Plenty of footage of the riots and the destruction that's happening and it's mostly white people with groups of blacks here and there.
This is not a "black people are destroying America" problem, everyone is a part of it and you can see for yourselves you fucking retards.
It's not only black people you cunts
Black, white, yellow, etc. humans are shit. Shit is literally all of those colors.
They don't want to see it, they want to keep up the narrative that it's niggers destroying their own ghettos.
Do you really believe these people care, user? It's been obvious that it wasn't just blacks but anons have a narrative to push. They desperately want this to be a race war. But I find it funny because these faggots could outside right the fuck now and cause some shit in the name of their race war yet they sit at home like cowards.
no point in arguing with retards. theyll tll you its all cherry picked or that their antifa as if that means they arent white suddenly
anyone trying to sell you anything else is shilling hard for the sake of their own falitical agenda.
black influence and its majority black
You forgot the best one. Some random white dudes start busting into a five guys while a QT black girl literally begs them to stop
>black influence
yeah ok
are these people rioting?
No but the people in the OP are.
THANK YOU. this is what ive been trying to say the whole fucking time
> implying Zig Forumsacks will care
They will keep beating their dicks to interracial porn and blame everything on jews and blacks.
What about black on black deaths being the number one homicide rate in america BY FAR, followed then by black on white, and white on black is somewhere near the bottom with a TINY MINORITY, yet it's the last one that blows up into a media shitstorm everytime it happens?
A race of people who largely kill their own ethnicity (and others) are rioting and looting about oppression because one of their own was killed. The statistics say they are anything but oppressed. The murder statistics would indicate whites are the ones being oppressed in society. The violence & rape statistics would suggest whites are victims. The diversity quotas in companies & colleges, guaranteed interviews for blacks, scholarships and so on would suggest blacks are anything but victims.
>pic related
Tell me if there was any widespread rioting when an australian woman in minnesota got shot by a black cop? (Intentional homicide unlike Floyd). Tell me if there was any national outrage in the media when a 5 year old boy was thrown from the 3rd floor of a minnesota shopping mall by a black gentleman?
But when a lifelong career criminal who had served hard prison time for home invasion which left a woman traumatised for life dies while resisting arrest, we are supposed to believe black people are oppressed.
black people riot thats what they always do
Many in the OP are white user.
I'm not saying blacks aren't doing it but you seem to be in complete denial. Do you seriously believe whites are perfect and can do no wrong?
they are still American. all you are doing is proving how dumb you are.
if blacks where not involved the chances of rioting and looting would drastically drop
Even if it was all niggers, at least they're actually showing aggression towards the people they think are persecuting them.
Zig Forumsfags are all talk. Remember when the Sacklers were supposedly making opiates specifically to harm white people? Every clinic that sells and prescribes them still has all of its windows.
Raging victims are superior to whining ones.
It bothers me not that poltards are racist but that you continually make arguments in bad faith especially when you can think of nothing else and just start quoting statistics like a autistic parrot. Putting qualifiers before the focus of your data greatly detracts from the impact of the message you are trying to send since iit becomes clear that you are only citing what supports your tenuous grasp of the subject and ignoring everything else in existence. You are as delusional as the public you so often like to cite as being oblivious.
this is some high level cope considering whites also riot and loot during big sports events, so much so that its considered part of the culture in some areas
Here's another post just because.
Can you guys imagine if 4 white men broke into a house in a black neighborhood and murdered a 12 year old black girl who was in the home alone? There would be worldwide condemnation, headline articles in every newspaper and news broadcast, reactions from most celebrities and hollywood would probably make it into a tv show or movie.
Look up the color of crime and wake up to the fact that no one is oppressing african americans, they oppress both others and themselves.
And remember Emily Elizabeth Haddock, the 12 year old girl from North Carolina who was killed simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time because she was at home sick from school. It was COMPLETELY ignored by the media and news.
