what are they shaking hands in agreement on?
What are they shaking hands in agreement on?
on how they pounded your moms neghole
>IQ isn't real
back to plebbit
on adopting lil 110 peepo
Zig Forums meme for films that appeal to brainlets and high IQ, but not to midwits
on being genetically superior
When did I say that you smooth brain.
Living peacefully without conflict. The above average are manipulators and the below average are the brutes who are manipulated. The non-retarded lower IQ have this dumb charm that makes you optimistic when you're around them. Like you don't have to worry about any bullshit they are trying to pull, because they genuinely aren't going to do anything. Meanwhile the high IQ realizes how awful the world is and just wants peace of mind. He sees his dumb friend as an escape, which will allow him to just act like a complete fool and genuinely have a good time. In return he protects his foolish friend from manipulation and helps teach them things he's having problems understanding.
My friend group is composed solely of people in those categories. I avoid the 1 standard deviation crowd like the plague.
Nobody on Zig Forums is even over 120. Just a bunch of larpers that took a facebook IQ "test"
This is actually retarded. Men with very high and very low IQs have lower testosterone. While men with average intelligence have the highest testosterone levels.
on not being manlets like the other two haha
This only lends support to the image. High testosterone correlates with criminal behavior.
w-where is 130+
being able to enjoy mongolian throat singing
its true though, i'm a complete retard and people are often saying that i'm smart even thought thats only because i speak before i think
I got an IQ test a few months ago before the pandemic hit hard, and got 137, it was through my psychologist. He must've laughed at how stupid those things are as soon as I left, I didn't even graduate high school, I dropped out Junior year.
Ok, are you one of the
the fact that you are a lazy fuck who didnt do shit in school doesnt mean that iq tests dont work as a reasonably well predictor for most people
130 is the chad, not in the image because he is off fucking Stacy
i am actually puzzle when someone doesnt enjoy it. its beautiful and a interesting skill.
Iq isn't real I have below average iq(lower than 95) yet I managed to graduate with a stem degree (high iq stuff)
It wasn't a particularly smart post though, maybe he's just another
pacifism is peak midwit
but user
Any brainlet can graduate college as long as they have enough money.
I was measured by a psychologist at 16. I can believe lots of the people on here are 130+.
It has something to do with this image.
Wrong it's about political ideologies. Traditionalism for high iq and low iqs whereas midwits celebrate progressivism.
how much money do you make? i think that matters a lot more.
The JQ.