Hispanic Mom keeps buying me salty and sugary food

>Hispanic Mom keeps buying me salty and sugary food
>Knows I have autism and can't not eat it, knows I can into blood withdrawal for sugar and times my sugar consumption accordingly
>Keep eating it, it destroys my heart and poisons my brain
>Gives me depression and makes me feel like blowing a hole in my brain

I hate my mom so much. She deserves to die because of how evil she is.

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If I had power, I would kill every female walking the earth. They are all abominable entities built by hell.

lol then make your own food you idiot. Stop relying on your mom to do everything.

I think this is how those men end-up taking an axe to their mother and chopping her head off.

The women are pure evil and only want to satisfy their desires through their bodies.

There's a thing called self responsibility

I wish I could, but I'm disabled.

This is literally a demonic entity brutalizing something totally defenseless. Like putting pins in a living voo-doo doll.

>fat spic Marco Gonzalez is too much of a retarded man child to know how to grocery shop and buy his own food
>157 IQ
>doesn't know how to cook
>157 IQ
>cries about mommy not taking care of him properly

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If she were a real mommy, she wouldn't abuse my vulnerability with food on the level of cocaine to gratify herself.

I feel like I read this post months ago. Deja vu.

And if you weren't a retarded man-child you would buy and prepare your own food.

You did.
This has been going on for a year +

She never quit and only got worse.

I'm autistic like

Chris-Chan (162 IQ)
Mikhail Tal (190 IQ)
Bobby Fischer (187 IQ)
Albert Einstein (184 IQ)

None of those men could shop for themselves and cook their own food. All of them absolutely brilliant.

I don't know who Chris chan is and I doubt he's got an IQ of 162. Give me credible evidence that none of the other 3 could cook their own meals or shop for themselves. Also give me evidence that they all have autism.

>Misha was so ill-equipped for living... When he travelled to a tournament, he couldn't even pack his own suitcase... He didn't even know how to turn on the gas for cooking. If I had a headache, and there happened to be no one home but him, he would fall into a panic: "How do I make a hot-water bottle?" And when I got behind the wheel of a car, he would look at me as though I were a visitor from another planet.

That's the 190 IQ Mikhail Tal

Literally all of them lived like this and depended on either their mom or their wife for food.

Source. You didn't provide actual evidence, you also didn't provide evidence for the other 2 at all.

He kinda reminds me of me

>absolutely brilliant
This has to be a joke

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He's not driven at all. He just wants to exist and die and be done with life. Nothing is easy for him because of his 162-164 IQ.

His autism stole his entire life from him. He didn't start driving until his IQ dropped to 154

If he wasn't brilliant, if he was a 120 IQ random dude-bro, he would have children and a home of his own and he'd be well known and adored in his community.

>Mom buys you sugary treats
>You willingly eat them
>Go to internet to bitch about your mom and probably do gay faggot stuff.

Go hug your mom and say you are sorry.

It's like leaving a heroin addict alone in a room full of everything they need to do heroin.

I will never thank her giving me poison.

>157 IQ
>can't control his impulses like a dumb nigger

I'll repeat

It's like giving heroin to someone and then trapping them in a room full of of heroin when they go into withdrawal.

What do you honestly believe is going to happen if not for more use of poison?

this is why autists should be aborted

Are you really trying to compare your sugar addiction to heroin addiction? Are you really trying to say your withdrawals will be as bad as a heroin addicts withdrawals? Just fucking control yourself for a few days and find healthy alternatives if you're seriously craving sweetness. You could even ween yourself off. Fucking retard.

It's too late now.
I would have loved to have been aborted.

But now we're here.

>Are you really trying to say your withdrawals are as bad as heroin withdrawals

The answer is yes.
If the average person had my brain, sugar would be the new heroin. Autism makes you sentient when you shouldn't be.

Oh yeah? Is that why so many autists have an IQ below 85? Is that why only 2% of autistic people score over 115?

Partially yes.
They are not mentally strong enough to handle their own intelligence.

What you get on an IQ test built for a mentally ill neurotypical is not representative of the true IQ of a man with autism.

On paper, I am 105 IQ. My feminization is 113.75. I took a real IQ test that can handle autism and scored 157.5. On the Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices I scored 123

There's something seriously wrong here.
Any time an autistic man has a feminization of 125 and an IQ of 200, his IQ will show-up as 120.

Do you realize how delusional you sound? You have an IQ of 105. The test you scored 157 on is an unreliable, fake online IQ test. The Raven's Matrices is widely known as the most reliable online test but even that is not truly accurate. Your phrenology is a cope and a sad result of your obsessive autistic delusion. You seriously believe the average, healthy man is mentally ill, and the mentally disabled are somehow normal? You sound schizophrenic.

>You seriously believe the average, healthy man is mentally ill, and the mentally disabled are somehow normal

The average person believes in a sky daddy. The average person murders animals and doesn't think twice about it. The average person runs as close as they can to incest while it not being incest in sex.

Literally crazy and evil and thinks they're good as a person.

>You have an IQ of 105

Definitely do not believe this at all.
If I have an IQ of 105, everyone I ever met in life is probably in mentally retarded territory.

this thread is amazing holy fucking shit

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The average religious person simply has faith because they're afraid of the unknown and they want to convince themselves that life isn't exactly what it is. Are they foolish for this? Yes. But having a little faith doesn't make you retarded, only the extremists are retarded. Only sociopathic idiots feel no remorse when they kill animals, only they fail to see how stupid it is to think animals lives are any different than ours. I wouldn't lump these people into the average. I don't think the average person even considers incest, maybe that's an amerimutt thing. Also, of course you don't believe it, that would destroy your superiority complex. Your dumb egotistical brain couldn't handle that.