What would you do if a shy insecure transgirl asked you out?

What would you do if a shy insecure transgirl asked you out?

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tell that disgusting tranny to fuck off. Im not a fag lmao

Punch that thing in the face

>fuck off, I ain't into men
Simple response for a simple situation

Go out with them if they promised to pay for everything of course

accept, if they're a german/scandi/icelandic boy... etc.. and at least make them realize that if they go through that "operation", that they will kill themselves by age 35 no matter what.

Tell her she's an ugly bitch and she should kill herself.

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Have sex with her immediately

how many threads have we had today of trannies fishing for validation

Would take her up on it. I really want to try dating a trans like this but they're pretty non existent where I'm at. Also tried a ts dating site but it was all overseas Filipinas/Filipinos

I'd bully them and lead them on a bit, but not actually date or fuck them.

I would unironically be overjoyed and accept. It sounds like a very unique relationship, and they seem clingy so that's perfect for me. I'd just hope they want me back, it could grow into something very nice.

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Id be giddy with excitement that someone is actually interested in me

I find OPs pic to be adorable, who are they?

Sorry sir, im not gay faggot.

Say no, I've given trannies a chance in the past and they are NEVER worth it. Do not fall for this shit, not even once. You are genuinely better off with your average roastie.

"Sorry bro, my girlfriend wouldn't be okay with that"

this so much at all times

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So are any trans girls looking to start something or are we just polling opinions here?

if shes attractive sure ill give them a shot, but most ive met are liars and schemers

sorry already dating a transboy, cute tho

Not into men, origin

>What would you do if a shy insecure transgirl asked you out?
assume she lost a bet or was hoping to take advantage of me in some way

fucking curbstomp that thing

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...wait was that a hypothetical question

I'm lonely and desperate so I'm not gonna lie, if pic related wanted to suck my dick I would have 0 problems

I would politely decline, because I'm not a fucking faggot and I don't want to be seen with a tranny.

I would bow to her respectfully.

bully them by pretending to be gay and get them to admit traps are gay

Based and antidegeneratepilled

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I'd refuse because she isn't up to my standards. Nothing personal.

c-can we just be friends?