My Greentext

Part 1

>be me
>16 KHTV
>in high school, super lonely, no friends, etc.
>literally the virgin from virgin vs chad
>ironically my bully is a tall blonde muscular kid named Chad
>one day I'm walking down to the door after last class
>move to the side to avoid bumping into Chad
>he careens right catching me during my dodge
>checks me on to the floor
>"user what the hell why did you bump into me?"
>all his other chad friends start laughing
>start calling me weak and pathetic
>tear starts forming in the corner of my eye
>just then Chads GF Lena walks up
>"Omg Chad ur so mean haha stop bullying the loser"
>Chad rubs Lena on his body and kisses her
>"Whatever babe"
>Chad, Lena, and his group of friends start walking away
>as i'm getting up Chad kicks me down with one foot
>"haha retard"

they all head into the parking lot well i just sit on the ground and start to cry

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So when are you posting this on /r/greentext? Oh yeah, next time don't start it with ">be me" you fucking retard plebbit

What is the point of recalling shitty memories with injustices that may never be revenged? Is your current situation so shit that whatever memories of bullying you have from high school is still from a relatively happier time?

Why focus on the bad memories? The past is in the past user, Chad won't hurt you anymore and by now, he probably doesn't even remember you existing.

Part 2

>the next day
>listeninig to music on my way to school
>accidentally bump into Lena while staring at the sidewalk
didn't know she came down this street
>she stumbles and almost falls over but i catch her
>she yanks herself away and has a look of disgust on her face
>"get away from me weirdo"
>autism engage "i-i'm sorry Le-"
>"just stop talking to me nerd"
>she starts walking away
>suddenly she turns her mind and walks up to me
>"ok sorry for being so rude"
>we start talking and she seems like a genuinely cool person
>confides in me about feeling pressured to be a pretty mean girl and thinks Chad is cheating on her
>i try to act cool about it and somehow manage to have bearly any voice cracks
>eventually we near the school and she faces me
>"it was decent talking to you user. i am telling you all this stuff because i trust you not to tell everyone"
>out of the blue she gives me a piece of paper
>"here's my number user. i might need to rant some more later"
>she then walks away before i can say anything
>spend whole day thinking about whether it is a prank number and i'm going to get bulled about this
>second to last period though, a huge fight breaks out in the hallway
>go outside to check it out
>about 50 meters down the hallway Lena and Chad are screaming at eachother
>Lena says something along the lines of "we're through Chad"
>don't know how to feel about it
>later in bed chilling on my phone
>something then happens
>something that only usually happens when working on a group project or a school thing

i get a notification

Attached: Happy Wojak.jpg (199x254, 6.98K)

This reads like a script to a film. Nobody cares retard.

Keep posting, story seems interesting. And also chad just got prank'd lmao

keep going user, sounds interesting

This, it is fucking obvious this is some normalfag seeking prebbit approval

stupid as all hell, but you sure as fuck have my attention, user. please continue

Part 3

>only around 6 pm at this point
>frantically open the notification
>forgot to mention earlier that everyone in the school knows my number because of a prank a kid named "Hans" pulled on me
aryan bitch
>"Hey user. My life is a mess rn. Can you please come over, I really need someone to talk to"
>from Lena
>this could be my moment
>get dressed in my nicest casual clothes
>mom sees what i'm doing
>"user why are you getting dressed at this hour"
>"I'm going to hang out with some friends"
>"doesn't matter mom can i just go?"
>"ok sweetie dad will let you borrow his car, right honey?"
>she then looks at him with begging eyes while she thinks i'm not paying attention
>"ok son don't get into an accident though, or you're paying for it"
>"Also don't do drugs or alcohol."
>"whatever mom bye"
>"goodbye sweetie, we love you"
>"love you too mom"
>finally after what felt like ages i managed to get out of the house
six minutes have passed
>Lena starts texting me again giving me her address and starts whining about when i'm gonna be there
>reply that i'm on my way
>finally get too her house
>her parents aren't home
>she's on the couch in pajamas
>"user come join me"
>"do you watch anime user?"
>"yes, i love anime"
>get under the blanket with her
>she leans on my shoulder
>dick is diamonds
>"i'm watching piratu boko caribino"
>some weird ass pirate show i guess
>main character looks like he is about to be eaten by a loch-ness-monster
>right before that happens Lena gets up
>"hold on user i'm gonna go change into something more... comfortable"
>she winks at me and walks to her bedroom
>holy shit this is it
>i am about to lose my virginity
>she comes out completely naked
>"w-w-w-what are you d-d-d-doing Lena"


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this is either gonna end in "walk the dinosaur" or the mongolian guy. don't get too excited folks

you had a kid named "Hans" in your school?

I sorta feel like this is a larp. But if this actually happened, good job user

nice fanfic looser

>this was somehow original
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

>it's another faggot virgin posts his larp fanfic of how he wished HS went
The 1st part was the only believable section

>inb4 everybody do the dinosaur or some similar shitty reference

didnt happen fag

user i'm gonna ask you straight up...
is this fake?

What a fucking gay story. Go kill yourself

Part 4 (Finale)

>"I always have thought that you were cute user. Now that Chad is out of the picture i can finally fuck you"
>we start having passionate sex
>she moans my name
>i fondle her round juicy breasts and start grunting due to the immense pleasure her tight pussy is putting on my body
>my head is rushing with thoughts about all of the things i can do
>put her into missionary position and start pounding her
>i can hear her moaning quietly with ecstasy as my big dick slides in and out of her
>put her into doggy style and have her moaning loudly as i pound her ass
>we're both about to cum
>suddenly she grabs my body and dick with immense force
>can't move or nut
>"That'll be about tree-fiddy"

Now it was about at this time that I realized Lena, the girl who I had quickly fallen in love with and have been having passionate sex with was an 8 story tall crustacean from the Paleozoic Era.

That Goddamned Loch-Ness Monster had tricked me once again!

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reddit-tier bait, negro

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you tricked me user
fuck you
please end yourself

Lmao kill yourself desu desu

How did I know it was a larp? kys fag

2/10, mediocre as fuck

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the loch ness monster isn't a crustacean you son of a bitch

I cannot believe that I wasted my fucking time Reading this shit, fuck what a Retard I am.

ill give that about 2 hooks out of 7.