/poop shy/

my boyfriend refuses to poop around me. if i'm in the bathroom at the sink he waits until i'm done even though i know he needs to poop. if he is pooping he doesn't want me to come in and do anything. i poop around him all the time. are all men poop shy?

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It's pretty normal to want to shit in private.

i can only take a shit when my house is competently empty or someone is outside

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no. it's an individual thing. I personally can't poop at all around people(my body physically holds the poop inside me and doesn't let it out) and can barely pee around other men.

imagine being so clingy you partner can't even shit in peace.

that's just normal
you're the weird one here

you might wanna just leave the guy some space to poop in peace, you know

I would give up a decade of my life if I never had to piss or shit again.

Go back to redd*t faggot
very originally

you should respect his decision to shit alone and stop being a clingy piece of shit

I have barely even spoken or joked about poop with my gf
My ex joked about shitting but I cant imagine her doing it in front of me

Arent you embarrassed of the smell?
Does your bf like witnessing it?

>tfw no gf so clingy she wants to be there when I poop

I wouldn't care about a gf being around when I poop, if it wasn't for the fact that I squat on the toilet seat, like my feat are on the part most people would put their ass cheeks against. I figure any girl would think that's weird.

why would you want to smell his turds

i don't want to smell his turds. i just want to be around him and for him to feel comfortable pooping around me. i just don't like the idea of him feeling like he HAS TO separate from me. i won't follow him into the bathroom but if we both happen to be in there and he's pooping it should be ok.

yeah, dont do this. i could not look my boyfriend in the eyes again if he pooped like this in front of me.

but why? you need to have some self assurance and confidence. dont be embarrassed about your poo user.

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>it's an individual thing
so how do i make him poop around me?

individual as in some guys can poop in front of an audience of people and some can't poop when someone is peeing in the urinal next to their stall.
the only option is to give him laxatives and see if that loosens his bowels. or pull it out yourself

>tfw take disgusting trucker shits every time I come home to mark my territory
>gf finds it absolutely disgusting every time and has to light a candle
>peed on the floor too once and cleaned most of it up
>gf has started calling me a caveman

Ooga booga

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Dude chill. Lots of men want to shit in peace. It's a respite

while pissing or shitting you are in a vulnerable state this is primate level shit and why some men pee in stalls, keep distance at the urinal

if you are peeing or shitting you can get fucked up you physically arent prepared for an attack hth

Honestly this. I'm comfy pooping around my gf but I like to have a single place where I know I can be alone, jesus. This bitch sound so fucking annoying.

she wants him to poop infront of her
she's going to jokingly offer to wipe him
then she's going to jokingly suggest diapering him and she will change his diapers

I'm not poop shy. I want to hug a girl as I poop, and vice versa.

he probably just isn't used to shitting around someone. give him some time and he probably won't care about taking a shit in front of you.

Im bladder shy and oftentimes cannot physically go even when completely releasing all my muscles to let the pee go. Its like there are unconcious muscles being flexed I cant even feel, holding me back. I always assumed it was an evolutionary advantage built into my body, to keep me from revealing my location when using the restroom if there were people nearby. Going to the bathroom is one of the most vulnerable times of your day, you can easily be killed in that moment if you are not prepared.

I imagine this is also true for pooping in some people

I dislike women. That is all

one of the few original threads and you say go back, maybe take your own advice faggola?

Let a nigga chill, goddamn. If the anctity of the porcelain throne is violated, what does anyone have left?

>my boyfriend
why are you here? please leave and never come back