Mention how bullying is essential for human development

>mention how bullying is essential for human development
>400+ replies without fail
Why can't you accept this simple truth?

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take your token (you) user

i accepted it a long time ago when bullying helped me fix my hygiene and social skills.

Bullying is what made me a coomer. Self defense training is essential for men's development in the western world.

>bully males for jerking off
>don't bully females for lying, harassing, and being cunts
I think Zig Forumstards actually hate men more than women.

poltards are usually incels, and they harass women all day and all night. most women on the internet have death threats from thousands of poltards.

anyway, get back to the point. i'd bully a degenerate who masturbates and i'd bully a lying whore. both need to correct their behavior.

Plus I can guarantee that OP would cry if you even looked him in the eyes.

Rationalizing inflicting suffering is one thing but justifying it being inflicted on you is something else. Some people are just born cucks.

samefag and rent free
pretty sure girls bully other girls more than guys bully other guys
>noo you can't accept outside criticism you have to bee yourself!!

>noo you can't accept outside criticism you have to bee yourself!!
If you change yourself just because others tell you to, you're a bitch.

>This level of projection
Touch a nerve? Who hurt you?

t. Zig Forumscel cope

Do those words even mean anything to you?

I was bullied for many years and I'm now broken husk of man because of this and even my therapist confirmed this

A decent man who gets bullied will come out from it stronger, while a shitty man who gets bullied will let it break him. It's an essential form of natural selection.

You didn't have the strength to overcome literal children and teenagers that live in your mind rent free.
If you can't grow as a human being and move on then you deserve all the misery you cling to, you little fucking victimcard clinging bitch.

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Bullying made me hate the world and people who defend it as adults just confirms my belief that humans just like shitting on those below them and will use any excuse that their undeserved primate brain can think up. It's one thing to get picked on. It's another to be completely ostracized and have absolutely NO friends in your youth. I tried to make friends. I really did. For years and years, but no one wanted me because they already had their cliques. So you can go eat shit. You don't believe bullying is essential, you just don't want to feel guilty for anything or believe you've done anything wrong. Natural selection? Fuck off, this isn't the wild anymore. This is the civilized world and that means that you have to act like civilized people.

You should be thankful that bullies were your big "problem" and not something serious. Somebody who is as weak as you would have gotten absolutely destroyed by con artists or cultists or terrorists.

>dude just move on from your formative years bro
Yeah how about I lift the fucking sky while I'm at it?

You didn't have the strength to overcome literal children and teenagers that live in your mind rent free.
If you can't grow as a human being and move on then you deserve all the misery you cling to, you little fucking victimcard clinging bitch.
It's completely natural. You're meant to grow up and move on.

Bullying is such horse shit. I was a fat kid so if I stood up for myself adults would get mad at me for not knowing my own strength. Columbine is the funniest event in human history, was hilarious going to school in the early 2000s and seeing teachers protecting the bullies at all cost by making them stop. Afraid the man will come around.

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>You're supposed to be the same person you were as a teenager bro nobody changes or grows bro
Do manchildren really

you think you were bullied because people decided not to befriend you? sounds like your just an uninteresting person who's not fun to be around.
High school is a cess pool of bullying and targeting each other and everyone gets targeted at one point believe me, but if you don't go through that you cant handle confrontation and aggression later in life

>even my therapist confirmed this

I agree, bullying helped me to become high functioning member of society, not sure about the kids i bullied though.

See what I mean? This is what a lack of bullying does to a brain. Justifying and glorifying murder is disgusting, and you're sick.
If you had a nor all development you wouldn't be this stunted. You should've been picked on more

Funny pic, because most coomers have been incesantly bullied throught all their lives so such a point their confidence only allows them to fap to porn.

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I was a bully and I am not proud of it, but I think being bullied and being teased (by friends) isn't a big difference, it's just how you handle being teased that determines whether you become a bullied loser or a normal human being.

I saw a lot of fat kids avoid bullying by being funny or sociable. You just sound retarded. There's a difference between being an easy target and a professional victim.

I think it depends on what you see as 'bullying.' I agree that people SHOULD be shamed for doing harmful things, but straight up bullying only causes problems. In my case, I was bullied because of baseless rumours and for being quiet and doing well in class. The experience did have some benefits (have more empathy for others now, have a strive to defend the weak and vulnerable etc) but overall it just made more socially anxious and my grades suffered. Being bullied for dumb rumours and being quiet is dumb. Bullies rarely ever pick anyone who is actually doing anything wrong, but of course what is wrong is subjective. I don't agree with what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I don't know how being bullied made me stronger in any way.

I'm married with an active sex life of 2 to 3 times a week, I still masturbate fucking constantly.
I was molested as a child though, that might have something to do with it.

