Beer tastes like shit. Why do people drink that stuff?

Beer tastes like shit. Why do people drink that stuff?

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it makes you feel good and stop worrying

So does Vodka and it tastes better, especially mixed

If the end goal is to get drunk, why drink beer? Why not drink something with more alcohol?

Some people don't like liquor you daft cunt

Try a Belgian white style, like a Blue Moon or a Shocktop. They're delicious.

So you like the taste of beer?

beer is good. if i have to explain it, you dont get it

drink more beer
go to the pub and buy youre friends some beers
tell people your favourite beer without them asking
never stop drinking beer

Because liquor tastes worse

i like a few but most are horrible in my opinion. i like red wine and i like whiskey, thats about it.

like coffee, you become familiar with the taste and then end up making positive associations with it so although there isn't an alcoholic drink i prefer flavour wise to a soft drink i'd still pick a beer to relax at the end of the day or something, outside of home is more to try different ones out
also try ales they're much nicer

yes anons
try vodka and red bull best shit i tasted of all the shit vodka mixes

Because it eases the pain and keeps me sane. Also it actually tastes pretty good as long as it's not craft shit.

It started for me with IPA. Now I live in the desert and drink light beer because it's refreshing and gets you drunk after a while but not too quickly. Which makes it social too, even though I drink alone. and when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself

because we like the taste

I wonder who could be behind OP's post.

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it's an acquired taste thing

Vodka and redbull is fucking awful. Plus redbull costs way too much compared with other mixers. I bet you like Coors Light too.

I love the taste of beer. If I don't feel like getting drunk, I will often buy 0% alcohol stuff just to get that taste

Alcohol in general is disgusting

grow up you fucking zoomers, nothing beats a cold one after a hard day's work

You're a manchild who never developed a taste for bitter refreshing beverages. Stick to your mountain dew and cancer cola.

The first beer is always refreshing as fuck. If you're drinking to get drunk then yeah it does start tasting like pure alcohol.

It's the cheapest and least sucky way to numb yourself in a variety of degrees. No one drinks it for the taste

there exists really good tasting beer out there like alexander keith's i would drink that shit even without alcohol in it.
the problemis that alexander keith's doesn't exist in most places and all other beer I've ever tried tasted like absolute ass.

Vodka? Try Tequila

you have the palate of a 10 year old.

also drinking beer to get drunk is so stupid. you'd have to quickly chug like 4 beers to even feel anything and then you just have to piss every 10 minutes. a few shots of liquor works way better.

I don't drink anymore but I prefer my beer as light and watered down as possible. Stuff like miller high life and bud light were my main choices.

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Then drink that

you got to be atleast 18 to post.
so now, fuck off zoomies

>beer tastes bad
>drink alcohol so concentrated it might as well be paint thinner
ok retard

you can mix beer too, by the way

18 year olds are born in 2001-2002 so they are zoomrs also