Femanons give me two (3) reasons why i shouldn't consider you garbage

femanons give me two (3) reasons why i shouldn't consider you garbage

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don't have any i suck cheers dude

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Ass, titties, feet?

I pay taxes, feed the homeless and paint beautiful public murals

>feet over vag
fucking state of some of you footfags
other than damn good reasons.

can i lick your shins?

why would anyone care about your opinion though?

>i am an oldfag + robot
>im nice to animals
>i make good chocolate chip cookies

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I like Gardening
I haven't had my first kiss
I take off my shoes before entering a home

you're a worthless, bitter, breadstick-armed virgin and your opinion is meaningless

hey people love breadsticks leave him alone

Aren't you 20, how can you be an old fag?
Also marry me groin grinder.

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Hello. I have good well paying job and house. Marry me please?

i (regrettably) started using Zig Forums when i was 8
im flattered you know my age

no matter what reasoning they may provide, it doesn't change the fact that they are an invasive species. it can be argued that the presence of women on this board turned r9k into what it is today, but whatever, the whole internet is becoming like this.

Hold up, how does that work? You'd get pretty messed up from that, plus you wouldn't be able to understand most things here.

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This must have really got to you

i am probably pretty messed up, i saw and watched a lot of things no 8 yr old should have. i was also unironically a genius (like high tier prodigy/"gifted") so i was understanding most of what i was seeing/reading. im retarded now though so i don't feel cocky saying that

make me cookies with your love nectar

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That's so subjective. But ya want some logical arguments? I got human body, I don't smell, also I can talk. Can garbage do that? I didn't think so.

But dude. I can't change the way you think. You can only do that yourself if women would be as you perceive them to be, humanity would have died a long time ago. Kinda useless thread. It's like if I would make one where I ask yanks to convince me that they are not hellspawns. I hate them too much not to think otherwise and I feel comfortable that way. You probably feel the same way about women. So no discussion is needed.

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You didn't respond to my marriage proposal still, and I'm sure you would have ended up retarded anyway. You don't make it sound like your parents did a good job though.

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i don't know you so i can't marry you i'm sorry :( my dad died when i was young and my mom was super busy so she just didn't think to check what i was doing online, plus i knew to clear my history etc.

they are garbage but their pussy is unbelievable so we have to put up with them

Based and autismpilled. Show me your lego collection you foid sperg.

>oldfag but tripfag
Completely garbage.

My legos are not for dum-dums

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Are you looking for a rich Chinese business man to fund your ambition? You position yourself as the embodiment of the things these incels claim to hate, don't you feel as though you yourself may be lower than the average man?

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join our confy server

That would be nice if it only happened six years ago!! ! Who knows. It kinda was my childhood dream.

Also no. I should be one that these incels should absolutely worship. Married at young age, no profession, no degrees. No previous divorces. Also know much of things that they like. Besides incels do not respect anyone. Not even themselves.

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>using Zig Forums when you were 8
kek how are you not broken
i'm an oldfag but i'm 34
differentfag btw

>how are you not broken
I think people really overestimate Zig Forums in that regard, I was on Zig Forums when I was 13
That being said she's a tripfag on Zig Forums, how whole do you honestly think she is?