What is the ultimate IMPROOOOVER list?
>waking up between 3 to 5 am
>reading at least an hour a day
>lifting hard and heavy for strength
>cardio for stamina not weight loss
>cold showers as soon as you wake up
What is the ultimate IMPROOOOVER list?
>waking up between 3 to 5 am
good luck with your lack of rest
>waking up between 3 to 5 am
how to unnecessarily stress your body to look 10 years older and fall asleep around 9 pm
>cold showers as soon as you wake up
thats just cringe
>not going to bed before 9pm
literally nothing productive or good happens after 9
>t. no friends or social life
after 9 is the only time ive done any writing for grad school
dont forget the cock pump
i drink and party on the weekends, during the week i still hang out for dinner and lunch
>going to grad school
>implying you can have a social life in 2020
t. gonna hit the wall at 23
>grad school
ask me how I know you are a pajeet
>grad school
Why would you want to get up in the dark? Its depressing
>he sleeps in till 3 am
Lol ngmi lazy bones
I watch the sunrise every day after my workout. Literally nothing compares to watching the sky change colors and nature wake up around you.
How do you get in the early sleeping routine? I only get tired around midnight so if I try to sleep any earlier I just lie in bed for 2 hours before falling asleep
Gotta add practicing an instrument to that list and then I'd say you're set. I do cardio and strength training 5 days a week, read 30 minutes to an hour a day, practice banjo or guitar 30 minutes to an hour a day. No cold shower though, I don't really see the point.
Sounds like prison, m8
God, I hate all of these rich guys who act like they have such a busy schedule. He has a total of 3 hours of work time in that schedule, with 2 of those hours being mixed in with "family time". Yet he will tell everyone how lazy they are because they wake up at 6 or 7 am, and how they need to work harder. Same thing with Jocko. Jocko is a welfare queen at this point. Goggins is also a welfare queen, while I'm at it.
But... they're good things, right? I'm supposed to be happier if I do these things...
Personally I enjoy the strict schedule and constantly trying to improve, I'd say it helps me feel better. But I've also suffered from anxiety and depression most of my life. You might not enjoy it though, everyone is different.
literal neet
Just wake up early for a few days and you'll feel tired earlier
Cultivating social relationships is productive. As long as one human meeting another results in comparative advantage, the ability to socialize will continue to have economic value
awful consumer mindset, literally ngmi
Get yourself pic related. Every couple of months you need to completely cut out all screen time, gaming/social/Internet, all of it. Use the time for training physically and mentally. Just enjoy being alive for a week.
>wake up between 3 to 5 am
this is retarded, you wake up at ANY hour as long as you're well rested because everyone sleeps better at different times, I physically cannot fall asleep before 11 PM.
>cold showers
total meme. enjoy your extra cortizol
>>waking up between 3 to 5 am
>>reading at least an hour a day
>>lifting hard and heavy for strength
I do all of these lol
Improving so that you will be great in the future is dumb
Improving because it feels good to improve is based
I just pretend I am a Persona protagonist.