Anons... I want to be a girl

Anons... I want to be a girl.

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Same. But it's impossible. So live vicariously through a cute gf.

Me too man, thankfully I was born with a feminine face so I can go around being a buff femboy

Girl or not i want my friend back.

do you have an active imagination?
imagine being born. like youre sliding along some fleshy walls lined with mucus, and you are delivered into a world head first. you take your first breath and start wiggling around. ayyy, lemme go, you say to the doctor.

Kys tranny faggot. I hope you join the 42%

I hope you continue to make meaningful contributions to online discourse surrounding gender dysphoria

I can tell you from alot of experience, not a good idea

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why do you want to become girl user

I mean you should enjoy their cuteness, not try to emulate it. Like I said, be a man.

I don't want to BECOME a girl, I wish I was BORN a girl.
Becoming a girl now would do nothing for me, since I'm already 20. The biggest differences between males and females is they're upbringing, and those are the best parts of life. Once you're an adult, it really doesn't matter, because you're entire upbringing, you were raised one way, and what you want requires you to be raised another way

find something that will distract you from it
also drugs work, but only for a limited amount of time, then you will have to either go to harder drugs (until those stop working too) or youll be even more depressed and shit than before you got into drugs

>The biggest differences between males and females is their upbringing

Have you ever heard of Chromosomes?

also i will say, for me, doing LSD greatly reduces the intensity of it for a few months(even from just 1 trip), but doing mushrooms makes it worse.
though this is just how it is for me and it would not be the same for everyone.

Because i cant actually connect with my friends

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Yes, they're delicious.

He might be missing one

i don't understand.
how does that make you want to become a girl

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I do to user. At this point I'm just holding out for something like brain uploading so that I can be a qt. Don't give into despair user.

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I should have clarified:
Yes, men and women are fundamentally different biologically, and neither can ever truly become the other.
However, if you could, transitioning now wouldn't really change you that much. You'd still be the same person fundamentally, with the same experiences and problems.
If I was born the opposite sex though, I'd be raised completely differently, and my life would turn out completely different. I might not have been a total incel

I got a couple extra maybe we can even out the difference by exchanging some DNA

HA you should have thought of that bfore being born.

me too but i dont wanna be a tranny

its seriously been a conscious thought process my entire life, i had exclusively female friends for a long time when i was a kid and spent alotta time with my female cousins, I hate it so fucking much, having a girlfriend didnt make me feel any different, i confided in her and this is when she started secretly cheating
She was literally my protagonist, i loved her beyond anything and wanted kids so fucking bad for a chance it could be turn out different

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All of you need to kill yourselves. Monsters.

thats the attitude user, just remember, if you cut your 5inches, youll soon end up 5ft underground

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Its simple. Stop caring about everyone else. Don't be a faggot and be confident in yourself

I don't understand this longing, I assure you guys that being a girl isn't that amazing.
Why do you think being a woman is better than being a man?

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cuz you get to be cute and make guys fall in love with you

it doesnt matter whether youre a male or female. just act however you want to act without trying to become something youre not.

Men can be cute and aesthetically pleasing too though! Female beauty can be overrated

Women aren't shit OP. Be a man its way better. You get free misogyny and mommy will make you tendies if you're her special boy.