Girl from my middle schools birthday

>girl from my middle schools birthday
>message her happy birthday
>ask her how she's been and all that
>eventually I ask for her number since we both barely use boomerbook
>she gives it to me
>start texting some more
>tell her we should hang out
>she says yeah
>don't respond
>this was 2 days ago
Fucking corona ruined my plans to ask her out to dinner. Is this even salvageable or should i give up? I want to meet her irl and get to know her but everything's closed and asking her to go hiking sounds kinda rapey.

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Im 25 and a virgin btw. Have a job and car but live at home.

You pretty much need to have your own place. You could just have her over for dinner, impress her with cooking, then fuck. But you live with your parents. That's a no-go for the vast majority of women.

Why the fuck are you talking to kids you went to middle school with, like 15 years later??? The fuck is wrong with you?

Well she's not a kid anymore, were both in our mid20s.
She seemed cool, like someone i would actually date.

Dude it's still salvageable if you don't completely sperg out. Just tell her you've been busy and thinking about how to hang out. Of course, you should ask her about her hobbies and stuff, since maybe you could incorporate that. However, I really, really reccomend looking into local parks and stuff, and put together a little picnic. You'd be surprised how much girls are into shit like that. Maybe you can go to an arcade or something after, or play some tennis or something if it's a well-equipped park. You've gotta actually think about it though.

Wrong, for the most part. I guarantee even if you live with your parents, you could ask them to go out to eat or a movie for a few hours while you eat dinner at your place. You are right that it's kind of a turn-off, but if you are young, there are viable reasons to still be living with them. It's only a total buzzkill after 25.

People that use that word should be shot in minecraft. Something is either rape or it is not. Anyway take her hiking in a place that has other people.

>tell her we should hang out
>she says yeah
>don't respond
Wait so you didn't respond to her and then you're asking if it's salvageable? Lol? Maybe respond? Also give specific plans, not "hang out".

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Can't you just make a videocall meanwhile or something? things are very salvageable.

No there are no viable reasons to be living with your parents over the age of 21. No college is not an excuse, get a job and roomates faggot.

just take her out for a walk, how the fuck you ganna take her to dinner if all the places are close?
Just take her for a walk and enjoy a popcicle or some shit like that, she will enjoy it.

t. landlord

shut the fuck up you cock sucking landlord cunt, i'll give you my money once i saved up and move out at 25 bitch, fuck you and i'll fuck some pussy anyways you fat fucking american greedy fuck.

No girl worth fucking would ever sleep with some loser still living with their parents. If you don't wanna pay rent, then buy cheap land and put a trailer on it.

girls aren't that shallow, some don't mind like my brother wife used to live with my parents and shit until they moved out, ur just a bitter fat fucking american nigger, oh and i forgot one of my high school classmate that goes to my college has a gf and both of them lives with their parents, so fuck you NIGGEEEER

I said worth fucking, girls can be losers too. Your brother and his wife are losers. Its not about being shallow its about caring about your future, and part of that is not getting with genetic dead ends.

>both losers

they have a house and a daughter so okay, i dont know why through your thick fat american lard of a head can't understand that living with parents doesn't matter as much, plus your parents can leave for privacy at times or you can just go out somewhere, not gonna slave at shit job so i pay most of my money into your shitty fucking apartment

Having a daughter is somehow a plus, living with you parents does matter. Look at you having to ask your loser parents to leave so you have sex. Be a man, you know I'm right your brother, your high school friend, and you are all losers.

yeah we're losers so fucking what, they're people that go through worse in america, not everyone can be some faggot fucking chad who has ton of money and good places, just fuck outta here.

I'm not saying you have to have any of that. I'm saying to even be called a man, you have to be independent. Other then that do what you please. Move out already

I wanna move out but i'm just worried about expenses and money, apartments and even roomates still seem expensive, i'm worried I might not be able to pay my rent and have to wageslave like a dog for basic shit.

You will have to wageslave, deal with shitty roomates, and being strapped for cash. Through those painful experiences you will become a man. Thats why it does matter that you live with your parents. Take the leap, you'll have some of the worst and best days of your life.

I don't know what you guys are talking about but nice

>You pretty much need to have your own place
Just go to their place

>best days of your life

I'm 27 and have no intention of moving out because it would not provide any benefits

I wouldn't invite friends over because I can't make them, I wouldn't have dates over because I can't attract them

Is that what you think life is all about? Friends and dates?

He meant that moving out will make you a man no matter what, he's right, you should be independent and be your own self, your parents aren't going to be there forever man, i'm gonna try to be a independent once I make enough money with a job.

Everything else is responsibilities and bullshit

If I lived alone I would just come home to an empty home and spend all night on the computer like I already do, but I would also have to cook my own meals and look after the house

If thats how you want to spend the rest of your life doing, then don't burden your parents. Plus you don't know you will be doing that because you haven't moved out.

Nigga I'm on Zig Forums, I'm not exactly going to be out partying

At most I'd go to stores and restaurants alone instead of with my parents, sounds lonely

Man one day you will eventually go out or just talk to any girl at some point, its just when you have your own place, you're pretty much set for having a good and secure life senpai, no more parents breathing down your neck and being annoying.

You don't know unless you do it, sounds lonely because you are lonely by choice.

I can't seem to connect with new people, it's either my parents or no one

27 and still scared to talk to women, not looking good on that front

Try to be more impulsive, don't plan shit out because then you will chicken out.