How undateable are you, honestly?

How undateable are you, honestly?

I enjoy being alone way too much.
Socially retarded.
Obscure interests.
Unrealistic expectations.
Not enough money.

I've always been extremely distant even from my own immediate family. Most people are annoying faggots that need to talk about boring subjects and be around others 90% of the time or they become unhappy. How realistic is for me to even think I'm capable of handling a relationship?

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Hey those reasons sound just like mine. What are your obscure interests?

Im short and ugly so a truecel

All of that shit plus:

>not white
>ghost people easily when I think they don't like me
>live with my parents

32, non white, with anger issues. I don't really care anymore.

Boring, retarded, no money, trust issues. I have no business being in a relationship, I'd just cry and offload my issues about a relationship from nearly a decade ago that I still haven't gotten over.

Not OP, but his reason sounds like my situation too. Also, I dont got a car.

My obscure interest are 80s-early 00s music and lofi music ( Vaporware, Chopped and screwed, Dreamwave, Trip-hop) and I usually favor old vintage movies or indie films. Hard to find women , or anyone else, that'll like the same.

boring, short, ugly, stupid, no personality or interests besides jacking off and playing games, eat shitty foods, never had someone who actually likes me as a friend or even a human being, live with parents, no money.

just find me and kill me man i beg ya.

>Live with parents
>Minimum wage job
>No car
>No IRL friends
>Socially awkward
>Interests all consist of consuming media
>Not confident or assertive or dominant or charming or charismatic or ambitious or anyting else women find attractive

*high fives*

when i was younger I was disgusting looking, incredibly depressed and riddled with anxiety, so I was completely undateable. At the ripe old age of 26 ive been told I have the personality and looks of a chad-lite. I think i have hope now but im still a virgin so kek

>Borderline autist
>Alt lite
>Balding at 23
>Obscure interests (tabletop wargames, VNs, classical music, Early Modern political history, /MLP/)
>Severe introversion
>Lack of social circle beyond one or two close friends
>Would only date church attending Christians

>Financially independent
>Relatively Zig Forums

You guy, m-mommy says I'm a special boy and I'll make some girl very happy some day. Am I gonna be okay?

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they're called art-hoes user. They're all over every college campus


Im so sorry user

>half cast white/epic makes it so I fit in nowhere
>27 (live with parents)
>Peter pan syndrome and constantly daydream
>never dated
>only kissed once and was when I was wasted at 18 and was super sloppy and not with someone I liked or found attractive
>NEET since dropping out of high school ($200 and just recovered from gambling debt)
>drug addict
>haven't slept in 2 days (constant insomnia)
>panic disorder
>possible urinary infection
>loner schizoid
>don't have license (probably better I didn't drive desu)
>drained of all my energy
>miserable and project onto others
Probably a bunch more I didn't list because I'm tired

I'm just such a self-absorbed loner that I never go out and neglect any girl I've ever dated because they're never into the same things as me. I want to spend my time doing what I want and I hate having to spend my limited free time doing what girls want to do. Otherwise I'm attractive, have a big dick, fuck really well, and have money/a good job/apartment/car. I'm literally just too selfish for a relationship. Maybe I should just take the tinderpill and fuck sluts.

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Chubby, broke, hedonistic and paranoid. I got bad abandonment issues, I either pull too hard or push away. I've been told I'm cute by normalfag girls but they were probably just being nice. My trust is fucked bad and I get too cynical at times. My humor is retarded too, I still laugh at Youtube poops.
That said, I don't think I'm undateable. I think I have plenty to bring to the table if I really liked someone.

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I don't have a social circle and dislike crowded events with strangers. I don't have a fashion sense. My hobbies & interests are autistic nerd stuff like programming and history. Completely undateable, basically.

>haven't felt any emotion besides anger and sadness since my early teens
>slightly below average looks
>niche interests
>don't see any point in talking just for the sake of it
>always drop spaget when things get slightly serious

I guess I'm just uninteresting, not necessarily undateable. I'm fairly confident that I could actually have a good relationship if we both put our energy into it. But who would do that for me? 80% of average people are just better versions of me with slightly more mainstream interests

>How undateable are you

I'm literally going a date tomorrow

>tfw go to art school
>classmates are hot as fuck art hoes of all races
>online because too autistic interact casually with people irl

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I'm probably dateable, but I'm too antisocial to meet someone unless she were online. She would have to be pretty antisocial, except towards me.

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I've been on alot of dates. but I sperg out, can't keep a conversation going, and could never close the deal

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> short
> ugly
> small dick
The game was over before it begun

>obscure interests no girl will ever give a shit about
>cutting scars
Gonna be alone forever.

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Might be dateable who knows, but women trigger a primal autistic rage within me. I don't enjoy their presence.

Girl who sat next to me in College Chemistry:
"Pentanal is a funny name for a chemical teehee"
"In what way?"
"Well it ends with -anal, so..."
Me: "yeah, it's an alkyl aldehyde, that's the naming convention".
Her: "oh... well have you seen the Bachelor?"
Me: "why the FUCK would I watch the Bachelor?"

Non-stop, Chinese water torture conversation is not worth the pussy.

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I am literally 5'5 with the face of an ayy lmao who is already balding. I can hide my power level pretty easily and can make "friends" and acquaintances pretty easily to the point where female friends have invited me to their parties but when it comes to romance it's always "There's someone out there for you, youre not really my type".

no bruh theres nothing there. stop saying that you dont even believe it yourself.

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I have 2 big flaws. Mental illnessed (depression, severe anxiety), but the biggest one is that i'm a neet, and i don't really plan to change, at least not to the extent of going to work 5/7 days. I'd literally rather die.

You sound like a faggot hipster. Rest easy knowing that no matter how much you cannot stand most people, most people probably detest you even more.

>enjoy peace and quiet more than I do other humans
>no friends
>cant carry a conversation naturally
>my only hobbies are fishing and cycling which no women like
>heavy smoker
>work a job where I rarely meet women
I'm purpose built to die alone.



Being ugly is a blessing once you realize how shitty people are anyway. The loneliness hurts, but the constant tedium of failed relationships and half-hearted connections that you'd be subjected to otherwise is also painful.