>sounds like your just an uninteresting person who's not fun to be around.
So I should be outcast from human society because I don't talk so good? Fuck off. Bullying works when you have a foundation of community to fall back on and find your own strength. A total outcast is as good as dead. And the village? Oh it's gonna burn baby.

Being quiet deserves some level of bullying to help push you into learning social skills and participating in the community, but "doing well in class" should not get you bullied. You should have had your friends defend you. If you had no friends, then LOL @ your life.

>In minecraft
Don't forget user, don't want a late night knock on the door.

no you should learn that nobody wants to be your friend when your uninteresting and boring to be around so aim to start being more interesting and fun to be around then maybe people will want to be around you. You cant force people to be your friend. Being ostracized for not being the best version of yourself should guide you away from the shell of a man you are being ostracised because of being

Are we all just pretending to be okay with bullying or is this place lost to normalfags

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>LOL @ your life.
the state of bullies

>get bullied
>do nothing and the bullying continued
>stand up for myself and the bullying became violent
What was I meant to learn from this experience

>there's people who still think Eric and Dylan killed people because they were bullied

become more violent, commit to a really violent act and the bullies will realise they don't want to fuck around with you.
I ended up expelled and at an 18 student behavioural school because I turned up the violence, guess what no more bullies and the kids I rekt'd 20 years ago, we are mates now.

Bullying is only essential to lose faith in humanity. Is a monkey behavior and has karmic consequences.

You gave up to easily, things get worse before they get better.
Heres a fact. its impossible to be bullied if you've self actualised. Nobody could bully me because I wouldn't care cos im mentally strong and if they did anything threatening I would beat the shit out of them cos im physically strong

>Get tortured until you conform to other people's standards
Eric and Dylan did nothing wrong.

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normalfags are the ones who think bullying is wrong. boomer normalfags in particular.

do you think Zig Forums is a place for nice, peaceful, respectable people?

>Being ostracized for not being the best version of yourself should guide you away from the shell of a man you are being ostracised because of being
Society has a duty to accept those who are adequate for performing the tasks necessary to maintain it, regardless of their personality. We live in civilization so start fucking acting like it.

This is like the third day of the same fucking bait please just stop its not even funny anymore

Live by the sword. Die by the sword. Eventually you will taste the blade.

Women aren't allowed here

You can't learn from bullying but one thing: destroying the bullis is funny

I don't. Teachers in 2000 did.

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>become more resilient to the bullying
>correct your behavior so the bully has nothing to bully you for
>gain support from your friends to bully the bullies
>change your lifestyle so the bully has no access to you

there were a million things you could have learned. you only learned to hate someone who lives in your head rent free.

>society has a duty to let me be a socially inept retard and not fit in forever
good luck with that kid

>society has a duty to let me be a socially inept retard and not fit in forever
Yes. Society is about combining resources and skills for greater rewards. Not unga bunga caveman shit.

Always the same shit
you just want some excuse for being a sadistic faggot maybe bc you were bullied or feel like shit with yourself. Do what you want but dont try to justify it.

There is greater reward for ensuring that people who consume community resources contribute back to the community and participate in it.

Different groups challenge each other with the reward of optimizing through competition. Sometimes it goes too far but it's objectively good.

>be 15 yo faggot
>get bullied by kids in school
>decide fuck this im gonna prove im better than them
>prove I am better than them
>bullying solved

Do lizardbrains really?

bullying is evolution trying to get you to become as socially normal for your environment as possible. If you use it as a guide you can become socially normal and henceforth have the best possible social life in your environment

>is literally a necessary part of human development
>d-don't make excuses, n-no it isn't, I-I'm justifying in wallowing in memories from gradeschool for the rest of my fucking life
Grow. Up. And. Move. On. You can't be a victim in your fucking 30s

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bullyings bad for you like quite genuinely damaging i dont understand

When I was in middle school I was extremely autistic and obnoxious and nobody really liked me as a result. Nobody bullied me either though, so I never realized I needed to change. Then when I got into highschool people actually started making fun of me and bullying me, which is why I was able to realize why nobody liked me and change myself. People stopped bullying me when I became functional enough.

Bullying is good when it's done to people who deserve to be bullied. They either toughen up or kill themselves, overall making society a better place.

Make sure your bullies are bullying from a position of earned power and not from a position of weak fraudulence and a desperate need to self perpetuate despite providing no value.

I didn't have sperg strength to fight off groups of them. Losing fights added to the humiliation because everyone knew and egged them on. The fights, them putting dog shit in my bag every day and my the other kids laughing "lol user got his head kicked in again hahahah" ruined any confidence I had in myself. I stopped going to school because I felt there was nothing I could do to change my situation.
If I could go back maybe I should have used a knife. I would be in prison but if that is what it takes to be a normal member of society i should have done it.