Serious question. Where the hell do you meet a legit local fembot?

Serious question. Where the hell do you meet a legit local fembot?

Online dating is full of slankaroos and fortune huntresses. The fembots don't go there.

Do they put any effort into being discovered? If so, where?

Where do damaged people meet?

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where would a robot go user?

>fortune huntresses

Never heard that one before.

>where would a robot go user?

then thats where you will find fembots

I like arcades i would go there. Im not a fembot though

i go on tinder everyday in the hope to meet a fembot or a girl that is kinda like me .
if im on tinder , why wouldn't she be there?

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I mean I went on OkCupid most notably. It's match system is transparentand you can decide what matters to you, see exactly what you agree/ disagree on.

Also, assuming they make the effort, you can fill out a bio that people will actually read.

I don't want to be miserable, I want another to be happy with, a chick damaged like me

I mean,
The alternative is escaping robotdom with the help of normies, but that doesn't happen

What kind of nails would you want your dream fembot to have?

I'm sorry user, you shouldn't be worrying about finding someone that is like you. most people here don't even like themselves. if you love each other it shouldn't mater if you are alike or not.

nothing in particular, I just want to be able to recognize her hands among thousands

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Now accepting GF applications, If you are a fembot who lives in Oregon, maybe Washington but definitely not California, lets talk.

imagine you find happiness and a fembot gf. wouldn't you be considered a normie anyway?

You're already off on the wrong foot user. This isn't some MGTOW shit im spewing: relationships arent based on logic or reason. Its pure emotion.


Thanks for the kind words.
I'm not saying I could only ever love a fembot, but what kind of girl would like a guy with no friends, doesn't drink, smoke, have a normal family....

For reference, I'm 25, stuck in the mud of life, I don't see it getting any better.

All I have ever wanted is a cute and quirky fembot wife that loves me and relies on me, I am so disgusted by normal women, I have had my fair share of encounters with them and it's only reinforced my hatred of them

If two robots are together they'd just have eachother, so I'd say no.

Nornies have friends and game nights, and group outings, double dates...

I'd be fine with being a robot with gf


I'm sorry, forgive my retardation, what are you getting at with your comment?

Or did you just missread local as logical?

I personally don't go outside at all except for the occasional jog on weekdays while the rest of the world is at work and i'm literally the only one on the track.

>Do they put any effort into being discovered?
/soc/ potentially. 98% of the attention we receive is rape threads/kys/and girlfriend or nude requests from people who have literally said NOTHING about themselves. The assumption is they are retarded or psycho and best avoided.

>Where do damaged people meet?
We don't. I wish there was a place in all honesty but society does a good job shaming us into our respective corners of the world.

I'm sure there are plenty of girls that would be into you. i guess its a matter of being in the right place at the right time.

that's probably the only time that someone has implied that i am a robot.

Theres no fembots on /soc/ in my area. Really theres no hope and i should just kill myself

I'm sure there's deranged women on your local OLD app.

You have to admit though it was pretty silly getting your hopes up of meeting someone on a niche ostracized board located on a ANONYMOUS imageboard that any one any where on this planet can post on.

You'll legit find a needle in a haystack far sooner. Unless you live in dense populated coast cities I suppose.

what makes you say that?
there are robots that have made it.

>Right place/ time
I feel that's one of the biggest lies there is. School, college, work, all this time and with effort on my part, I'm left without.

It's not like I can't get looks, but like I said, girls interest in me is skin deep, once they know what I'm about.

And sorry? For implying you're a robot I mean. You're happy though right? Just you and your gf I mean.

Fuck online dating there's nothing more depressing

Lightning does strike every now and then

I met the people get woman on deviant art back in the day. Shitty site but I needed somewhere to post my art back then. Anyways we would have dated had she not lived 3000 miles away. The key is to find the woman of your dreams by chance and also have her live close to you. But sadly winning the Powerball is easier

lol i don't mind being called a robot.
she is the best. i wouldn't need anyone else anyway.
what do you mean the biggest lie?

The right place and the right time sounding a lot like "it'll just happen" I mean

Just be yourself bro-riginal

no i meant that it is down to luck.
i remember i had quit collage because i was really unhappy with myself. then i realized i was being a retard and i went back to collage but i had to redo a year. that's when i met my gf. if i had never dropped out i wouldn't have met her. same thing if i didn't go back to collage.

i think about that allot.

Luck, gotcha. I think about inter connections and coincidences like that too. I forget what it's from, but it refers to that sort of thing as synchronicities.