Why is this entire website so obsessed with black people? Holy shit. I don't even get mad, I just find it cringe

Why is this entire website so obsessed with black people? Holy shit. I don't even get mad, I just find it cringe.

You could be browsing any thread on anyboard and some how it derails into talking about black people and their hatred for niggers.

For instance someone can make a thread with a cute girl and some white guy replies with "made for BBC", then he gets like 20 replies of people calling him a nigger, shill, jew, cuck, chink etc...

This website is fucking trash.

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it's just americans desu

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Because rightoids are incapable of not shitting up whatever community they're in. They also get baited so easily by people trying to troll them and just chimpout.

Why do you even care? Either start using word filters or learn to use the hide function.

keep insinuating shooter rage its been working

its amazing how fucking shit backwards this shit is
my instagram/fb/twitter is filled with racemixing
my family is getting blacked my ex is getting blacked when i go outside the entire world has a blacked logi its fucking everywhere
one of the few places i go to just block it out and post about vidya gets shit up with qos tattoo edits
and when somebody stands up and says fuck this faggot shit go to porn boards or b for this shit he gets banned while the bbc spamers keep on going
now you tell me

>there are millions of quasi-human biological weapons roaming around your society and they wage an insurgent campaign of crime and indolence

>niggers literally murder whites at a 2,500% higher rate

Nigger lovers must die. Kill a traitor before an enemy.

>redditor spacing

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Biological weapons?
Well fine if you hate us so much then what's your solution?

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Hehe niggers haha hohoho

We aren't on Zig Forums user.

Isn't this the exact definition of getting triggered so much you require a safe space?

Because niggers are obnoxious retards who fucking suck. All they do is be loud, dumb, antisocial, annoying and potentially dangerous in any given situation.

I don't need any other reason to fucking hate them as all their behaviour is based off of one of these traits. All I do at work is essentially look after niggers when they eventually decide that being human is too much for their 65iq brains

I like this site, but I do hate things about it, but the black people thing is one of the least of my reasons for thinking the site is trash.

Point still stands, fuck off kike

Some of those are true, maybe all of them, but not for every black person.

Niggers in the US should be treated like refugees. Genetic testing could help return the descendants of slaves to there places of origin. Repatriation is the only solution, unless you want all the niggers to be wiped out.

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Any group is defined by its majority.

Nah. Fuck back to your backwards 3rd world board.

And you expect complete compliance? Not sure if people of a race that's been here for hundreds of years are just gonna get up and leave. Who's gonna pay for it?

>Be brainwashed by porn
>Think blacked shit is real
>Don't have much to your onw life so you need to take credit for others of your race

Same goes for white people?

God what a stupid picture to use to even try and make a point. Using full city artistic shots and one trashy photo from the bottom of an outhouse is a far cry from a fair comparison. While obviously Detroit isn't as nice as Hiroshima was, do you seriously not think there were also some trashy dirty neighborhoods in Hiroshima too? You strawman making idiots are laughable.

Modern western world is literally centered around nigger worship. Niggers are literally worshipped like gods by media. If you object against it irl you get ostracized, expelled, cancelled. This website is one of the few remaining places where people can express their dissent and yet you sick cucks follow us here too. Fuck niggers, fuck kikes, and fuck you.

>he needs a safe space to whine about niggers constantly
Go to stormfront, faggot

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Niggers have not been here for "hundreds of years" you dumb kike.

Fuck off underage tripfag, social heuristics and stereotyping come into play when roughly 20 percent of a population is that way. Because at some point you get fucked enough that you just have to assume they're all like that. All blacks are niggers and fucking suck. All Jews are greedy, shekel clutching deviants. All tripfags are underage attention whores, because damn it I was one

Ah yes all black p- I mean niggers are criminals bro. I mean look at the statistics and IQ testing data.

I just get the urges to rape white women, kill and murder every now and then.

I'm such a nigger lol xD

I get free money from jews as well lol.

U msf whitey?

Cope and seethe.

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Then what are all white people?

When you go to Reddit first. Yes I need safe space from niggers and nigger worshippers, entire white race needs it in fact. You know how suburbs were created? People literally needed safe space from niggers.

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>outright admitting you need a safe space

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On August 28, 1565, St. Augustine, Florida was founded by the Spanish conquistador Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles and he brought three enslaved Africans with him.

>newfag doesn't know that entire point of Zig Forums still existing is to contain all those retards ruining every board spamming nigger and kike

advanced post

You deserve to die. Whites created the nations of the New World out of nothing. The Natives were cavemen. There wasn't a single written language north of the Rio Grande.

>Yes I need safe space
Stopped reading right there

>we alone created all of it
>except for all the slaves I had

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