Why don't you lose weight, fatties of Zig Forums?

Why don't you lose weight, fatties of Zig Forums?

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I don't judge fat people, in some sense the crime is the punishment and i don't believe in oppression because i'm not a right winger.

is it not an arbitrary thing, to submit to the highest tyranny of one's imagination, is it not what they all do? am i effeminate or above it or below it, does it really matter? no probably not. none of us probably matter in the end. where there is power there is no love and love is the solution.

I was till corona fucked things up.

Why didn't you use this opportunity to lose weight?

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I am
Down 100 pounds from my original weight
I lost more but I gained some back
I haven't eaten anything in 3 days, Wednesday is my cheat day (the day I get to eat)

Imagine living your life to appease others instead of just enjoying yourself and doing whatever you want.

The absolute state of gymcucks and dietcucks.

I'm to comfy at home.

I am ugly fat or skinny so why be hungry, miserable and ugly when I could be full, happy and ugly?

Over 20 lbs lost so far. I don't have cheat days but I blew it today and moonched on a bunch of shit. Back to business tomorrow.

ive been trying I've lost 40lbs got stuck and gained 10 lbs back now i cant lose a lb

Not fat but 93-94 kgs and trying to get down to 85 or there abouts.
Woke up an hour ago and only having black coffee so far.
Breakfast is a homosexual meme.

imagine losing weight/trying to be healthy for anyone but yourself. I don't want to have osteoperosis and congestive heart disease by the time im 40 and not be able to do anything for myself.

Spent a long ass time being obese, finally at 23 I have finally landed at 190 after being 370 at the heaviest. It is very worth it. Just don't play the game of heterosexual love and live by clear boundries and a new life is ahead.

I've lost a bit of weight, but only started taking dieting seriously recently. I used to weigh around 330lbs last year, but am now down to 310lbs. I've been snacking less, cutting out sugar, and doing more intense exercise. But honestly? a big part of me just wants to give in and eat junk food again. I miss pizza.

This is very true.

Fuck I wanna go back to eating crap again so bad.

Why do you want to live past 40?

I was fat, got Zig Forums and still never get any attention due to my face. So its not worth all that hunger and hard work if I am going to be ignored anyway.

ive gone from 215 to 188 since october because i got a job
had to buy medium shirts! it hurt!

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>lifting for women
you never made it and you never will

You think I care about other dudes opinions or my own? I was trying to get fucking laid.

>drugs illegal
>last tried went blind temporarily due to stress induced migraine
>nothing but food in the house because parents are fucking retarded
>they will spend like 1k on food and not buy Internet
>currently renting Internet from library

I'm a human. Also, I've been fat for the vast majority of my life. I was born fat.

I'm constantly planning to start, but deep down I know I would find it too much effort since I already don't eat that much in the first place. I would have to starve, exercise a lot or go too much out of my way to change my diet.

The main reason people diet or lift is to attract a partner.

>is fat
>already don't eat much

I lost 40lbs since January, but my weight loss has stalled because I can't do keto anymore because the food supply is shit with corona

Its been like 10 years that I'm around the same weight. Sometimes I indulge but most days I just eat a snack and dinner.
The biggest offender is how fucking sedentary I am. I spent most of the day lying down, if it wasn't for that I would have probably lost the weight gradually over the years.

You can't exercise your calories away. Download cronometer, it's free. Introduce some fucking accountability into your life instead of assuming you're eating right.

>You can't exercise your calories away
You can, actually.
If you eat 2000 calories and burns 2000 calories everyday for years, there wont be much difference. But lets say you burn an additional 300cal going for a light run every day, you'll lose like 300grams a week, 15kgs a year. I would have went from obese to healthy weight in like 2 years, without a lot of conscious effort with counting calories and shit.

I mean to say that it's infinitely easier to not eat 300 calories than it is to burn it off. For a 200lb man they have to run about 3 miles to burn off 300 calories. To not eat 300 calories requires you to simply do nothing.

Yeah thats for sure. But my point is that if you create an habit of exercising and your weight is stable, you'll end up losing it without even thinking about it. Most weight loss plans with convoluted diets fail because people try to fully commit to it, only to burnout in a week.

Hello fellow faster, how often do you fast? What do you usually break it with.