Anyone who posts in this thread will be based for life

anyone who posts in this thread will be based for life

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i am based indeed

thanks user, i feel so good rn

>based for life
Thats the motto

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based ! woo hee !

Too based to live

Too redpilled to die

That's me (a)


on what, nigger

all based anons
cringe faggot not based

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I had an interview for a job today so I need all the based energy I can get.

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Baste on what?

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I'll have a based but hold the redpill, extra epic.

Why yes, i take my meds, how could you tell?

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whats up based aussie, how ya doing?

too late op! but i'll tell them you posted. based is as based does, after all!

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>foe realz nigga

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aren't the pills supposed to be red?

Yes, it is I, the based one.

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Fuck Hanke

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also extremely based anons

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plz am need

i need this brehs dear brehs

but only if I get dubs right?

Super based brotendo

Kev was always based

will i ever be as based as bepis dog doe?

double based my nigga

my friends. Nothing restores our souls like the smile of a Based God upon us

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IM mostly white

Nice, I could use that

BASED me like a turkey. My body is ready

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If I post more than once do I become extra based?

gracias, de nada user.

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very good dog. I am based indeed

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