
wUmPaGrInD Edition.

Part 6.

The Wumpa Committee has announced that it is formally renouncing its ties with HHL.

Decrees of the day:

Seethers Out!
Plump Posting Out!
Mourning for Little Richard.
Compulsory Diets for all Apus.

Song of the Day:

In Wumpa We Trust!

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Fucking spamming cunt.

Fuck off with this shit you annoying faggot.

Fucking annoying cunt

Shove your gimmick up your arse you cunt

Tripfags making threads,
You cunts have let them ruin this place.

Faggots bowing down to trips.
State of this thread.

don't mind me, i'm just the first non-seether in this thread

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like your shoes duder

5 replies from 1 poster?


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Yet all you lot bow down to tripfags


Thinking of going to the shop for some beers, but I don't need anything else. Is it wrong to do that as its "non essential"?

This thread has started awfully if I'm being honest lids, way too much seething

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>Fucking spamming cunt.

>Fuck off with this shit you annoying faggot.

>Fucking annoying cunt

>Shove your gimmick up your arse you cunt

>Tripfags making threads,
>You cunts have let them ruin this place.

>Faggots bowing down to trips.
>State of this thread.

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Me? Might go for the shop for a Smirnoff and some WKD. Seems like a womfy mix.

i fasted for 5 days once
(not on any drugs)
so if normies cannot go 5 days without food
then i cant go 5 days without beer

I'm annoyed this place has turned even shitter?
You cunts know nothing.

Yes this is the campaign
Seething posters
in the britfeel page
Unwomfy is the vastness
Hollow Helpers
Check the wumpa tanks
They hibernate
But have they kissed the ground
Pucker up and kiss the janny now
Tease this Apustaja
Seethie Weethie
They have access now

Get away, Get away
Sending seetheposts from
The one armed Seether
Get away, get away!

Fed on vinegar
Mummified compassion
Skin graft seethie
Dead womfers found in the streets

Self-destruct sequence
This thread is non-operational
Seethers growing
Hatred in our Britfeel loitering
Unknown origin
Is this the comfort of being afraid
Wumpa grinders
Block out the seethies
As they wait
Unknown, unknown
Unknown, unknown, yeah

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So is it meant to be upper or lowercase britfeel? I dont get it.

>Womfy hate
Looks like someone rattled the #nest

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*Visits the Wumpa Commitee Offices to discuss the ridiculous taxes on the wumpa and is shocked to find around twenty five helpers drawing on the walls with crayons or sat around eating takeaways and watching television*

Two pound fifty for one wumpa. Absolute fucking disgrace/

you need to get better taste in alcohol HHL
actually scratch that, you need to get help with your alcoholism instead

luke from modern family is pretty hot

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Drinking a few bottles of WKD is hardly alcoholism.

it doesnt matter, people are getting upset over nothing again

>stella tastes much better from a bottle than from a can
any other beers like this?

he is actually decent looking lad. When he was young he looked like a retard. modern family is a great show though.

>Seethie Weethers out in force today
Hide your Apus lads, don't let them unwomf them, mine cried for six hours solid yesterday after his picture was ridiculed by a pack of truly caustic seethers, don't let them grab them either. I hear they torture Apus for fun.

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what about when he drank an entire bottle of vodka last night and barely even felt drunk

All of them for me. Not sure why.

yeah feels weird he grew up hot
hate cam though
wish they had more episodes with mitch and phil though
like the did some star wars one or whatever

and its not a *great* show
sure, its fun to see al bundy again
and gloria is really funny
but its just okay

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wtf. cam is like the best character. also he plays gay so well for a guy who is like the opposite.

Would smash Katey Sagal desu.

he's just overly annoying sometimes
and the lines they give to that child who is 3 years old lmao


wait that's n b c thats the tune

Fuck it im going to the shop for booze. Hope I don't get arrested

Does anyone elses lips get really swollen when they have too much salty food?

Looks like I had a failed lip filler or something