UnJust life general

Can we have one for anons who are in a precarious situation in life rn?
>income status
>housing status
>Biggest set back
Living with parent
Peter Pan syndrome/fear of people

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just different age

>income status
Minimum wage. Might not have a job after everything goes back to normal.
>housing status
Live with parents
>Biggest set back
No social skills.
I can only get work where there is no interview. Your entire life worth is measured by how good you are at interviews.

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You ever look at part time job adds and imagine yourself working the courage to apply for some meaningless 11/hr job so you can afford a place to rent just so you dont have to be at home anymore?

I had a job once like a small 4 hour part time gig and my female boss and the break rooms where the worst parts about it

>income status
uni student, living on savings
>housing status
cheap as hell apartment with a terrible roommate
>Biggest set back
complete inability to self-motivate. I am incapable of making myself do things unless I am forced to by an outside factor.
Also probably some sort of avoidant personality disorder.

>112k annual +variable bonus
>apartment downtown
>I don't like my job and have no passion for it and can barely make myself do it. Position is so niche that career change is necessary to make me move. My field is desirable, and the niche position I hold within the field is considered extremely desirable. By all accounts I should be extremely excited to be here now but I'm not.

No, I won't tell you what I do. My field of work is so small that just knowing my age and what I do you could probably dox me if you assume I'm American.

>Minimum wage temp fag
>Living with parents
>Ugly and autistic so everyone hates me on sight.
It's disheartening to learn that a fellow tempfag pushing 40 who got fired for acting like a frat boy instead of working has girlfriends.

Man there are so many terms for anti social why is that

OK, here goes.
>income status
22k GBP a year
>housing status
97,000 GBP owed on a mortgagef for a house I hate.
>Biggest set back
Really unfortunate genetics. I am an ugly person and so desperately alone.

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I wish I had taken my 15-17 years more seriously. Its almost impossible it feels like to teach myself a marketable skill

If you could go to a tropical island to be alone would you?

Isnt the uk big on welfare? Couldnt you just declare bankruptcy and go live as a neet somewhere

No, my travel plans consist of joining my parents next Eurotrip and losing it to a hooker. Going alone to an island would just leave me more bored then when tired and in my room.

They all mean slightly different things, I'm just using the most accurate terms.
Avoidant personality disorder means avoiding people out of extreme fear of embarrassment or rejection.
Antisocial personality disorder means lacking empathy and not caring about the feelings or views of others.
Schizoid personality disorder means having no need or desire for human interaction.
There's probably more, can't remember them at the moment though.

Least you have a plan to give it to a female, will you splurge for a nice looking one? Dont sell yourself on some terrible looking one

I see. I think sometimes Id like to go to a doctor and get him to prescribe me something that could turn my brain off but I always get cold feet and back out

Never really looked into it so depends on price but that's more the difference between a qt.pie and a hottie, if uggo's are the only option then I wouldn't even find it worth the effort.

Well whenever you do make sure to post a thread and so I know how it went not the sex part just how you look at life afterwards sometimes I think I over think things in life that are super simple

How was your childhood anone?

Living with parents
Extremely fucking shy and introverted, i need to boost my confidence, teach me robots

Not good user. Not g00d.

I mostly lucked into it.
Chose a stupid major in school, focused on stupid stuff. It became big while I was in school. The stuff I focused on particularly. Was good at selling myself and managed to get onto the first rung of the career ladder with a full time position doing this before I graduated, then last year made the jump applying to an extremely experimental section of my niche simply because I wanted more money and status, not because I actually cared about what I was doing. Still really good at selling myself so they chose me.

The company I work for sucks dick. They choke the life out of me with bureacracy and a constantly changing IT policy that refuses to let me use key programs from home. My boss micro-manages me. Nobody has done what we're doing before in the world and instead of feeling like a start-up, I feel like I'm being over-regulated to death in some feminist cubicle trap. My last job was all dudes, and we spent the whole work day cursing at each other, talking about sex, arguing about politics, and making rape jokes. My current office is all women, and I basically just keep my mouth closed and avoid even saying anything close to "orange man not so bad," or "I don't really care about climate change."

I want to strangle myself everyday.
I have a lot of money in the bank and assets I could sell. With WFH, I could fake my job until everything is back to normal. I've contemplated selling everything I have, and moving to Vietnam or Columbia, or the Domincan Republic and just fucking whores every day until the money runs out and then jumping off a building or drowning myself in the ocean. It'd probably be a lot better than this.

Well now that you are 18 literally do not hesitate. Now is the time in your life when your parents and society will heap a whole bunch of responsibility and expectations on you. Start working some shitty part time job so you can build tolerance to normie culture and move out as soon as possible. Life only gets harder for you the longer you stay with your parents after you turn 18.

I can tell you are a trump supporter and while I myself have stopped supporting him somewhere around 18 do you think you would be open to something like UBI so you wouldnt have to wagie again? You seem like you could live well within your means in some affordable community and than boost your income doing shit from home

Howis your roomate terrible?

>trump supporter

Really just a Ron Paul libertarian, but if the dems ran anyone decent I would genuinely consider them as well. It just wasn't going to be Hillary, and lolBiden. I want someone who will give me what Obama promised me when I voted for him in 2008 (an end to the wars).

>Open to Ubi

Ehh, the theory of it sounds fine, but I haven't seen any suggestions for funding it that sound sustainable to me. A lot of the ideas don't account for the fact that capital transactions always seek to minimize costs and will just find ways to escape paying the tax. And if the tax is inescapable, it just ends up being a tax on consumers themselves which defeats the point and can only work if a larger percentage of society goes to work than was currently working before the coronavirus unemployment. I just don't see it happening efficiently.

If we had UBI I would absolutely just live in Vietnam and maintain citizenship within the US. I think a lot of people who realize their options to move to lower cost of living countries would absolutely do it. For what I'm paying for a 1000 sq ft apartment downtown, I could have a riverfront mansion in Ho Chi Minh. If I wanted the same size apt as I have now, it'd be peanuts. Quality of life can be way better in a lot of these countries too.

I don't really want to live here. I'm only here for the money.

Just start now user. Think of how much harder (more embarrassing) it'll be when you are trying to fix your life but 5 - 10 years later
Keep at it until you can formulate a better plan
Same as above but work on self esteem and socialization skills
Try to get a sense of humour. if you're a hilarious motherfucker it won't really matter how ugly you are. Patrice O'Neal's attitude comes to mind
Don't be afraid of a little bit of embarrassment because when you're 28 you'll be glad you tried to do somethign about it when you're presumably gone somewhere with your life instead of being at the same place either wishing you did, or thinking you can't because you're old enough for it to be embarrassing that you're just starting now

Live in a crack house. Rent 400/mo
Listening to my parents & wasting my time on women I thought liked me

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Yeah I get your meaning. Ive seen complete fuckups in my family work some shit job and move out and I know easy it is working some part time job its the socializing aspect and feeling like Im compelled to be somewhere that I get this sense like a caged animal and I start feeling trapped and the anxiety sets in.

isn't 45k fairly respectable for 23?

>unemployed/struggling to find a job
>living with parents
>Diagnosed Bipolar, Engaged to a stripper that might leave me when she realizes I'm not as rich as she thinks she is

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I know this feel
If you have any interests that allow it, perhaps join a club or something? shared genuine interest, and then the socialization is just extra and / or can come from learning shit from others with the same interest. if / when you attend university, there's clubs there too but thats also slightly diff social scene