Letter Thread

Early Halloween edition



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Afel, djsafay adkdur obsic.Edoerus ifyf.

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I want to make love to you and cuddle with you on the beach at night. Then you can tell me your problems and whatever troubles your heart. We can talk about our pasts and our brief time together at the school we both attended. Even if it is just one night than it would be a night I would remember for the rest of my life.

Dear fren,
Now those are real digits.

Dear M we could have never been friends because I'm fake

I expect you TO DIE.

cant bondpost

Grape soda is also fake, and it's my favorite kind.


I'm sorry. Things in my head don't quite work right. The last few weeks have been rough for both of us and I let things fall apart. I want what we had back more than anything. Holding on to the small hope that you'll see I'm trying to change is the only thing keeping me from suicide. You're the best thing that's happened to me and I threw it away.
I'm sorry.

Alex G.
If I take any more emotional pain from you I am going to kill either you or myself even if I do love you. My body can't take any more pain and I don't want to take any more pills and drugs to prevent and repress the pain.
L I.

Alex G.
I love you.
L I.



Arrogance and pride is absolutely disgusting along with your word choice. I hate things that disgust me and what I hate I want to eliminate because they drain me and everyone around them.

Alex G. If you're reading this, you and I are both fucked up, okay. OKAY. I love you and you love me--great, we're even or whatever. But, I really can't physically take this. You're a man and I'm a woman. We're built different. My nerves are SHOT. Unimaginably shot. I didn't think anything could break me or my mind but it doesn't matter because what you did broke my body and that breaks my mind whether I like it or not. I love you. But how can I love you in fear? I am in constant fear because of you. Maybe not my mind, but my body is, and when my body is so is my mind. I'm just waiting for you to hit me again, emotionally.

Not that user but Its a death grips song called no love you nerd.

man fuck off with that shit post on your own shit

you are a source of drama and you are withdrawn and a DICKHEAD that still has a GF I will fucking kill you if I am in a love triangle. There is no loving energy.

To my future wife,
Even though I've been sleeping like 12 hours a night I still feel tired most of the day. I've also had abdominal pain all day and I've been shitting blood so maybe I'm finally dying lmao. Guess you didn't exist after all. I'll go to the hospital if I get right side pain, since that'd mean it's probably appendicitis.

- R

please stop all this cuckold sex race stuff. please.

I hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you so much it's unmeasurable. You make my existence pain no matter what. Living is suffering because of you.


I hate you but I really love you at the same time. Why do you always have to do me the way you do? Fuck you honestly. Why did you fly out to visit your faggot friends but you couldn't bother to visit me when i was like an hour away? I was just a secondary objective to you, even though I knew you and have still known you longer. I hate the fact that you denied me on February 19, 2018 at 6:34 PM. I hate the fact that I remember that. I hate that I can't write these words out to you because then I will just sound like an autist splurging all over my keyboard like I did on that night, screaming. I hate the fact that objectively you're not even attractive. You are actually such an ugly guy. but for some reason I find you so fucking hot and attractive. I cant stay away from you either, even though you're like a hot forge heated to steel forging temperature and I keep placing my hand inside over and over and over again. Will I ever be able to get over you? Am I ever going to stop talking to you so I can make myself feel better? All I want is to just sit down in front of you and stare at you until I get tired. I just want to look down your eyes into your soul. And I just want to hold you. But no I am not romantically attractive to you. Is there any way at all? Any way you will just love me? Why does love have to exist? Why do I have to be so distraught? It's all so painful. It's all so tiresome. My only cope is hitting this boxing bag over and over until my hands red and bleeding. I have nothing else. Just please someone help. Why can't something come and save me and make it how I want it to be?

Please just love me, (also to the faggot that replied to me a year ago thinking im talking to them, NO IM NOT TALKING TO YOU, its a fucking coincidence.)


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are you black?

I missed the GET. What was Z

White, 5 ft 11in, skinny w defined muscle.


most of that information seems beside the grape soda issue

How else can you imagine my relative length white arm flexing that grape?


I just don't understand. You could have wine or better tasting soda.
Were you raised among blacks?

Alex Ghan............................
If you still loved me you would actually call me not post stupid letters all day to me when your current girlfriend won't answer you after spending last night with you. If I ever saw you again I would rape you in court or I would pretend to still be into you and ask you to come to somewhere deserted where I could have the dogshit beaten out of you. Have a goodnight. What's the point of loving you when it's going to put me in an early grave and you're going to laugh and spit on it afterward. Leave me alone. I had cancer and my parents abused me and I have tumors and dropped out school and have multiple disorders of the brain and was cheated on and had my nudes posted on the internet and was harassed and abused for months. Leave me alone. You don't know what love is.

I really didn't know any blacks growing up. I get the stereotype, but I've never associated select beverages, food with race unless it's culturally derived.

for my friends


Alex G.
Much like your ex Crystal
I will drink myself to death cuz of u

Makes me feel better than you. Thank you.

you motherfucker