>be me
>get gf
>immediately wants nudes
>family member passes away
>takes me to a movie
>wants me to finger her
>asks to fuck in bathroom
>say no
>pressures for 10 minutes
>say yes
>wants unprotected sex
>afterwards says her body count is 15
>weeks later
>misses one text
>yells at me in front of a bunch of mutual friends
>blackmails me
>see no problem
>gets upset when i realize
>starts to constantly ask for drug money
>lies about where she is
>lies about lying
>have breakdown
>gf tells me i have issues and need a therapist
>quarantine starts
>constant texts
>reply immediately
>talks about having threesomes without me
>says theres nothing wrong with it when i get mad
>find out she has drug debt
>not her fault somehow
>tells me she wants to do porn with me
>say no
>wont take no for an answer
>says she can make money off of it
>eventually gets mad and says she'll do it without me
>2 weeks later
>gf finds out people having been talking shit about her
>says i never stand up for her/have faith in our relationship
>calls me a liar
>says its my fault she's mad.
>find weed on driveway
>throw it out
>gf mad i didn't give it to her
>my fault she cant buy drugs
>begins getting "distracted" all day
>forgets about video calls constantly
>my fault for expecting her to pay attention to me
>try to address issues with her
>tries to validate her actions
>break up with her
>erased from her life in 5 minutes
>wants all pictures of her off my phone
>my fault
>i have issues that she cant deal with anymore
>refuses to try and fix the issue
why cant women just accept when they're at fault ffs.
Why don't women ever think they're at fault?
No worries annon you deserve better
thanks annon, this was all over the last 3 months
RUN DUDE! Do not take her back.
Bitch might rob you soon.
damn how long did it take you to dump her
just over 3 months. start of February to a little while ago
I guess she's to blame for having too much faith on you.
how'd she have too much faith?
dude you are lucky. get the fuck away from her and never contact her again. a bitch like this gets you nowhere fast.
They've coasted through life on free passes and leniency from people who don't want to put down girls that are perceived as already having been dealt a bad card by virtue of being women.
Thanks annon, i really learned that the hard way. i contacted her today and got a pretty shit tier response that basically said that she doesnt give a shit what i say, she's done with me.
GOOD! Don't ever contact her again!
If she cones back, it will be to rob you. Don't deal with her.
she was dealt a bit of a bad hand tbf, her past relationships haven't been great and neither has a lot of her family related stuff. still doesn't excuse her actions tho
why do people think she's gonna rob me lmao. she already spent a large portion of my money. and i don't have much rn cause of the lockdown
That isn't an excuse to take it out on you. If anything it means more of a reason to kick her down. You should've turned the tables and gaslit her.
Damn dude. I broke up with a girlfriend of about 13 months 7 months ago. Her bodycount was at the high teens also, one of these things that should have been a big red flag to me at the beginning of the relationship, alas. I do think about her a lot, no doubt and get melancholic however I know in my mind that the dumping was the right thing to do. And I hope you do too. I know this is a self-centred post, sorry, be proud of yourself for having the stones to end it instead of letting it drag on.
We are anonymous semi-autists across a Korean daisychain-crafting forum. And I am proud of you.
You should've dumped that whore right after she revealed her body count.
thanks annons, i know the bodycount shouldve been a red flag, but i was being a retard lmao
it's okay user, you'll have one or two shitty relationships here and there, but what's important ia that you learn from them. learn to stay away from toxic bitches like your ex. learn and grow, you deserve better than that.
also get tested for std's those are no joke
Too much of a wimp for sex, not willing to support her, breaking down at the first obstacle in the relationship
Don't know what to tell you man the list is long
she said she's clean but i should still check
doesn't matter user. you got laid. congrats bro.
now you know that your not missing out on anything when it comes to sex.
what you really want is to find love.
thats true annon, i dont really care for sex rn desu
Yeah, you have HPV at the least now. Maybe Herpes.
have you ever met a drug addict? They kill their granny for a twenty.
i actually hadn't until i started dating her
i never get any symptoms so i think it's unlikely. however i will still end up getting tested
>talks about having threesomes without me
>two weeks later
No. No no no. You should have cut every contact with her right then and there.
i was really blind to red flags, in hindsight there were a few obvious ones
so this is what having 70 iq feels like
lmao, based not gonna lie
What a piss poor quality bait