6.5" length

>6.5" length
>pp doesn't fit in a toilet paper roll
Does this mean I'm supposed to wear big boy condoms?

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What's the circumference of a toilet paper roll anyways? 5.5"?

Who is the girl on the right? She looks hot but her ass looks like it was rendered by the Doom 3 engine

I think so, at least that's what the internet told me. I can barely fit the tip in erect but it doesn't fit down my shaft.

>short hair and a fat ass
My favorite combo

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Probably. Condoms aren't about length and more about girth. I can't fit in a toilet paper roll either. Normal sized condoms are too tight for me and would probably rip if I was too rough with them. They create these little air bubbles. Condoms were supposed to be a bit loose, like a well fitting shoe. I have to wear Magnums or other large sized condoms, even though my dick is average size in my opinion.

>7" length
>4.5" girth

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Depends on the brand. Could be bigger or smaller than 5.5

It means you're good to go. Thicker = better

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>tfw you will never be able to use a magnum because you don't have a magnum dong
Just kill me man

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Never seen one that big.
I've seen 4.5" and 5" (around that)

>big boy condoms?
For condoms what matters is girth.
For 5.3" and above big boy condoms (60mm, 64mm) are a good idea.

>magnum because you don't have a magnum dong
Magnums are regular sized condoms (54mm).

Pic related are dumb whores. The face masks and gloves will not do ANYTHING if their TUSHIES are just hanging out like that! It is a serious health concern and reflects poorly on their character. True roastie scum

OP how do you live only being six inches tall

I'm 6.7" x 5.4" and I still feel like a dicklet.
Most women will laugh at the size, they are hungry for 8"x6" or bigger.

Reminder that it's all camera tricks.

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.5" length
>>pp doesn't fit in a toilet paper roll
That means your pp is almost good enough to satisfy those two women.

Thats the coombrain there

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>7" long erect
>Goes a bit over when I'm at maximum stone hard
Will I be able to touch the cervix like in my shitty hentai doujins

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Depends on the girl but from what I've heard, yes.
But you might need to go all in.

Checked, but damn almost groovy digits. Getting my boy all the way in shouldn't be much of a problem, I've gotten rid of my fat pad down there.

>7" length
>5.2" girth

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I feel this. Im 7 x 6.7 so i get to split them in half while i do it

7x6.5 here.
I was using regular condoms for a while (because I legitimately think my dick is average) until one time I ripped one and the girl I was fucking had a pregnancy scare. Never again.
Gotta go with the magnums. Even if you think you're peacocking with them just do it.

Big Dick Energy my man, it's fucking groovy

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yes. Slamming cervix makes you feel like a fucking chad.
Dog brained women get hurt by it but subconsciously love it because they know you have good genes. At least your dick does.

We have the same dick

how did ppe become a fashion sex statement. every fucking day is nothing but a disappointment.

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I have a new sense of pride in my dick, thank you for this user.

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being a kid is wishing you had a longer dick
being an adult is wishing it was thicker

my dna put too many points into length

Like I'm not gonna lie, you can be as spergy and antisocial as all hell but the moment word gets out you have a good dick (not just from length and girth - that you can go round after round after round) you're completely redeemed.
ALL women do is gossip about sex to one another. It's fucking gross. BUT you can absolutely make up for bad traits from it.

I guess my staying power is average, but I'd only use the older thicker style condoms rather than the thin stuff so I imagine I'd be able to last longer. It's fucked that this is all that matters, but I guess it's how things shake out and I don't have much room to question it.

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