Are there any 21+ neet femanons on here

are there any 21+ neet femanons on here
seems everyone is either underage zoomer or barely in college, probably too old for this shit

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Femanons, I wont forgive you when the boog starts. You have betrayed us.

neet femanons are the worst
they're always actively looking for a man to support their lazy, probably fat, asses.
at least male neets accept that they need to improve before a woman wants them.

All females are neets
They are literally the OG neet

am 21+ fem but not neet

I'm a 29 year friendless shut in woman. I assume i'm legitmately the only one, but there's always lurkers who just don't see any point in replying to threads like these.

Why are you asking OP?

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wanna be my fren

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Not OP but I'm asking for a neet gf who would cook for me, loves me and listens my rambles, all for exchange of a place to stay and internet

I can barely even hold a discord conversation without my head exploding, so I probably can't help you.

/soc/ has a creepy rent-a-neet thread or some thing though that sounds like what you're looking for.

Here. Gonna kms if ever can't neet anymore. Fuck people fuck normie life
Would probably do if you were close and bareable

You dont want this fembots here are crazy and will ruin your life or steal from you and then ghost you while you continue messaging them for years

if you're willing to talk my discord is above

That's all women every where though according to general male opinions.

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Continue messaging them for years becasue they became your only friend while they stayed with you

imagine being an old disgusting normie looking for fembot pusci

I'm the same except I'm 28. I find I care less and less about trying to socialize or get into a relationship the older I get.

It's really not possible at our age.
Boys will be boys and any one who isn't trying to put their dick in you is not going to waste time trying to socialize cave goblins when they have plenty of other enjoyable friends.

give me a christmas cake neet gf

i'm 26 and a doctor

lol I'm a 34yr old Chad who likes to check in about once a year for laughs on this pathetic board. Keep up the incels shit, reminds me of the faggots from the glory days of the chans

are you a shitposter? im what you are looking for but i dont feel like dealing with shitposters

I am and I probably won't ever leave the house or find a partner.

Are you skinny? Im a 28 neet shut in looking for a fembot around my age. Didnt think they existed

Stop lying to yourself. You know youre just LARPing as a Chad to feel a sliver of strength in your pathetic fucking head. Haha incel faggot lulz XD kys

not her but where are you from? im 27 and from the usa

also from the usa. arkansas to be exact. would you like to talk more?

i would like that yes, do you have email? i prefer to talk there first

yeah sure. anonsyrup@gmail is my email if you want to send me a message

Do NEET girls consider NEET guys dateable? I know it's not practical

nah not a shitposter, you're welcome to unadd me after if you feel like it's not going to work out

I wish I could but I want to find someone that can take me off of my parents' hands. Another NEET wouldn't be able to do that.

Do zoomer femanons even exist?
As a zoomer, I hate talking to a woman online then finding out they are like 23.
It seems zoomer girls are the most normie demographic.

Not a neet but I fit the bill otherwise. Why do you ask?

how old are you user? just get with the 23 year olds. better than being alone