I just want to go ride roller coasters

I just want to go ride roller coasters.

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I never understood roller coasters. I don't want to pay to get wind blown in my face and feel my organs slosh around inside my body, making me feel like I have to piss every time. Plus it's always too hot.

I love the feeling of going that fast, and when it feels like the train is trying to toss you out.

The virus and our response proves we have no real problems as a society.

I know your pain, I just wanna go to the arcade again.

I know, its much harder to fuck your mom with her nerdy kid hanging around the house all the time

kek, nice try I live alone you can go fuck my mom anytime

You in GA? Lets go together fren.

its more fun to fuck her on your bed

i used to love amusement parks but now that im older its such a waste of time to wait 40 minutes in line for a ride that lasts 40 seconds. its beautiful as a kid thoug or when the place is closing and the guy working the coaster just lets you ride the ride over and over again when theres no line

You have to plan your visits for when the park won't be busy. Never on a Saturday, unless maybe you're going to have bad weather later in the day. Some of the most fun I've ever had is at an amusement park with my family.

its really only fun with friends. Then sitting in line is just hanging out with your friends with a cool climix experience every 40 minutes 2 hours.
Adults dont have true friends where you can just sit in line together and make up stories or talk about Stacy at school for hours and it be cool.

Going to an amusement park with a group of friends of mixed genders is an experience I've never had, but have always wanted.

yeah i feel you but even then i feel like its too crowded
i agree its more fun when younger but ive gone to amusement parks with my friends and our gfs before and stopped after going twice since it seemed like such a waste of money and time. idk im sure this is dif for everyone but id rather just go camping

I enjoy theme parks 1000x more as an adult.
I'll get there when they open on the worst day of the year, usually Jan-Feb (for California parks that are open year round). Ride whatever the fuck I want with no lines, eat whatever the fuck I want, then ride everything a second time.

Fuck. Every time I went to an amusement park as a kid, it was with my shitty lazy parents that didn't want to do anything and we went in the dead of summer so 3500 other people were there. Fucking fun blueballs. Surrounded by awesome shit but only enough time/permission to do maybe three or four things.

Fuck my shit parents, I have fun on my fucking terms now.

What park did you go to?

>going with other people is the best!
No. You waste half the trip doing inane stuff and everybody nitpicks about everything. Lets go to the water park, yay, waterpark! Lets waste 40 minutes in the dressing room while getting lockers! Yay, time for wunch lets go to the car!

six flags america twice. fuck that place

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Oof, I've heard that's not one of the better parks in the country. Next time you should drive a little farther and go to Kings Dominion or something.

Where do you live that still has arcades? I've only seen shitty Dave & Busters type stuff around.

Water slides are pretty fun though. I don't like body slides as much, but tube slides are awesome, and if you've got a water coaster, those are really fun.

ive been to kd before and it was okay but again i think ive just outgrown them. im sure ill go back if i have kids one day but for now id rather go camping like i mentioned. im sorry if i came across as saying amusement parks were borign or whatever i think its just not for me, they can be great places

That's alright. Different strokes.

Has anyone been on Kingda ka before? It's pretty fun desu it just breaks down a ton and the line is really long.

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I've heard the rattle can be really bad if you're sitting further back, but a front row ride is supposed to be a really great rush.


i cant go on rides alone. roller coasters are juts not fun if youre not sharing the experience with someone

yes it lasts like 30 seconds and very anticlimatic. whenever i went lines werent that big desu. Nitro is the best roller coaster in NJ 6flags

>i agree its more fun when younger but ive gone to amusement parks with my friends and our gfs before
tfw never go to amusement park with friends and gf during summer break starts and kiss on top of the Ferris wheel to fireworks on 4th of july

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For me, it's bizarro.

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amusement parks are so amazing

its a pretty magical feeling. i have never done the kiss on top of the wheel before but kissing my gf as the sun sets on the state fair while riding some hose drawn carriage was somethin ill always treasure

If El Toro isn't your favorite ride, you're all faggots.

What's your park of choice, bro?


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