Wife found the philosophy/self-improvement/bodybuilding book collection

>wife found the philosophy/self-improvement/bodybuilding book collection

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I just learnt that shower heaters are literally just a live electrical wire connected to the running water in South America what the fuck. Are they oblivious to this or do they just not fucking care?

luckily she hasn't found the reaction image folder yet

They don’t have anything else.

You should visit Zig Forums, sometimes you learn fascinating things about other cultures.

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You either get clean or kill yourself. Seems like a win-win in Africa

>user why do you have 668 images of frogs meticulously sorted by their facial expressions

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south america is a continent of people who got by using only chegg but didn't learn anything after the class ended



My gf knows all about my book collection
but lord help me if she found my secret folder of lewd rape/scat/beast hentai games
I don't even jerk off to them I just like to play them

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f-for you

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I delete the games after playing.
For these to be discovered would be ruinous.

You have a wife?

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>I just like to play them

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For me it's;

>Jack ’o nine tails
>No haven
>Tales of Androgony
>Free Cities (pregmod)
>Corruption of Champions (modded)

>Not preaching your philosophy/self-improvement/bodybuilding beliefs and knowledge to her

Time to start.

Also love happy heart hell and happy heart panic - do recommend

How much of it is anti-semitism? This determines if you're going to make it or not.

They're actually not dangerous
>t. been using them my whole life

it will only be dangerous one time

KEK i actually had one of these when i was a bit poorer. shit short circuited but damn was that water nice and SCALDING hot. i miss it :(

>NatSoc gf finds the bleached folder

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I finally got a gf at the ripe age of 29 and I don't know what to do with the porn, meme pictures I collected for the last decade.

How are you still alive if it short circuited?


>bleached folder
Absolute cuck

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I showered in Uganda once and got shocked by this same shit. Just a mild tingle tho

How is colonizing poc wommens cuck, retard?

just wait until you discover about our TP bins.

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Europoor living in south America here
Can confirm, electrical installations are so bad it's almost comical
Love my coconut water tho

Ask your missus what it was like taking black dick faggot

>Europoor living in south America here

it's just the heat from the resistance being transferred to the water when it passes by it. it's not an electrical system with water running inside of it.

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