This woman walks up to you and slaps your ass, what would you do?

this woman walks up to you and slaps your ass, what would you do?

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Ask if I could kiss hers.

>get off stupid nigger bitch

Ask her not to breathe smoke in my face.

Make heart eyes and follow her around

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Raw dog her against a nearby dumpster

moan arch back and stick butt out

slap her across the fucking face, no whore is going to touch my ass like that

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become her personal plaything, hopefully

I really don't know. It depends on my mood. I might just get all flustered and sullenly continue what I was doing or I might turn around and beat her head in. My mood swings quickly.

Is it bad that I was becoming this before lock downs? I went to work, then I went to drink. I'd try to pick up young guys, fail, and go home. I'd order a sluttier outfit, rinse and repeat.

Suck on her cock and tits.

Blush profusely but try to play it cool and ask if she's having fun there.

Probably freak due to her proportions being completely out of wack for the real world

ask her to put the cigarette away if she wants to talk to me but actually would probably blush really hard and look at her in surprise, then look away and either start walking away or ask "what?"

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beat her to death in self defense

Since she must be high out of her mind, ask her to come over to my place to do more drugs

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Casually pretend it didn't happen and awkwardly attempt to chat her up and try to follow her initiative. Hope i get to become her plaything.
This seems good too

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this and look behind me with a sultry face

Murder and rape her

>p-please don't touch me women scare me
and then i'll cry on the drive home

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punch her in the jaw with all my strenght. Hopefully, braking it and letting her in heavy pain.
Im a big boy, so a punch in the jaw with all my retarded strenght should be enough to fuck her shit up for good. Probably she would lose a few thoots in the process.
I try to use every chance i have to be violent against females. I love being violent against females. One time a girl was standing really close to me for no reason, i screamed at her telling her to fuck off, she slapped me in the face, so i slapped her really hard in left ear. She kinda shaked and went to the floor like a sack of potatoes, she was bleeding from the ear, i dont know what happened later cos i left.

Probably burst into tears, and make everyone around us visibly uncomfortable.

Look her dead in the eye as I grab a handful of her ass and hold until she looks away.
Then see were things go from there.

do that gentleman thing where you stick your elbow out just a bit and she's supposed to place her hand in it and accompany you
then while walking ask her where we're going and hope i didn't just get marked by a yakuza's wife or something

>in reality i would probably run because that's definitely some yakuza's wife or something

I would ask her why she slapped me on the ass.

Yeah it's bad.
You have to find other outlets for your pent up feelings.
Though if you are really intrested in such behavor, you should work on your communication/conversational skills. Then chat guys up so you get a feel for each other and if you find him acceptable you can probably lead things where you want them without coming off negatively.
Communication is key. Master it and you can get what you want more often then not.

Slap her ass back and punch her in her stupid fucking head, decking her and letting her body fall limp on the floor. She cracks her skull on the concrete below and bleeds out. Don't think you can sexually assault me just because you're a mediocre looking whore, woman.

Same origginaally

>Oi, what was that for?

Please be me slutty alcoholic cake gf, Im younger than you and equally searching