Dios mio... el Goblino

Be honest fembots...
Would you?

Attached: BrendioNSFL.jpg (1000x1000, 86.84K)

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I could tell it was Brendio just from the Post Malone stache.

No, I'm not a mentally ill 18 year old Australian girl.

Forget jbw. Just be sociopathic. The less you care about a woman, the more she wants you. Femanons, why are you like this?

I think Thalia could attach herself to any random man on the street, and he's probably a better guy than Brendio.

Who is brendio? Where is their name posted?

I watched a couple of his videos and you can immediately tell he is a smug insufferable asshole. I cant believe thats the type of guy she is attracted to.

I guess just be le epic dickhead troll and girls will be all over you.

I'm 11.2 and what is this?

lovely man tits

Tahlia's husband

ouch, it hurts fuuuuuuuuuck

this is what Tahlia sees every night

It's infuriating. I expect normie women to go after stupid faggots like that, but she sounded like she was looking for husband material to get married to, and she picks this repellent moron.

she has said before that he's not how he presents himself, and he's nicer than he seems

Does anyone know if Thalia faps?
and if she does does she fap thinking of him?

Yes, she made posts venting about how it was a sin and how she cries after

You trust her judgement on that?

has she ever mentioned if she penetrates herself with her fingers or anything else or does she just flick her bean?
I would assume being trad(kek) she would want him to do the penetrating once the time comes.

I mean he seems very insecure in his jubilee interviews, I can't help but think this dark triad persona is him trying to be what he thinks women want, even Tahlia has said that's the case in some twitter dms

she never specified :(

>she has said before that he's not how he presents himself, and he's nicer than he seems

t. every woman who dates an asshole

She said she literally couldnt stop cooming to Brendio

Is she actually living with him?

damn shame.
if anyone knows her pls ask her for me.
>user wants to know if you finger yourself when you fap.

my cousin said exactly that about a guy who ended up killing her dog and stabbing her

>I can't help but think this dark triad persona is him trying to be what he thinks women want, even Tahlia has said that's the case in some twitter dms
Maybe he should drop the act then, seeing as he is "married".
Who's he trying to appeal to?

her still, he clearly knows she is too good for him, and is scared of losing her. That's why he negs her by using photoshopped photos of her like in this video

i wonder how much sex they have on a daily basis, oh wait, little to none

most relationships are fake overglorified friendships

I feel genuinely sad for Tahlia. She doesnt realize a huge part of her neurosis comes from the fact she has surrounded herself with the most misogynistic, vitriolic, sociopathic people for years and internalized all their hateful views and opinions, as well as being groomed by them and rewarded with male attention when she acts like a good little parroter of redpills. Any man would be depressed after hanging around a bunch of shallow man-hating Stacies who talk about height, dick size and Chad features all the time. So why is she surprised she hates herself when she has hung around shallow woman-hating incels who talk about girls looks, weight, sexuality and vagina shapes since she was 13?

>implying she wouldnt immediately lose interest as soon as he dropped the asshole act

Look what happened to Cheesy and the other guys who simped for her and were actually nice to her. You clearly dont understand how women work. Brendios narcissist smartass asshole persona is his main appeal to her.

I felt real bad when she wrote about that predator who got her to send pictures of herself when she was 14 of her in her underwear with the word "WHORE" written on her forehead.

This, it was just tragic, these guys really hate women with a vengeance, and she is so desperate for male attention she tolerates it. Even Brendio said it himself, he hates women. A man who hates women will always end up hating you eventually too. She is just his little narcissist pet for the moment. Eventually his narc contempt will apply to her too, they are never satisfied.

I saw that thing she posted asking for advice for when he hurts her feelings, but she's trying to make excuses for him by saying he's had a very hard life. She really couldn't do any worse. I think her dad needed to hug her more when she was little.

I just hope she doesnt bring a child into it yet because it is clear he is not in it for the long run despite all his words. Narcs get bored of people extremely quickly and it wont be long before he is grooming the next teenage girl.

I'm still unclear as to whether or not they're actually living together. I really hope her parents aren't letting her leave Australia, and hopefully she'll come to her senses or Brendio will get cancer or something and she can find someone, anyone else to latch onto.

I think it is pretty obvious what is happening here.
both of of them are shit posting in this thread larping.
They live such meaningless lives, that this is how they get the validation they so desperately crave. The dude by thinking we are jealous that he has this girl who supposedly we all want, and by larping as this edgy manipulator lmao. And her by playing the victim card.

entertaining nonetheless.

She's still in Australia, but has moved out of her parents' house