>Completly ignores points made pulls up and article
I am ashamed of falling for such weak bait in the first place you arent even trying.
R9k has way too many nigger lovers nowadays. What happened?
>OP shows that more than black people are rioting
>Immediately spamming unrelated articles that do not refute this statement
Do you actually want this explained to you or are you just arguing for sport?
Zig Forums has always been obsessed with niggers, user. They cry about how much they hate them one minute and then beat off to BLACKED the next.
>And remember Emily Elizabeth Haddock, the 12 year old girl from North Carolina who was killed simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time because she was at home sick from school. It was COMPLETELY ignored by the media and news.
This happened in 2007, I was like 13 then. Plus I'm pretty sure those men got arrested and put in prison.
The protesters are part white, part black. The rioters are mostly black despite blacks being 13% of the population.
>Tell me if there was any widespread rioting when an australian woman in minnesota got shot by a black cop?
There wasn't. Because white people are pussies and let the police walk all over them
>Euro admixture makes blacks more successful
I've asked this before and I'll ask it again. Why don't we just breed the low IQ and violence out of blacks if that's the case. Blacks were selectively bred before we could do it again.
Then don't listen to Zig Forums. Listen to the Jews:
>Euro admixture makes blacks more successful
Yes because Brazilians are sooo fucking great.
Cause white on black ends in conviction the lowest % of the time. So now everyone preemptively gets angry whenever it happens because they're expecting an acquittal.
It's nonwhite antiwhites and white antiwhites. It doesn't matter, it's all antiwhites.
I'm addressing a point made in his faggoty infographic
I need proofs before I shoots
Why do we have to babysit black people? Send them back to Africa like Marcus Garvey wanted. They'll be higher IQ than the local Africans. Plus the US dollar is worth a lot in those countries.
Also if you mean breeding whites then blacks - no I'm not going to breed into lower IQ. If you mean selective breeding then that'd be hard with "regression to the mean" getting in the way. It'd be easier just to ship them back.
And to address the image you posted - that was satire. Irish have IQ's similar to whites and were always considered white under US law.
No, shit is brown just like black people.
>The rioters are mostly black
funny because ive seen plenty of them tipping over cop cars and even one with a skateboard punching CNNs windows out
>It'd be easier just to ship them back.
And what if they resist, user?
Where are you getting that?
And how do you know both cases are equal? The white on black cases could be led by a politically-charged DA in a heavily black area where they try to make a case out of nothing and it fails like the George Zimmerman case.
Racial disparities often have explanations other than the "institutional discrimination" trope.
That's not an argument.
Yeah they did but my point which anons like
all keep ignoring,
is that the color of crime that all statistics show is hugely skewed in that majority of murders, violence etc are being perpetrated by african americans and hugely disproportionately to their make up of the population.
I'll quote what I said in my previous post
>black on black deaths being the number one homicide rate in america BY FAR, followed then by black on white, and white on black is somewhere near the bottom with a TINY MINORITY, yet it's the last one that blows up into a media shitstorm everytime it happens?
>A race of people who largely kill their own ethnicity (and others) are rioting and looting about oppression because one of their own was killed.
>The statistics say they are anything but oppressed. The murder statistics would indicate whites are the ones being oppressed in society.
>The violence & rape statistics would suggest whites are victims. The diversity quotas in companies & colleges, guaranteed interviews for blacks, scholarships and so on would suggest blacks are anything but victims.
They can't answer any of this so they just keep calling me a racist. I'm not a racist. I see statistics and data. I have no problem with anyone whether they're african, japanese, chinese, indian, eskimo, english, italian, israeli, palestinian, north korean, south korean, australian, and every other ethnicity culture or race you can think of. I have a problem when I see a group of people in society playing the 'we're oppressed card' when everything indicates they are categorically not oppressed.
>Do you seriously believe whites are perfect and can do no wrong?
Clearly not what i'm saying.
I made this thread in response to the dozens or so threads made that keep saying "black people ruining my country"