What are you reading fit?

What are you reading fit?

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american pyscho
it's pretty good so far

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Ooh nice, how is it compared to the movie?

Crime and punishment

tolstoy biography


Dialectic of Enlightenment by Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno. The latter being a pretty based men.

>reading in 2020
retards don't know about netflix yet

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Based, one of my favorite books. How do you like it so far?

Reading a big boy

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20 pages to go. Gift of fear is next.

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>omg stacy have you seen what user reads?
>yeah, it has so many pages!!!
>he must be so smart

>hes never going to finish Mortal Coils

Based reading

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This + thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman

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those digits wasted on such a poor bait

how is thinking fast and slow im thinking of buying it

atiyah & mc donald - introduction to commutative algebra

Any good recommendations of books to read?

How is that bait?

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It's nice desu, it's a thick book (500 pages) but reads pretty easy and brings interesting ideas to the table. my gf (psychology major) had to read it and she recommended it.

Oh man i wanted to read that too just out of pure interest since i think it was banned in my country. Can you recommend?

Gotta keep a backup just in case

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I actually enjoy reading btw.

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>why most small businesses dont work and what to do about it
>immediately look up "gerber last name origin"
oh wow what a surprise

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It's really tiresome, isn't it?

Animal Spirits - J. Akerlof
Doughnut Economics - K. Raworth
The personal MBA - J. Kaufman

Extreme ownership - J. Willinck
Start with Why and/or Leaders eat last - S. Sinek

Thinking fast and slow - D. Kahneman
Predictably Irrational - D. Ariely
The Art of choosing - S. Iyengar

highly recommend

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I read that recently, I have different opinion on it, it's one of those books that are really 10 pages but they make it to 300. Its ideas aren't worth it either if you have common sense, waste of time.

basado e vermelho-empilado

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my version is 180 pages. Yes, a lot of the stuff in the book is "common sense". Was i doing any of it before reading the book? hell, no. as the book itself says, common sense doesnt always lead to common action.

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daily reminder that 99% of self-help books are just a form of escapism :)

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so is this thread

based jackie chan trying to disguise the multiple baits in the image


Just reading a book won't necessary lead to action, period. Whatever works for you user, that's the reason I bother with self help books, there is so much trash in this category but when something speaks to you it's nice.
The only cue I found interesting was actively noticing when your mind is wondering off and switching back to the thing you are focusing on, the rest was meh for me.
Mine's was 250ish I think it was the latest edition.

This but unironically