Would you date a girl who cuts herseIf?

Would you date a girl who cuts herseIf?

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are you that same 6'1 girl?

Why not? Show bob

If she stops cutting herself

fuck no that shit's gross

yes, because girls who cut need to be hugged and loved until they stop cutting

No. That's too much for me, but you have hope.


Sure. But only if my love is able to stop her cutting.

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Ive fucked a girl that cuts herself. She was fucked up, probably why I was attracted to her. Needed someone to be above.

Yes but I would obviously want her to stop doing it even if I like cut scars

Stop doing that OP

>Needed someone to be above
shit like this is why men are objectively worse than women.

at least you're honest

Depends how cute she is, obviously.

>implying i would date a girl in the first place

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Yes, but you're going to stop.

No because if a girl cuts herself then that means she cuts herself and I don't like that >:(

no way op, youre begging for trouble when you do that, besides, women blow, get a man

Same user here. I dont think its fair to catogorize that behavior to gender. I believe at the time I was very insecure and mentally unhealthy. I dont think those feelings are bound to being a male. And im sure women have done the same thing. Where they date who they percieve below them to feel secure and in power of the relationship. I think chalking it up to gender is a really convienent thing to do, but its childish to believe its the case

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anecdotally, i've mainly only seen men do what you've described, but i guess you have a point

nah user, I already had a exp on zebras, if you dont love yourself I cant expect you to love me, what youll do is be obsessed with me, and adore me on a religous sense of belonging, basing all your life on me, what if im not there one day? thats right, youll end it, because girls like this are just parasites begging for someone to give them a reason to live.
Be honest with yourself, either get your shit together or end it all.

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absolutely because i get alot of meaning in my life from loving and cherishing broken girls and helping sooth their pain

yeah, the last girl I knew from here did the equivalent of that desu

PS if ur reading I miss u hoe

Yes. People who cut themselves always seem to find me. I guess they find my INFP nature to be a pillar of comfort or something. I've also known immense pain myself but have never resorted to cutting because it doesn't make sense to me and I'm deathly afraid of infections due to almost losing my thumb in a cat bite incident.

Of course, if they're fine with someone who hits themselves in the head daily

Only if she was willing to date a guy that cuts himself.

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I think it's fair in this case because girls only date up.

Show titty or go cut yourself.

as much as I would say yes, I'm not sure if it's healthy for the both of us to have deep mental issues. it's indecisive but I would say no. I wouldn't want to encounter someone as mentally fucked and suicidal as I am. dealing with it is one thing from my perspective but having to see someone suffer and cut themselves that may spirally lead to suicide is tragic.

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Don't be a faggot and just say yes or no.

yeah I agree with this dude.

As someone who is older and has given a lot of leeway to crazy women in the past who did this stuff, no.
In my experience they're just fucked self-centered people.
Yeah I'll try to be supportive of you but fuck no would I date you

>would you date a girl
yes, why tf would i not?

Cutting is a coping mechanism, it doesn't tell me anything about the girl other than that she has issues. I guess it depends on why she does it.

I honestly find scars attractive, so yes.

I e-dated one but I don't think that counts

Yeah. Too bad most only want love from chad.