Try to make try to make thread complaining about having not gf

>Try to make try to make thread complaining about having not gf
>Then realize that i have no qualities that will make a woman want me
Any anons realized this too?

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knajjd is such a fucking faggot

So, is this a male or a female?

If you can't tell the difference between a girl and a boy, i have bad news for you user....

knajjd is the sexiest incel. how 2 shota rapist bf?

knajjd is a fakecel with this face he could definitely
find a pedophile foid to be with him

he's 5'2'' and it adds to his charm. moids are so clueless.

I'm sure you date a lot of 5' men you lying whore

wrong site. i think you're looking for /soc/

idk i've had two gf's and they both thought i was cute, sweet, caring and genuine.
still tfw no gf because i still can't approach girls myself, both my exes approached me first.
also inb4 "normalnigger get out"

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how tall are you? orginally of rpcoe

He's kinda cute though, so I doubt that he doesn't get hint on by girls.

i'm 6'3
inb4 "you only got them because you're tall"
i'm not that handsome and i don't have great social skills, at least that's what i think. i'm also kind of chubby but not fat.
me being tall could still have something to do with it though, both my exes are pretty short. like 5'2 i think.

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Fuck, is it true that 3/10 women only want chad?

This thread has convinced me. Turklandia here I come!

if you're sub 9 psl in the west I have bad news for you

not really, they weren't 3/10's at al, i'd say they were both like 7's. i'm also not a chad, they were pretty much settling if you ask me.

what the fuck that guy is really cute? even if he's 5'2, thats taller than me so id date him lol

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Are you cute? You have a nice voice user :)

I know Im a pile of trash that no woman with decent self esteem would love, but that doesnt change the fact I want a girl to love me

Are you also a boy? I doubt femoids would browse Zig Forums.

no i dont have a dick lmao. if i was a

Your desperation is leaking.

if you were average height these girls would never approach you

yes it's your height

I mean I know that women have no feelings or any sense of attachment, but isn't that a bit unrealistic? What exactly are women looking in a man?

Go hang yourself tranny, you 100% have a dick.

Some boys are kinda cute, but i wouldn't like them the same as a woman. Also women don't browse Zig Forums for sure.

well at least i got that going for me which is nice.
also i think my social skills and looks aren't that bad as i think they are, i'm pretty insecure about both of those but people tell me that it's really not that bad. i also have decent muscles.
maybe the only thing holding me back from being chad is my low self-esteem. i don't know.

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aren't as bad as i think*
i'm tired

that's it

No problem, how long you've been browsing Zig Forums btw, i think i've hear a similar voice on /soc/ before?