easily have had a good husband by now (23 year old KHV) since I like firearms, historical weaponry, woodworking and general craftsmanship, the outdoors, camping, fishing, hiking, tailoring interests me, knitting seems fun, reading, and generally am just very laid back unless I'm sperging out about something that interests me or having a fucking meltdown.

>Merry Christmas, husbando, I got you an Elcan Spectre DR variable optic! Want to go shooting in the woods before we go to dinner with your family? You can wear the sweater I knit you!

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I'd fucking hate to be a female t b h

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