Daily reminder that r9k is a safe space for transwomen and people of colour

Daily reminder that r9k is a safe space for transwomen and people of colour

Zig Forumstards are not welcomed here

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I'm puerto rican and mtf trans and this is a nice thread

daily reminder that no one cares about you :)

Hmmm I want to disconcour

mexican transgirl here

I don't care about darkies but everyone hates trannies. You even hate yourself. The people that are nice to your face hate and find you disgusting behind your back. The biological perfection that is women cannot be replicated by splitting your dick, taking hormones, training your voice to be nasally and high pitched, and shaving down your skull. I don't care about ftms besides being a little upset that they'd turn their backs on something as amazing as femininity.

kys faggot
kys faggot

>kys faggot
kill me by chocking me with your cock ;)

God I thought being half spic was bad but now i realize just being spic is bad

daily reminder that trannies and niggers need to shut up about being trannies and niggers

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H-how is it bad?

daily reminder not to blaspheme!

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Most of the non white trannies are brown not black.

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Because of people like you, user.
Yeah I don't im even able to racemix considering I can't get a gf

>Because of people like you, user
What is wrong with my behavior??

>Yeah I don't im even able to racemix considering I can't get a gf
How tall are you? Are you ugly?

>What is wrong with my behavior??
There's no scientific proof to prove you're even mentally sane because you people seethe everytime we try to study these "conditions"

>How tall are you? Are you ugly?
6'1 anorexic

>There's no scientific proof to prove you're even mentally sane because you people seethe everytime we try to study these "conditions"

It does not matter if I am mentally sane or not, I am not harming anyone by being a tranny

I think you are the one who is mentaly ill then. Can you tell me what mental illness you have that turned you into an anorexic

>It does not matter if I am mentally sane or not, I am not harming anyone by being a tranny
I never said that you were hurting anyone, Im just ashamed of being grouped with people like you
>I think you are the one who is mentaly ill then
At least I admit it, depression since i was 19, when i moved out i could finally stop eating

>I never said that you were hurting anyone, Im just ashamed of being grouped with people like you
You should not care, hispanic is not even a race. Me being a weak sissy does not mean all hispanics have weak sissy genetics.

Nuh uh you tranny fuck, you have your own board /lgbt/

fuck niggers
go back to r*ddit

Arguing with you isn't even worth it, literally just dont want actual whites to think of my other race as gigafaggots

none of the trannies itt are black

Everyone on r9k is either a beta incel or a sissy regardless of race, also why do you care about the opinion of people who post here?

Fuck you and your safe spaces. Nowhere is a safe space for anyone, accept that you are who you are and some people disagree with that or go back to tumblr you fucking normie

couldn't care less about the opinion of people posting here, why would anyone.

Is r9k safe for gays? I'm gay so I'd like to know. Also I fucking hate trannies stop trying to squeeze yourself into LGB groups. Being a tranny isn't a sexuality

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r9gay, no it isn't you have your own board already

jesus fucking christ its fucking anonymous, if you dont want people to shit on you for your mental illness just dont fucking talk about it

almost forgot, FUCK TRANNIES

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>dont want actual whites to think of my other race as gigafaggots
This proves otherwise

>This proves otherwise
literally how

You care about the opinion of white people who post here. You do not want them to see hispanics as faggots